Nghĩa của từ radiological bằng Tiếng Đức

adiological [rədilɔdʒikl] radiologisch

Đặt câu có từ "radiological"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "radiological", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ radiological, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ radiological trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. acceptance testing of medical radiological equipment;

Abnahmeprüfungen der medizinisch-radiologischen Ausrüstung;

2. Radiological acro-osteolysis can be secondary to several diseases.

3. (4) Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Brassard

4. Bosniak was the normal radiological assessment procedure for cystic renal lesions

5. 4 Unfortunately, we have to worry about bioterrorism, chemical, radiological terrorism.

6. Radiological imaging only reflects the anatomy and its pathological abnormalities.

Radiologische Bilder spiegeln nichts anderes als die Anatomie und ihre pathologischen Abweichungen wider.

7. A Bullae can only be detected by a radiological method

8. We're reading a phenomenal drop in temperatures there. But simultaneous radiological activity.

9. On account of the anamnesis, clinical findings, and radiological images we diagnosed SAPHO syndrome.

Aufgrund der Anamnese und der klinischen und bildgebenden Befunde stellten wir die Diagnose eines SAPHO-Syndroms (Synovitis, Akne, Pustulosis, Hyperostose und Osteitis bzw.

10. Retrogressive change occurs at joints of cervical vertebral processes, shown by radiological examination.

11. Training programs in the professional radiological sciences lack congruence in education standards, practices and accreditation.

12. Counterterrorism Efforts to Combat a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Attack on the Homeland

13. It is unknown whether radiological evidence of pulmonary blebs or Bullae is a predictor of pneumothorax

14. Following the 2004 tsunami, the Madras Atomic Power Station was safely shutdown without any radiological consequences.

15. These variations cannot be dealt with by routine radiological analysis. — This is documented by anatomic material.

Sie entziehen sich routinemäßiger röntgenographischer Analyse.—Dies wird durch anatomische Unterlagen belegt.

16. Radiological follow-up for 10 patients: consolidation of fractures without dislocation and a fixed acetabular cup.

Radiologische Kontrolle bei 10 Patienten: je eine Konsolidierung der Fraktur ohne Dislokation und eine fest verankerte Pfannenkomponente.

17. Implement action plans for preventing access to explosives and chemical, biological radiological and nuclear substances | MS | Ongoing |

Umsetzung der Aktionspläne zur Verhinderung des Zugangs zu Explosivstoffen sowie zu chemischen, biologischen, radiologischen und nuklearen Stoffen | MS | in Arbeit |

18. - medical radiological practice: each type of activity resulting in exposure to ionizing radiation for medical purpose;

- Medizinisch-radiologische Verfahren: Alle Tätigkeiten, die zur Exposition gegenüber ionisierender Strahlung zu medizinischen Zwecken führen.

19. Cobe: A Radiological Analysis Pierre-Marie Robitaille Department of Radiology, The Ohio State University, 395 W

20. We provide custom designed X-ray Equipment: Radiological Collimators (Manual, Automatic or Motorized), Medical Collimation System

21. The assessment of these 3 radiological documents in an absolute comparison revealed closely corresponding angular values.

Die Beurteilung dieser drei radiologischen Unterlagen ergab im absoluten Vergleich annährend sich entsprechende Winkelwerte.

22. Jose Padilla , accused of planning to " make an improvised dirty bomb , " or a radiological dispersion device .

23. Prior to surgery a thorough clinical and radiological analysis followed by a graphical planning has to be performed.

Eine gründliche präoperative klinische und radiologische Analyse ist unabdingbar, gefolgt von einer zeichnerischen Planung.

24. The guidelines for drinking water quality recommended maximum acceptable levels for various physical, chemical, radiological, and microbiological substances.

25. The good biomechanical, clinical and radiological results support indications for Imhäuser osteotomy for slip angles between 30° and 60°.

Die Indikation zu diesem operativen Verfahren bei Gleitwinkeln zwischen 30 und 60° wird durch die guten klinischen und radiologischen Ergebnisse bestätigt.

26. Aspect is available to assist local, national, and international agencies supporting hazardous substance response, radiological incidents, and situational awareness

27. Absorbed dose is a measureable, physical quantity, while equivalent dose and effective dose are specifically for radiological protection purposes.

28. Objective : To analyse the clinical manifestations , radiological features and pathological changes and its causative pathogens of Madura foot ( Mycetoma ).

29. · A radiological meter capable of determining the presence of alpha particles, beta particles or gamma rays (geiger counter).

30. with accompanying signs (radiological signs, amyotrophy, etc.), this is a more severe condition than ankylosis | up to 40% |

Mit den entsprechenden Begleitsymptomen (röntgenologisch nachweisbar, Myatrophie usw.) schwerwiegender als eine Ankylose | Bis zu 40 % |

31. Her hulk was turned over to the custody of Joint Task Force One for radiological and structural studies.

32. The alpha angle according to Nötzli was about 91° preoperatively and about 62° in the most recent radiological follow-up.

Der Alpha-Winkel nach Nötzli lag präoperativ bei durchschnittlich 91°, zur jeweils letzten radiologischen Kontrolle bei 62°.

33. The clinical diagnosis of bacterial-induced myocarditis was confirmed by specific radiological findings of inflammation using cardiac magnetic resonance imaging.

Die klinische Diagnose einer bakteriell induzierten Myokarditis wurde durch spezifische radiologische Zeichen der Inflammation mittels kardialer Magnetresonanztomographie bestätigt.

34. 9 UDTT marketed its productions including the company's bioterrorism detection kits, BSM-2000 (real-time anthrax detector), and radiological detection systems.

35. On correlating the measurements between Cadaveric and radiological study, the p values were not statistically significant (p > 0.05)

36. Adenomyoma of ampulla of Vater is a benign neoplasm but its clinical and radiological features are similar to pancreatic or biliary cancer.

37. The diagnosis of acute and secondary chronic osteomyelitis of the jaws is made based on clinical findings and radiological imaging.

Die Diagnostik der akuten und sekundär-chronischen Osteomyelitis erfolgt in erster Linie klinisch und radiologisch.

38. The United States and India will work together to combat the threat of terrorists accessing and using chemical, biological, nuclear and radiological materials.

39. Furthermore radiological and histological signs of pulmonary and hepatic manifestation of sarcoidosis were observed, besides there were alopecia areata and choledocholithiasis.

Radiologisch sowie histologisch fand sich eine pulmonale sowie hepatische Manifestation einer Sarkoidose, zudem fielen eine Alopecia areata sowie eine Choledocholithiasis auf.

40. It must be differentiated from adamantinoma due to their radiological appearance, predilection for tibia and fibula, clinical picture, and certain histological similarities.

41. The Safe Drinking Water Act defines the term "Contaminant" as meaning any physical, chemical, biological, or radiological substance or matter in water

42. * with suspicion of lower airway involvement (clinical or radiological evidence of consolidation) not explained by any other infection or any other aetiology.

43. Medicolegal experts require specific radiological examination methods for the differentiation between accidental and non-accidental injuries, depending on the corresponding point in question.

Entsprechend der jeweiligen Fragestellung benötigen Rechtsmediziner spezifische radiologische Untersuchungsmethoden zur Differenzierung akzidentieller vs. nichtakzidentieller Verletzungen.

44. There was progressive wear of acetabular articular cartilage in 2 cases, but no clinical or radiological evidence of loosening of the femoral stem.

45. Purpose: To assess and quantify the association of haemophilic arthropathy, measured by the radiological Pettersson score, with the number of joint Bleeds suffered by the patient

46. Barium sulfate is also a good absorber of X-rays, which is why Barium sulfate beverages are often used in a number of radiological medical procedures (9)

47. A Contaminant is either a biological, chemical, physical or radiological substance that becomes harmful for humans or living organisms, when accidentally or deliberately introduced to air, water, soil or food.

48. Costophrenic angle Blunting is a radiological finding or diagnosis. Word Costo is used to describe disease related to ribs and phrenic word is used to describe disease close to diaphragm

49. 2. Member States shall provide information on contact points and, where necessary, of other services handling natural, technological, and radiological disasters or environmental accidents, including accidental marine pollution.

(2) Die Mitgliedstaaten machen darin Angaben zu den Kontaktstellen und, sofern erforderlich, anderen Diensten, die Natur-. technische und radiologische Katastrophen oder Umweltunfälle einschließlich unfallbedingter Meeresverschmutzung bewältigen.

50. Administration of iodinated contrast agent The intravascular administration of iodinated contrast agents in radiological studies can lead to renal failure which has been associated with lactic acidosis in patients receiving metformin

Anwendung jodhaltiger Kontrastmittel Die intravaskuläre Gabe jodhaltiger Kontrastmittel bei Röntgenuntersuchungen kann zu Niereninsuffizienz führen, die bei Patienten unter Metformin mit einer Laktatazidose in Verbindung gebracht wurde