Nghĩa của từ radio astronomy bằng Tiếng Đức

adio astronomy [reidiəəæstrɔnəmiː] Radioastronomie

Đặt câu có từ "radio astronomy"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "radio astronomy", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ radio astronomy, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ radio astronomy trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Well the answer is the science of radio astronomy.

2. This technique is now used in most radio astronomy observations.

3. Synonyms for Astronomies include astrophysics, astrometries, selenologies, stargazings, uranologies, astrochemistry, astrographies, astrolithology, radio astronomy

4. Arecibo has been a vital resource for radio astronomy, astrophysics, atmospheric studies and solar system astronomy

5. It has found numerous applications in radar, sonar, seismology, wireless communications, radio astronomy, acoustics and biomedicine.

6. The relevant radio astronomy stations and their associated exclusion zones should be defined and justified by national administrations

Dazu müssen die nationalen Verwaltungen die Funkastronomiestationen bestimmen und entsprechende Sperrzonen festlegen und begründen

7. The relevant radio astronomy stations and their associated exclusion zones should be defined and justified by national administrations.

Dazu müssen die nationalen Verwaltungen die Funkastronomiestationen bestimmen und entsprechende Sperrzonen festlegen und begründen.

8. The enemy of radio astronomy is the natural radio signals that we make on earth either deliberately or accidentally.

9. Although earth observation and radio astronomy receive considerable EU funding, the radio spectrum available for these activities is under pressure.

Zwar werden die Erdbeobachtung und die Radioastronomie erheblich von der EU gefördert, doch werden die dafür zur Verfügung stehenden Funkfrequenzen allmählich knapp.

10. The pioneer of amateur radio astronomy was Karl Jansky, who started observing the sky at radio wavelengths in the 1930s.

11. systems in adjacent bands, in particular in the Earth Exploration Satellite Service (passive) and in the Radio Astronomy Service in the 23,6-24,0 GHz frequency band;

Systeme in benachbarten Frequenzbändern, insbesondere den (passiven) Erderkundungsfunkdienst über Satelliten (EESS) und den Radioastronomiefunkdienst im Frequenzband 23,6-24,0 GHz;

12. In Arecibo's nearly 60 years of operation, the observatory's powerful capabilities made it a popular choice for researchers chasing breakthroughs in radio astronomy and atmospheric science

13. (WRC-2000) 5.385 Additional allocation: the band 1 718.8-1 722.2 MHz is also allocated to the radio astronomy service on a secondary basis for spectral line observations.

14. The radio astronomy service is allocated in the band 4950-4990 MHz on a primary basis and is protected under international footnote 5.149 (Footnote 1) from harmful interference.

15. Smart antenna techniques are used notably in acoustic signal processing, track and scan radar, radio astronomy and radio telescopes, and mostly in cellular systems like W-CDMA, UMTS, and LTE.

16. The development of radio astronomy, infrared astronomy and submillimetre astronomy in the 20th Century allowed the gas and dust of the Milky Way to be mapped for the first time.

17. (WRC-2000) MOD 5.385 (WRC-2000) Additional allocation: the band 1 718.8-1 722.2 MHz is also allocated to the radio astronomy service on a secondary basis for spectral line observations.

18. An early pioneer of radio astronomy was Grote Reber, an amateur astronomer who constructed the first purpose built radio telescope in the late 1930s to follow up on the discovery of radio wavelength emissions from space by Karl Jansky.

19. Toward 2025 the Arecibo Observatory (AO) will continue to be recognized as a world-leading radio astronomy, solar system radar and atmospheric physics facility, contributing highly relevant data to support discovery, innovation and the advancement of science for the well-being of human kind.

20. Astrophysical Bulletin is an international peer reviewed journal that publishes the results of original research in various areas of modern astronomy and astrophysics, including observational and theoretical astrophysics, physics of the Sun, radio astronomy, stellar astronomy, extragalactic astronomy, cosmology, and astronomy methods and instrumentation