Nghĩa của từ question of law bằng Tiếng Đức

question of law [kwestʃənɔflɔː] Rechtsfrage

Đặt câu có từ "question of law"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "question of law", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ question of law, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ question of law trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. 5 After Criminal Law revised, Retroactivity of criminal law is a question, which needs grasping accurately in the application of Law.

2. The law in question is the Surinamese Admittance Decision Act of

3. The question of characterization is a basic concern in international private law.

4. Question What particular use is there of the moral law to unregenerate men?

5. But this restatement of positive law does not address the question of “equality of arms”

6. Preliminary question is a common system problem in private international law.

7. Holonyms ("cross-question" is a part of): cross-examination ((law) close questioning of a hostile witness in a court of law to discredit or throw a new light on the testimony already provided in direct examination) Derivation: Cross question (question closely, or question a witness that has already been questioned by the opposing side)

8. Some years ago, a law professor conducted a survey by asking that question.

9. Many states' modern criminal laws are Codifications of the common law crimes, and when there is a question of statutory meaning, the courts: A: Look to the common law definitions to help in understanding the term in question

10. Question 4 in addition raises the issue of validity in relation to certain provisions of primary EU law.

In Frage 4 wird zudem die Frage nach der Gültigkeit in Bezug auf bestimmte Vorschriften des Primärrechts aufgeworfen.

11. My message addresses a fundamental question of great spiritual consequence: Why is the law of chastity so important?

12. The AC’s decision concerning the classification of the product in question therefore become final in Irish law.

Daher ist die Entscheidung der AC über die Einreihung des fraglichen Produkts nach irischem Recht rechtskräftig geworden.

13. We felt that there can be no question of fairness when the law effectively endorses unilateral decision.

14. The contractual liability of the Agency shall be governed by the law applicable to the contract in question.

Die vertragliche Haftung der Agentur bestimmt sich nach dem Recht, das auf den jeweiligen Vertrag anzuwenden ist.

15. The action in question was brought based on the law in force at that time.

Der genannte Einspruch wurde aufgrund der damals geltenden Vorschriften eingelegt.

16. The law of contradiction answers the question of "how many" characters the object has, but on the other hand, the dialectical contradiction gives the answer to the question of "what" characters are.

17. The question on Arbitrating competition law issues has not come up before a court in India

18. Cross question synonyms, Cross question pronunciation, Cross question translation, English dictionary definition of Cross question

19. The Council's action directly called into question the rules on openness and constitutional law at national level.

In dieser Eingabe werden einzelstaatliche Vorschriften zur Offenheit und die Verfassungen direkt in Frage gestellt.

20. That directive presupposes that acts contrary to international law have been committed in the conflict in question.

2 Buchst. e in Verbindung mit Art. 12 der Anerkennungsrichtlinie seien im Fall von Herrn Shepherd nicht erfüllt.

21. However, the wording of the question referred does not concern the interpretation of European Union law but refers more abstractly to the question whether a national court may grant a reduction of its own motion.

Die Vorlagefrage betrifft in ihrem Wortlaut jedoch nicht die Auslegung von Unionsrecht, sondern bezieht sich vielmehr abstrakt darauf, ob ein nationaler Richter eine Minderung von Amts wegen zusprechen kann.

22. Moreover, Estonia had addressed the actions of the law enforcement officers in question even before the judgements had been handed down.

23. Nor has it dealt with the question of a new citizenship law, though the Solingen atrocity has revived debate about this.

24. The question as to whether a correct interpretation of EU law precludes such national legislation cannot be answered in the abstract.

Die Frage, ob das Unionsrecht bei richtiger Auslegung diesen nationalen Rechtsvorschriften entgegensteht, kann nicht abstrakt beantwortet werden.

25. For instance, on a question involving the law of wagers, there is generally no need to discuss what is a wager.