Nghĩa của từ prudential bằng Tiếng Đức

prudential [pruːdenʃl] klüglich

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "prudential", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ prudential, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ prudential trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Prudential Annuities is a business of Prudential Financial, Inc.

2. Statutory prudential backstops

Gesetzlich vorgeschriebene aufsichtsrechtliche Letztsicherung

3. * Prudential Advisors is a brand name of The Prudential Insurance Company of America and its subsidiaries

4. 7 Usually, however , the ripeness defense reflects prudential considerations.

5. We must resurrect market discipline as a complement to prudential supervision.

6. Of which: Additional stricter prudential requirements based on Art 459

Davon: zusätzliche, strengere Aufsichtsanforderungen auf der Grundlage von Artikel 459

7. The prudential backstop should be applied at an exposure-by-exposure level.

Die aufsichtsrechtliche Letztsicherung sollte auf jede einzelne Risikoposition gesondert angewendet werden.

8. Variable Annuities are distributed by Prudential Annuities Distributors, Inc., Shelton, CT

9. Find a Financial Professional; Join our team; Learn more about Prudential Advisors

10. iv) a discarded option restricted to adjusting the prudential treatment of covered bonds;

iv) Option‚ die auf die Anpassung der aufsichtlichen Behandlung gedeckter Schuldverschreibungen beschränkt war und verworfen wurde,

11. Lauro Braganza offers financial planning and investment advisory services through Pruco Securities, LLC (Pruco), doing business as Prudential

12. Adopt appropriate prudential requirements and strengthen the supervisory process in the financial sector

Verabschiedung aufsichtsrechtlicher Bestimmungen und Stärkung des Aufsichtsverfahrens im Finanzsektor

13. Overall, improvements in accounting, capital regulation and macro-prudential supervision feature high on the agenda

Neben Verbesserung der Rechnungslegung und der Kapitalvorschriften stellen die makroprudenziellen Herausforderungen ein Hauptthema auf der Agenda dar

14. Peter Marro heads mortgage trading at Morgan Guaranty.. Andy Stone heads mortgage trading at Prudential-Bache.

15. In order to address pro-cyclicality on a macro prudential level, the Commission acknowledges the option of a time-variant capital buffer.

Die Kommission räumt ein, dass ein im Zeitverlauf variabler Kapitalpuffer eine Möglichkeit wäre, die Prozyklik auf der Ebene der Makroaufsicht anzugehen.

16. The Colonnade Hotel is a 7-minute walk from Symphony Hall and across from Prudential Train Station

17. On 18 October 19 the Prudential entered into two agreements with the developers of a freehold site.

18. * We urge all jurisdictions to adhere to the international standards in the tax, prudential and AML/CFT areas.

19. Prudential Variable Appreciable Life ® (VAL 60) – (9/1988 – 11/2001) VAL is a flexible premium variable life contract

20. as regards the ECB and national central banks, if the said statistical information is used in the field of prudential supervision;’

die genannten statistischen Daten werden im Falle der EZB oder im Falle von nationalen Zentralbanken im Bereich der Aufsicht verwendet.“

21. Work on prudential rules has also advanced. The proposal for a E-Money Directive is advancing through Council and European Parliament.

22. as regards the ECB and national central banks, if the said statistical information is used in the field of prudential supervision;

die genannten statistischen Daten werden im Falle der EZB oder im Falle von nationalen Zentralbanken im Bereich der Aufsicht verwendet,

23. (d) as regards the ECB and national central banks, if the said statistical information is used in the field of prudential supervision;

d) die genannten statistischen Daten werden im Falle der EZB oder im Falle von nationalen Zentralbanken im Bereich der Aufsicht verwendet;

24. Authorisations - Firms and individuals must apply to the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) for Authorisation to carry out any of the activities that we regulate

25. The cash infusion from Prudential-Bache was also used to develop a compiler system for the Ada programming language, targeted to the MIL-STD-1750A architecture.

26. Journey's neal schon slams Bandmates over trump meeting Bassist Ross Valory and drummer Steve Smith of the band Journey are seen at Prudential Center on June 15, 2018

27. Extending the scope of the credit risk and accounting information reported is particularly important in terms of financial stability analysis and such data will also be useful for prudential supervision purposes.

Die Ausweitung des Umfangs der zu meldenden Kreditrisiko- und Rechnungslegungsinformationen ist besonders bedeutend für die Analyse der Finanzstabilität. Gleichzeitig werden diese Daten für die Zwecke der Aufsicht nützlich sein.

28. –to address liquidity risk, the Directive lays down requirements for a liquidity buffer specifically related to the cover pool, complementing the prudential liquidity requirements in other relevant pieces of EU financial legislation;

–zur Minderung des Liquiditätsrisikos werden in der Richtlinie bestimmte Anforderungen bezüglich eines speziell für den Deckungspool existierenden Liquiditätspuffers festgelegt, um die aufsichtsrechtlichen Liquiditätsanforderungen anderer einschlägiger Rechtsvorschriften im Bereich der EU-Finanzvorschriften zu ergänzen;

29. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) is the primary global standard setter for the prudential regulation of banks and provides a forum for regular cooperation on banking supervisory matters

30. Macroeconomic risks and uncertainties are have also led to reduced lending to households and prudential tightening in the Baltic countries whilst Kazakhstan has experienced an abrupt halt in banks’ external funding.

31. Contributory Group Life Insurance - TPAF Contributory Group Life Insurance is underwritten by the Prudential Insurance Company of America, Inc., and is insurance for which the member pays a premium through payroll deductions

32. India andUSA have also agreed to continue to facilitate cooperation on international standard-setting activities, financial stability and the development and implementation of consumer protection through sound prudential regulation of the insurance sector.

33. The merits of the proposal are clear and significant and are important for a wide set of stakeholders and for different purposes, including monetary policy, macro-prudential policy, banking supervisory tasks, and credit market analysis.

Die Vorzüge des Vorschlags liegen auf der Hand; sie sind erheblich und für ein breites Spektrum von Interessenträgern sowie für verschiedene Zwecke von Bedeutung, u. a. für die Geldpolitik, die makroprudenzielle Politik, Aufgaben der Bankenaufsicht und die Analyse von Kreditmärkten.

34. In June 2000, an initial public offering of 21% was made to allow for further growth of the internet business but in February 2006 Prudential decided to repurchase the 21% share of Egg.

35. Whatever brings you to Newark, such as a Prudential Center, NJPAC or Newark Symphony Hall event, Chateau Of Spain is the destination restaurant that is more than a great choice for a great meal.

36. In kiloton.For my investment growth calculators, went post-free Fidelity Investments trimorphodon in a demandingly menstrual mon, I wheelchair Amphitheatered ronsdale; the 12 degrease hemispherical passifloraceaes unwieldiness phlegmatic.When canareses hit slavered to her it was the prudential investment growth calculators had chic when

37. Study Trust Bursaries (Anglo Vaal Industries) Study Trust Bursaries (Coronation Fund Managers) Study Trust Bursaries (FNB) Study Trust Bursaries (Peregrine-Citadel) Study Trust Bursaries (Prudential Portfolio Managers) Study Trust Bursary (School Grades 9 - 12) Study Trust Bursary (University of Technology) Study Trust Bursary (University)

38. Also known as prudential or enlightened Anthropocentrism, deep Anthropocentrism affirms that humans do have ethical obligations toward the environment in an indirect way, that is, to the extent that the way they relate with the environment has either a positive or negative impact on other humans.

39. Administration of EMS mechanisms and Community loans # mechanisms # ommunity loans Co-operation in the field of banking supervision and financial stability # he impact of Monetary Union on the EU banking systems # he EU banking systems and financial crises in emerging markets # acro-prudential analysis # nalysis of risk assessment systems Advisory functions Monitoring of compliance with the prohibition on monetary financing and on privileged access