Nghĩa của từ prolongation bằng Tiếng Đức

prolongation [proulɔŋgeiʃən] Verlängerung (zeitlich)

Đặt câu có từ "prolongation"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "prolongation", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ prolongation, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ prolongation trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Clozapine associated with QT prolongation

2. Other side effects include QT prolongation.

3. Prolongation of pregnancy At term is a known risk factor for stillbirth

4. Agogic accent definition is - stress secured through relative prolongation of the tones to be emphasized.

5. Objective: Prolongation of the Meat Generic Advertising Scheme (Wales) for 1 year with an increase of the budget

Zielsetzung: Verlängerung der Werbekampagne zur Steigerung des Fleischverbrauchs (Wales) um 1 Jahr mit einer Budgeterhöhung

6. It is the natural prolongation of the floor level that creates the so-called wall Cantilevering

7. Upon exceeding the flow capacity, backwater accumulates at the inflow causing a prolongation of high discharge into the system.

So werden bei einem hohen Zufluss Karstwegsamkeiten aktiviert, welche das Lurbach-Hammerbach-Abflusssystem mit dem weiter nördlich gelegenen Schmelzbach-System verbinden.

8. Continuation definition is - the act or fact of continuing in or the prolongation of a state or activity

9. An Appendage (or outgrowth) is an external body part, or natural prolongation, that protrudes from an organism's body.

10. At the Berlin Bundestag, Angela Merkel explained and defended the prolongation of the lockdown and her entire Corona policy

11. Only when the affected hemisphere was stimulated selectively were diminution of amplitudes, prolongation of latencies, or extinguished responses observed.

Zwischen ischämischen Insulten und Tumoren war kein Unterschied festzustellen.

12. Delayed Cord clamping is the prolongation of the time between the delivery of a newborn and the clamping of the umbilical Cord

13. The orthopedic treatment was non-esteroidal anti-inflamatory and Analgetics drug, with good results, and prolongation of antibiotic treatment up to 3 months.

14. The ADIUVO trial is testing the use of the adrenolytic substance mitotane for prolongation of disease-free survival after surgical removal of ACC.

15. Delayed cord Clamping is the prolongation of the time between the delivery of a newborn and the Clamping of the umbilical cord

16. The competition with impairment of the Biotransformation and prolongation of the half-life period of elimination for drugs was not yet proved human-pharmacologically

17. We observed in agranulocytosis due to drug allergy a prolongation of the time of generation of the precursors of granulocytes in the bone marrow.

Auch bei der medikamentös-allergisch ausgelösten Agranulozytose sahen wir 2mal kurzfristig im 1.

18. Appendage - a natural prolongation or projection from a part of an organism either animal or plant; "a bony process" outgrowth, process

19. In addition to the prolongation of the latency, a splitting of the sensory action potential and reduction of amplitude are sure signs of injury of the nerve.

Die Splitterung des sensiblen Antwortpotentials und dessen Amplitudenminderung ist neben der Verlängerung der Latenz ein besonders sicheres Schädigungszeichen.

20. Various terms related to the resonation process include amplification, enrichment, enlargement, improvement, intensification, and prolongation, although in strictly scientific usage acoustic authorities would question most of them.

21. The major areas of toxicity identified in the acute and chronic toxicity studies include prolongation of activated partial thromboplastin and prothrombin times, liver effects, thyroid effects, and gastrointestinal effects.

22. The prolongation of necrosis, abscess, or pseudocyst after acute pancreatitis may also lead to chronic inflammation of the pancreas, as may a diverticulum at the second part of the duodenum.

23. A verified correlation (chi-square test) was shown between angiographically demonstrated spasm of the brain arteries of the left side and negative T waves as well as a prolongation of the QT interval.

Statistisch konnte ein gesicherter Zusammenhang (Chi2-Test) zum einen zwischen angiographisch nachgewiesenen Spasmen der linksseitigen Hirnarterien und negativen T-Wellen sowie einer QT-Intervallverlängerung nachgewiesen werden.

24. With adequate physical fitness maintaining chemotherapy during lung cancer palliation offers 1.5 to 3 months of prolongation of survival, symptomatic relief, and an improvement in quality of life, with better results seen with modern agents.

25. In this study, isoflurane Bidirectionally altered the paired-pulse responses; that is, an increase in PPF under the low concentrations (0.25 and 0.5 MAC) and a prolongation of PPD under the high concentration of isoflurane (1.5 MAC) were shown

26. Entrapping of 2 ml of air within the syringe resulted in a 2.6-fold prolongation of the occlusion alarm time after accidental occlusion of the infusion line and a 3-fold increase of the resulting infusion bolus after occlusion.

Bei akzidentiellem Verschluss verlängerte sich die Zeit bis zum Okklusionsalarm bei 2 ml Lufteinschluss um das 2,6fache auf über 1 h, der resultierende Bolus nach Aufheben des Verschlusses verdreifachte sich.

27. Clozapine is a substrate for many cytochrome P450 isozymes, in particular CYP1A2, CYP2D6, and CYP3A4; Clozapine dosage modification may be required if coadministered with drugs that inhibit or induce metabolism of Clozapine (eg, CYP 1A2, 2D6, and 3A4 inhibitors) QT prolongation

28. Beneficial pharmacokinetic interactions include the improvement of the bioavailability of a drug (i.e., by enhancing absorption and/or inhibiting metabolism) or prolongation of a drug's plasma level within its therapeutic window (i.e., by decreasing excretion), whereas Beneficial pharmacodynamic interactions include additive or synergistic effects.

29. Such compositions may be used to treatment of coronary heart diseases, hypertension, heart failure, inflammatory bowel disease, Tachycardia, Flutter, atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, arryhthimias, valvular heart disease, stroke, cerebrovascular disease, ventricular fibrillation, QT prolongation, peripheral arterial disease, kidney diseases, diabetes related renal complications, hypertension, albuminuria, ESRD, Kidney GFR complications, Vascular Disease and Ventricular Septal Defect.

30. The Amazes study was a double-blind placebo-controlled trial where 420 adults with persistent symptomatic asthma, despite the current use of ICSs and long-acting bronchodilators, and who had no hearing impairment or prolongation of the corrected QT interval, were randomised to receive 500 mg of AZM three times per week or identical placebo for

31. Medial to the opening for the carotid canal and close to its posterior border, in front of the jugular fossa, is a triangular depression; at the apex of this is a small opening, the aquaeductus Cochleae (or cochlear aqueduct, or aqueduct of cochlea), which lodges a tubular prolongation of the dura mater establishing a communication between the perilymphatic space and the subarachnoid space

32. Where the land slopes Abruptly under water, these reefs are only a few yards in width, forming a mere ribbon or fringe round the shores: where the land slopes gently under the water the reef extends further, sometimes even as much as a mile from the land; but in such cases the soundings outside the reef always show that the submarine prolongation of the land is gently inclined.

33. In my view, however, both statements are quite unambiguous; moreover, the Minutes of the meeting of 16 August 1985 put the matter beyond any possible doubt by going on to record, at paragraph 7f(2 ), the Commission' s view that the tests should not be organized in such a way as to impose on the seller "un allongement sensible" ( an appreciable prolongation ) of the test period .

Ich halte beide Erklärungen jedoch für völlig eindeutig; ausserdem beseitigt das Protokoll der Sitzung vom 16. August 1985 jeden möglichen Zweifel in dieser Frage dadurch, daß es unter Punkt 7.f.2 die Auffassung der Kommission wiedergibt, die Kontrollen dürften nicht so durchgeführt werden, daß sie dem Verkäufer "un allongement sensible" (eine spürbare Verlängerung) der Probezeit aufzwängen.