Nghĩa của từ pressing after bằng Tiếng Đức

pressing after [presiŋɑːftər] nachdrängend

Đặt câu có từ "pressing after"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "pressing after", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ pressing after, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ pressing after trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. After pressing, the collected juice is stored in tanks.

2. After pressing samples of juice should be taken for analysis.

Nach dem Pressen sind Saftproben zur Analyse zu entnehmen.

3. An optional fermentation step before or after the pressing may occur.

Vor oder nach dem Pressen kann eine Fermentation stattfinden.

4. Note: After a manual merge the user should continue by pressing F

5. Bushin Gokusanken - San is executed by pressing Heavy Punch after Bushin Gokusanken - Ni

6. The ACD process lifts up the chest with a suction device after pressing it.

Bei dem ACD-Verfahren wird der Brustkorb nach dem Druckstoß mittels einer Saugglocke wieder angehoben.

7. After pressing Ctrl+Alt+I, the KSIRC window will be activated, if it exists. Simple

Wenn Sie Strg+Alt+I drücken, wird das KSIRC-Fenster aktiviert (sofern es eines gibt).Name

8. The pulpability of sweet sorghum stalk after pressing sugar juice was investigated in this paper.

9. The present invention relates to a die-casting apparatus which cools metals after hot pressing.

10. After pressing and drying them, attach them to your card to add pleasure and taste. —See box.

11. pressing in mills: juice is extracted by repeatedly pressing the cane in mills,

Pressen in Mühlen: Der Zuckerrohrsaft wird durch wiederholtes Pressen in Mühlen gewonnen.

12. Pressing On Despite Trials

13. (Blowline) after defibration or sprayed after fibre drying in a resin drum-blender to glue the fibres together in subsequent hot-pressing (Gran, 1982)

14. 8 Pressing roll, cosh pressing roll or EUTAC system are used in heating section.

15. Temperature measurement electronic thermometer occurs after pressing the start button, and after the alarm notifies you after the measurement can be viewed on the LCD screen figures in temperature.

Temperaturmessung elektronischen Thermometer tritt nach Betätigen der Starttaste, und nach dem Alarm informiert Sie nach der Messung auf dem LCD-Bildschirm Zahlen der Temperatur betrachtet werden können.

16. While creating objects or changing their size, after pressing Option Alt key, the object will be centricly constructed

Beim Erstellen oder bei einer Größenveränderung von Objekten wird bei zuvor gedrückter (Option) (Alt) Taste zentrisch konstruiert

17. The Centre immediately initiated action after the audit of the Court of Auditors and is pressing for reimbursement.

Das Zentrum hat auf die vom Rechnungshof durchgeführte Kontrolle hin unverzüglich Maßnahmen ergriffen und treibt die Mehrwertsteuerrückforderung voran.

18. pressing/juicing of apples,

Keltern/Entsaften der Äpfel,

19. Citrus fruit pressing device and method for pressing juice from a piece of citrus fruit

20. A Stooges record, a first pressing.

21. Thank you for not pressing charges.

22. Hand beading, Bezzling, sewing, cutting, pressing

23. He's pressing me for an answer.

24. He was so pressing I couldn'trefuse.

25. His body was pressing against hers.