Nghĩa của từ preferring bằng Tiếng Đức

preferring [prifəːriŋ] bevorzugend, vorziehend

Đặt câu có từ "preferring"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "preferring", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ preferring, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ preferring trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. She may like groups, he preferring solitude.

2. It is a shade preferring Barnacle

3. His western disciples formed no large communes, mostly preferring ordinary independent living.

4. Lithuania, preferring peace to war, accepted the ultimatum on March 19.

5. 4 For he suffered them for an example, preferring one another.

6. She scorns the visible trappings of success, preferring to live unnoticed.

7. This timid snake rarely comes near people, preferring undisturbed marshy areas.

8. I rarely spoke to express preferences, preferring to use body language.

9. As an adult, it eats flower nectar, preferring thistles, balsamroot, and phlox.

10. The black giant squirrel rarely enters plantations or settlements, preferring the wild forest.

11. So far, the company has refused to play ball, preferring to remain independent.

12. She may be afraid, preferring her present discomfort to some imagined hospital trauma.

13. Romans 12 - [Be] kindly Affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;

14. Like all pigs, Babirusas are excellent swimmers, preferring to live near bodies of water

15. Bitterns live in the marshes and along lagoons and waterways, preferring long grasses and cattails

16. Douglas held his tongue, preferring not to speak out on a politically sensitive issue.

17. Preferring open areas, eastern Bluebirds are often seen along roadsides, parks, and yards

18. Beavers sleep throughout the day, preferring to come out during sunrise and sunset

19. I'm more of a freewheeling adventurer preferring to travel in the mountains all by myself.

20. The coyote avoided the entire area, preferring the corner where the fence joined the llamas' field.

21. He was also opposed to Irish Home Rule, instead preferring a form of dual monarchy.

22. Be kindly Affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another

23. Eitan was ambivalent, preferring to limit the attack to a signal to the Syrians.

24. Oakley, for example, has straight resting hooks on all their glasses, preferring to call them "earstems".

25. 2 However, the government continued to resist demands for universal suffrage, preferring a power-sharing system.

26. However, Bliss was hostile to complete analysis, preferring to opt for a more detailed enumeration of subjects.

27. 15 However, the government continued to resist demands for universal suffrage, preferring a power-sharing system.

28. A Bogeyman rarely confronts a party of adventurers, preferring to attack a lone individual when it is most vulnerable.

29. 10 Bee kindly Affectioned one to another with brotherly loue, in honour preferring one another

30. We do not engage in stock-exchange trading ourselves, preferring to work with various brokers.

Wir unterhalten keinen eigenen Börsenhandel, sondern arbeiten mit verschiedenen Brokern zusammen.

31. I declined, preferring to discuss certain topics of interest to me, such as baptism and the Trinity.

32. Be kindly Affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; KJV, YLT, DARBY, ASV

33. "In love of the brethren be tenderly Affectioned one to another; in honor preferring one another;."

34. A moral essay, preferring solitude to publick employment, and all it's Appanages such as fame, command, riches

35. It does not target the introduction of particular services and technologies, preferring a studied neutrality across the board.

Sie hat nicht die Einführung bestimmter Dienste oder Technologien zum Ziel, sondern bleibt hinsichtlich dieser Frage bewußt neutral.

36. People don't have the energy to say much, preferring to use their newspapers to keep others at bay.

37. They eschewed grand schemes of schematic explanation, preferring empirical explorations of the particular, with close attention to analyzing function.

38. She occupied herself with the building of churches and monasteries, preferring to distance herself from the power struggles of the court.

39. 10 Be kindly Affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; Read full chapter

40. Like virtually all catfish, it is nocturnal, preferring to feed at night, although young feed during the day.

41. Romans 12: 10 Be kindly Affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;

42. The young men seem to be preferring some request which the elder ones are indisposed to grant.

43. 26 Buyers often develop strong loyalties to suppliers, preferring not to make changes unless they are unavoidable.

44. Unlike aardvarks, Aardwolves usually leave the termite mounds intact, preferring to lick termites off the surface of the soil

45. They also reject secular governments and practise a form of pacifist, agrarian socialism, generally preferring communal ownership of farms.

46. The author of a good novel wouldn't complain that readers were unfair for preferring a potboiler with a racy cover.

47. 20 Today the leading players have generally abandoned such violent methods, preferring to indulge in insider trading or to line their pockets.

48. Cherishing is not based on infatuation but authenticity — on knowing someone, preferring someone, and choosing someone above all others

49. Noblemen and clergy rarely deign to venture below, preferring to ignore or speak in hushed tones of the Brume…

50. An Airhead doesn't need to express "deep" emotions, preferring to stay blissfully ignorant of stresses and cares