Nghĩa của từ postoperatively bằng Tiếng Đức

postoperatively [pəstɔpərətivliː] postoperative

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "postoperatively", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ postoperatively, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ postoperatively trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Most scotomas had steeper borders postoperatively.

T. erheblich.

2. The patients were allowed full weight bearing 2 weeks postoperatively.

3. In 70 tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy cases, restlessness was significantly diminished postoperatively.

4. ACD changed from 2.44 ± 0.47 mm preoperatively to 3.33 ± 0.72 mm postoperatively.

Die Vorderkammertiefe von präoperativ 2,42 ± 0,47 mm vertiefte sich auf 3,33 ± 0,72 mm.

5. No significant change in pelvic descent or anorectal angle was seen postoperatively.

Es wurde postoperativ keine signifikante Veränderung in bezug auf die Beckenbodenebene und den anorektalen Winkel beobachtet.

6. Dermatoplasty was performed for large area skin defect in 2 to 3 weeks postoperatively.

7. Global quality of life and emotional function increased significantly postoperatively (P < 0.001) in both groups.

Postoperativ besserten sich die globale Lebensqualität und die emotionale Situation in beiden Gruppen signifikant (p &lt; 0,01), Gewichtsverlust und Ikterus sowie Übelkeit/Erbrechen (DPPHR) bzw.

8. Postoperatively, the main emphasis focussed on clinical presentation, improvement of hip range of motion, and pain relief.

9. Postoperatively, all patients were asked to rate the quality of care during preparation for general anesthesia.

Hierbei korrelierte die Selbstauskunft mit der Dignität der Grunderkrankung.

10. For restoring binocular vision postoperatively, the fusionable residual angle of 7–8° should not be exceeded.

Damit postoperativ Binokularsehen wiederhergestellt werden kann, sollte der vermutlich maximal fusionierbare Restwinkel von 7–8° Restzyklodeviation nicht überschritten werden.

11. One patient, preoperatively known to have intermittent tachybradycardia, received a pacemaker 2 months postoperatively for sinus bradycardia.

Ein Patient erhielt 2 Monate postoperativ, wegen Sinusbradykardie, einen Schrittmacher (6%).

12. 9 Temporal postoperative cranial nerve paresis occurred in 3 patients but no CSF leak, and 1 patient went coma postoperatively.

13. Normalization of amino acid absorption can be demonstrated postoperatively in obese patients with the help of absorption curves.

Durch Resorptionskurven bei operierten Adipösen kann die Normalisierung der Aminosäuren resorption nachgewiesen werden.

14. No significant change in resting anal pressure, maximum squeeze pressure, pelvic descent or anorectal angle was seen postoperatively.

Es wurde postoperativ keine signifikante Veränderung in bezug auf den Ruhe- und Kontraktionsdruck, die Beckenbodenebene und den anorektalen Winkel beobachtet.

15. Ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) allows detection of the haptic position postoperatively and determination of its relationship to adjacent intraocular structures.

Mittels Ultraschallbiomikroskopie (UBM) soll die Lage der Linsenbügel in Beziehung zu den Vorderabschnittstrukturen bestimmt werden.

16. 11 The biochemical results ( AKP, r - GT , TB,( DB ) checked postoperatively turned apparently compared with the preoperative results.

17. Postoperatively, pathologic examination confirmed the diagnosis of abdominal actinomycosis in which the characteristic finding of sulfur granules in the resected specimen was demonstrated.

18. The mean serum concentrations shifted up the 3rd day postoperatively to 722% in Benignities and to 1814% in malignancies respectively

19. 8 Temporal postoperative cranial nerve paresis occurred in 3 patients but no CSF leak, and 1 patient went coma postoperatively.

20. Control of accuracy was via observation of the manifestation of neck node metastases in 45 patients who were postoperatively irradiated.

Die Kontrolle der Genauigkeit erfolgte über die Manifestation von Hals-LK-Metastasen bei 45 Patienten, die keine postoperative Bestrahlung erhalten hatten.

21. Postoperatively she developed recurrent tubal malfunction and middle ear effusions on the left side, with no improvement after adenotomy, tonsillectomy, and grommet insertion.

Kurze Zeit postoperativ kam es zu rezidivierenden Tubenfunktionsstörungen mit Paukenergüssen linksseitig. Keine Besserung trotz Adenotomie, Tonsillektomie und Paukenröhrcheneinlagen.

22. The VAS was reduced in both groups. 36.8 % of the ALIF group and 44.7 % of the PLIF group reported a reduced pain medication postoperatively.

Die VAS reduzierte sich in beiden Untersuchungsgruppen. 36,8 % der Patienten der ALIF-Gruppe und 44,7 % der Patienten der PLIF-Gruppe gaben eine Schmerzmittelreduktion an.

23. 17 Methods: Propafenone and amiodarone were given intravenously to 20 patients with permanent pacemaker 3 months postoperatively in which 13 patients were with temporary pacing system.

24. There was a significant increase in AFP postoperatively in 40% of the Abruptiones; after amniocenteses such behavior was far less pronounced (18.5%)

25. It was shown that linguodental affricates and dorsofaucal plosives were especially affected, even preoperatively, in patients with T3 and T4 tumors, while additional deterioration of speech function occurred postoperatively.

Es zeigte sich, daß insbesondere bei T3- und T4-Tumoren s-Laute sowie Plosive bereits präoperativ besonders beeinträchtigt waren.

26. Actinomycosis of the appendix is an infrequent pathology. Diagnosis is frequently done postoperatively on the analysis of a surgical specimen. Histology is required for confirmation.

27. Four weeks postoperatively the test could not be carried out, for the anchorage of the tendons at the material testing machine was not possible for over 15 kg stress-strain.

Nach 4 Wochen konnte keine Aussage gemacht werden, da die Anastomose jeweils stärker als die Verankerung der Fixation an der Reißmaschine war.

28. Nevertheless, the lowest value (2275 N) recorded for the maximum loading capacity in our study means that in a normal weight person full weight-bearing can be allowed postoperatively.

Jedoch erlaubt selbst der bei der Bestimmung der maximalen Belastbarkeit ermittelte niedrigste Einzelwert mit 2275 N dem Normalgewichtigen postoperative Vollbelastung.

29. 15 Total resection was performed in 11 patients, subtotal resection in and partial resection in Transient cranial nerve paresis occurred newly in 3 patients postoperatively. No death occurred.

30. 17 Total resection was performed in 11 patients, subtotal resection in and partial resection in Transient cranial nerve paresis occurred newly in 3 patients postoperatively. No death occurred.

31. RESULTS: The mortality rate was 0%. 11 (16%) of 70 patients had medical complications (pneumonia, 9; arrhythmia, 2) and 16 (23%) had surgery-related complications (wound infection, 12; anastomotic leakage, 5) postoperatively.

ERGEBNISSE: Die Mortalitätsrate betrug 0 %. Postoperativ hatten 11 (16 %) der 70 Patienten medizinische Komplikationen (Pneumonitis, 9; Arrhythmie, 2) und 16 (23 %) hatten chirurgische Komplikationen (Wundinfektion, 12; Anastomoseninsuffizienz, 5).

32. Patients with ERF, who showed a continuous IS/OS-junction in the OCT at the last checkup, showed pre- and postoperatively better visual acuity (0.41 ± 0.20 vs. 0.27 ± 0.11, p = 0.084 and 0.58 ± 0.22 vs.

Bei PatientInnen mit ERF, die bei der letzten Kontrolle eine durchgehende IS/OS-Junction im OCT aufwiesen, hatten sowohl präals auch postoperativ einen besseren Visus (0,41 ± 0,20 vs. 0,27 ± 0,11, p = 0,084 und 0,58 ± 0,22 vs. 0,38 ± 0,15, p = 0,053).

33. 16 Postoperatively, there was no any brain retraction injury demonstrated on CT scan in all cases, no evidence of enophthalmos, paresis of the frontal muscle, as well as the damage to the visual acuity.

34. Particularly impressive and the most satisfying for the patients was the increase of the uncorrected visual acuity despite frequent cases of amblyopia: preoperatively 0.19 in the mean (range: 0.02-0.5) and postoperatively 0.41 (range: 0.05–1.0).

Besonders eindrucksvoll und entscheidend für die Zufriedenheit der Patienten war der Anstieg des unkorrigierten Visus, trotz häufig vorliegender Amblyopie: Einem präoperativen Mittelwert von 0,19 (0,02-0,5) steht ein postoperativer Mittelwert von 0,41 (0,05-1,0) gegenüber.

35. To improve patient selection, procedural planning, root-cause analysis postoperatively for assessment of treatment effects and to make better communication of findings to nonradiologists possible, volume rendering techniques (VRT) are a beneficial adjunct to source images.

Die 3D-Visualisierung kann als Volume-rendering-Technik (VRT) effektiv bei der Patientenselektion, Therapieplanung und Nachsorge behilflich sein und in der interdisziplinären Kommunikation des klinischen Alltags ergänzend zu den Quelldaten eingesetzt werden.

36. The aim of this study of 101 pre- and postoperatively controlled hypersecreting pituitary adenomas (80 Acromegalies, 15 Cushing's diseases, 6 Nelson's syndromes) was to establish in what cases a selective adenoma extirpation by the transnasal route is possible and advisable.

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38. Postoperative pressure rises exceeding 25 mm Hg 6 and 18 hours postoperatively were found in 0% and 3% following carbachol, 10% and 7% following small-incision surgery with acetylcholine, 10% and 10% following 7 mm incisions with acetylcholine and 27% and 13% in the control group.

Druckspitzen &gt; 25 mm Hg werden 6 und 18 Stunden postoperativ nach Carbachol in 0% und 3% (18 Stunden), nach Azetylcholin und 3,5-mm-Inzision in 10% und 7%, nach Azetylcholin und 7-mm-Inzision in 10% und 10% sowie in der Kontrollgruppe in 27% und 13% beobachtet.

39. Pre-operatively we could demonstrate: 1) Increased UCP in 8 of 10 patients, regardless of the secretory pattern; 2) Response to alpha-adrenolytic agents in 7 of 9 patients; and postoperatively: 3) Good correlation between a positive alpha-blocker test and a decrease in urethral pressure in 3 of 5 patients.

40. This retrospective study was undertaken to analyze data from patients receiving iodine-125 ([125I]) seed brachytherapy postoperatively for the treatment of acinic cell carcinoma (ACC) of the parotid gland along with the following risk factors: residual tumor, recurrent tumor, facial nerve invasion, positive resection margins, advanced tumor stage, or tumor spillage.

Diese retrospektive Studie wurde durchgeführt, um die Daten von Patienten zu analysieren, die postoperativ eine Seed-Brachytherapie mit Iod-125 ([125I]) zur Behandlung von Azinuszellkarzinomen der Ohrspeicheldrüse mit begleitenden Risikofaktoren, wie Residualtumor, Rezidivtumor, Invasion in den N. facialis, positive (= nicht tumorfreie) Resektionsränder, fortgeschrittenes Tumorstadium oder lokale Verbreitung von Tumorzellen während der Resektion aufwiesen.