Nghĩa của từ poorer bằng Tiếng Đức

poorer [peərər] armseligere, ärme

Đặt câu có từ "poorer"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "poorer", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ poorer, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ poorer trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. The poorer countries have huge debts.

2. The rich grow richer, and the poor poorer.

3. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

4. Most of it's in the poorer nations of the world.

5. The lower tax rate is particularly advantageous to poorer families.

6. The rich man looked down on his poorer neighbors.

7. Even those from poorer backgrounds - traditionally fitter - find exercise boring.

8. We have concerns about whether the government will be able to provide viable social services for poorer families/provide poorer families with viable social services.

9. When poorer people use credit, mail order is the key source.

10. The poorer, low-income countries had very little access to capital markets.

11. The common Cockle is regularly used as food by the poorer classes

12. Accelerated depreciation on Rental Housing built by Corporates for the poorer sections.

13. There are lots of really sordid apartments in the city's poorer areas.

14. The use of horese for ploughing still prevails among the poorer farmers.

15. The reforms served only to intensify the misery of the poorer peasants.

16. The use of horses for ploughing still prevails among the poorer farmers.

17. These “diseases of affluent societies” are also spreading through the poorer nations.

Diese „Krankheiten der wohlhabenden Gesellschaft“ breiten sich auch in ärmeren Ländern aus.

18. (Luke 21:2, 3) Similarly, Christians in poorer circumstances do what they can.

19. The development of cor pulmonale is generally associated with poorer prognosis and increased death.

20. Breakdowns in the cold chain integrity result in poorer quality, if not spoilage.

21. It's the same old story - the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

22. Slums or poorer residential and industrial quarters have not been extensively excavated in Mesopotamia.

23. Huge projects designed to aid poorer countries can sometimes do more harm than good.

24. Synonyms for Barrener include arider, bonier, deader, poorer, starker, barer, emptier, austerer, bleaker and harsher

25. The World Bank can use its clout with poorer countries to insist on reforms.

26. "Of the Billionaires who remain, 51% are poorer than they were last year

27. Advanced squamous cell carcinoma seems to have a poorer prognosis compared to advanced adenocarcinoma.

Die Prognose des fortgeschrittenen Plattenepithelkarzinoms scheint schlechter als die des fortgeschrittenen Adenokarzinoms zu sein.

28. An attendant phenomenon of rapid globalization is accelerating urban growth, especially in poorer countries.

29. Nerves afflict everyone in some way, and without them acting would be the poorer.

30. But thirty years later, Shantou had grown poorer while Hong Kong's economy had taken off.

31. The richer countries of the world should take Concerted action to help the poorer countries

32. He intends to redistribute income from the middle class to poorer paid employees and pensioners.

33. When internalized by older adults themselves, Ageist views can lead to poorer mental and physical health

34. The parcel consisted of one # carat stone and some smaller stones of much poorer quality

35. The richer countries of the world should take concerted action to help the poorer countries.

36. 1 The development of cor pulmonale is generally associated with poorer prognosis and increased death.

37. Usually outside stairs or, in the poorer homes, ladders led from the courtyard to the roof.

38. In some areas there are even legal aid bureaus that provide free lawyers for poorer people.

39. They have higher blood pressure, poorer cholesterol profiles and reduced glucose tolerance -- a precursor of diabetes.

40. There were also pledges to soften the impact of the subsidy cuts on the poorer regions.

41. The poorer towns felt themselves Aggrieved, and often put insuperable obstacles in the way of the collector

42. The farther from the top, the Coarser are the leaves and the poorer is the quality.

43. 16 A social worker must identify himself & lt ; with & gt ; the poorer classes of the community.

44. People who live in that area tend to look down their noses at their poorer neighbours.

45. 9 He intends to redistribute income from the middle class to poorer paid employees and pensioners.

46. The poorer servile classes or Cottiers, wood-cutters, swine-herds, &c., who had a right of domicile (acquired after three generations), lived here and there in small hamlets on the mountains and poorer lands of the estate

47. The Kingdom Browbeats poorer governments if they advocate better treatment of their émigrés

48. Poorer countries are simply a resource for big business-cheap labour, cheap dumping grounds, cheap plunder.

49. The bit about help for poorer countries had obviously just been tacked on as an afterthought.

50. • Conditions are even worse in poorer provinces, where children often are taught under trees or in Cowsheds.