Nghĩa của từ keratitis bằng Tiếng Đức

keratitis [kəːrətaitis] Hornhautentzündung

Đặt câu có từ "keratitis"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "keratitis", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ keratitis, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ keratitis trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Keratitis.

2. • Keratitis Complications

3. Ulcerative keratitis.

4. Keratitis was an occasional finding.

5. Punctate keratitis occurs in the infected area.

6. Keratitis Definition Inflammation of the cornea.

7. This condition is called ulcerative keratitis.

8. You told the feds I have keratitis!

9. No postoperative bacterial keratitis or perforation occurred.

Postoperativ zeigte sich keine infektiöse Keratitis oder Perforation.

10. Filamentous fungal keratitis represents a serious infection of the eye.

Die Fadenpilzkeratitis stellt eine schwerwiegende Infektion des Auges dar.

11. Several types of keratitis and corneal involvement are found.

Verschiedene Formen der Keratitis werden beobachtet.

12. Mr. Wolfe, we understand that you have keratitis.

13. 9 Cogan's syndrome consists of an interstitial keratitis.

14. Use of topical NSAIDs may result in keratitis

Topische NSAID können eine Keratitis verursachen

15. Empirical combined regimens remain an effective treatment of contact lens-related keratitis.

Bakterielle Erreger der kontaktlinsenassoziierten Keratitis bleiben durch empirische Kombinationsregime sehr gut behandelbar.

16. Herpetic keratitis Definition Viral infection of the cornea with ulcer formation.

17. Keratitis punctata superficialis and dry eye symptoms are the most frequent postoperative complications.

Zu den häufigsten postoperativen Komplikationen zählen die Keratitis punctata superficialis sowie Symptome des trockenen Auges.

18. Eye disorders Common: conjunctivitis, corneal opacity, keratitis, photophobia, eye pain Uncommon: blepharitis

19. • infection, also called ulcerative keratitis, can rapidly lead to blindness; and,

20. • Visual acuity (which is decreased in keratitis, uveitis and acute glaucoma)

21. Photostable pharmaceutical composition containing brivudine for the treatment of herpetic keratitis

22. Scrophulous keratitis, a historic European term, does not occur any longer in “developed” countries.

Die skrophulöse Keratitis tritt heute bei uns nicht mehr auf.

23. It is suggested that Acyclovir is an effective therapeutic agent in Herpes Simplex Keratitis.

Wir sind der Ansicht, daß Acyclovir ein wirksames Therapeutikum bei Herpes simplex-Keratitis ist.

24. Acanthamoeba keratitis was the correct initial diagnosis in only 23.2 % of cases.

Bei 23,2 % der Augen wurde eine Akanthamöbenkeratitis initial korrekt diagnostiziert.

25. Diffuse lamellar keratitis (DLK) is a sterile inflammation after lamellar corneal surgery.

Die diffuse lamelläre Keratitis (DLK) ist eine sterile Entzündung, die nach lamellierender Hornhautchirurgie auftreten kann.

26. I've seen alkali keratitis go both ways, but this doesn't look good.

27. Sixty cases with frequent recurrent dendritic keratitis were selected for our research.

Sechzig Fälle mit häufig rezidivierender Keratitis dendritica erhielten Poly I:C und wurden mit einer IDU-Kontrollgruppe verglichen, wobei klinische Daten mit Laborergebnissen korreliert wurden.

28. Therefore the term „keratitis“ should be replaced by the term „keratopathia filamentosa”.

Die Bezeichnung Keratitis filiformis sollte daher besser durch den Ausdruck Keratopathia filamentosa ersetzt werden.

29. The ink might not remain in the cornea and could possibly cause keratitis.

30. corneal erosion, keratitis, eyelid pain, eye allergy, conjunctival oedema, eyelid oedema, eyelids pruritus

31. Overnight orthokeratology and Acanthamoeba keratitis Regional Adverse Reaction Centres: relocation Summary of advisories

32. Early diagnosis and treatment however, are essential to successfully treat post-LASIK keratitis.

Eine erfolgreiche Therapie ist bei frühzeitiger Diagnose und konsequenter Behandlung aber durchaus zu erreichen.

33. Patient 1 developed snowflake-like keratitis without inflammatory response in a decompensated corneal allograft.

Patient 1 entwickelte reizarme schneeflockenartige Einlagerungen im schon länger dekompensierten Hornhauttransplantat.

34. Treatment of comparable rabbits with the local zinc resulted in no change herpetic keratitis.

Die Behandlung solcher Tiere mit lokalen Zink-Gaben führte dann zu einer milderen Herpeskeratitis ähnlich wie in den Kontrollgruppen.

35. Acanthamoeba keratitis may lead to vision loss, with some patients requiring a corneal transplant.

36. CONCLUSIONS: Contact lens wear ist the most important risk factor for severe microbial keratitis.

SCHLUSSFOLGERUNG: Kontaktlinsen stellen den bedeutendsten Risikofaktor für die Entwicklung einer schweren mikrobiellen Keratitis dar.

37. Hereditary tyrosinaemia type II (Richner-Hanhart syndrome) presents with keratitis and Blisterous lesions of the palms and soles.

38. Interestingly, Acanthamoeba keratitis has remained significant, despite our advances in antimicrobial chemotherapy and supportive care.

39. Non-preserved topical corticosteroid for treatment of dry eye, filamentary keratitis, and delayed tear clearance

40. Only actidione reproducibly inhibited the course of the keratitis herpetica during the first four days.

Actidion hemmte in den ersten 4 Tagen nach der Infektion den Verlauf beträchtlich.

41. Eye 17 (2003) 989-995 Sacchetti M, Lambiase A, Diagnosis and management of neurotrophic keratitis.

42. Rosacea keratitis has an unfavourable prognosis and may lead to vision loss in severe cases.

Rosazea-Keratitis ist mit einer ungünstigen Prognose verbunden und kann in schweren Fällen zum Sehverlust führen.

43. Rarely, HSV-1 infection can also lead to more severe complications such as encephalitis or keratitis (eye infection).

44. Concretions; Conjuntivalization of the Cornea; Corneal Neovascularization; Cystinosis; Diffuse Scleritis; Epithelial Staining in Graft-Versus-Host Disease; Exposure Keratitis; Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis; Interstitial Keratitis; Iris Mamillations; Kayser-Fleischer Ring; Keratic Precipitates; Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca in Graft-Versus-Host

45. This article presents a case report of a rare ocular manifestation of psoriasis; psoriasis-associated keratitis.

Nachfolgend wird anhand eines Fallbeispiels eine seltene okuläre Manifestation der Psoriasis dargestellt: die psoriasisassoziierte Keratitis.

46. Although the pathogenesis of microbial keratitis is not well understood, many different factors have been investigated.

47. However, if the infection is chronic, sclerosing keratitis can occur, making the affected area become opaque.

48. Pharmaceutical preparations for the topical treatment of mucocutaneous herpes infections and herpetic keratitis of the eye

Arzneimittelzubereitungen zur topischen behandlung mukokutaner herpesinfektionen sowie der keratitis herpetica des auges

49. The main spectrum of eye involvement comprises keratoconjunctivitis sicca, episcleritis and scleritis as well as ulcerative keratitis.

Im Vordergrund des Erkrankungsspektrums stehen jedoch Keratoconjunctivitis sicca, Episkleritis und Skleritis sowie ulzerative Keratitiden.

50. Serious neuroparalytic keratitis only occurred in 2.8% of the cases and significant disorders only remained in 0.8%.

Nur in 2,8% der Fälle kam es zu einer ernsthaften Keratitis neuroparalytica, die in nur 0,8% nennenswerte Störungen hinterließ.