Nghĩa của từ keep within (reasonable) limits bằng Tiếng Đức

keep within (reasonable) limits [kiːpwiθinriːznəbllimits] sich in Grenzen halte

Đặt câu có từ "keep within reasonable limits"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "keep within reasonable limits", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ keep within reasonable limits, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ keep within reasonable limits trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Contain: [verb] to keep within limits: such as

2. This should help keep the RAL of such commitments within acceptable limits.

Dies dürfte dazu beitragen, dass der RAL aus diesen Mittelbindungen innerhalb akzeptabler Grenzen bleibt.

3. Officials – Actions – Time-limits – Claim for compensation addressed to an institution – Duty to act within a reasonable time

Beamte – Klage – Fristen – An ein Organ gerichteter Schadensersatzantrag – Einhaltung einer angemessenen Frist

4. The state parameters in the lattice occupy a wide dynamic range with values within reasonable power supply limits.

5. Most free societies accept such limits as reasonable.

Die meisten freien Gesellschaften halten diese Einschränkungen für sinnvoll.

6. Within Limits -- represents divers who were diving within their computer or table limits.

7. In order to prevent and keep economic crimes within limits , it iscriminal policies of economic crimes.

8. Keep to the speed limits.

9. As a result, they usually put reasonable limits on behavior.

10. Like Ballantyne, Kingston used the different temperaments of his youthful trio to keep their exploits within reasonable bounds.

11. It is true within limits.

12. To hold within limits ; enclose .

13. It should be ensured that each designated point of entry has access to the appropriate facilities to operate controls within reasonable time limits.

Es sollte gewährleistet werden, dass jeder festgelegte Einfuhrort Zugang zu geeigneten Einrichtungen hat, um die Kontrollen innerhalb eines angemessenen zeitlichen Rahmens durchzuführen.

14. This action must compensate those who have suffered losses, within reasonable limits, for economic loss or loss of profit resulting from prohibited competition practices.

In diesen Verfahren müssen die Geschädigten in einem angemessenen Rahmen Ersatz für den möglicherweise durch wettbewerbswidrige Verhaltensweisen erlittenen wirtschaftlichen Schaden bzw. für den entgangenen Gewinn erlangen.

15. I'm willing to help, within limits.

16. You can trust her within limits.

17. Toy problems may converge in a reasonable amount of time; real problems may magnify the task beyond reasonable limits.

18. A conservative management of delivery slots gives Airbus flexibility to face unexpected events and to keep customer financing within strict limits.

Eine konservative Verwaltung von Lieferterminen gibt Airbus die Flexibilität, unerwartete Ereignisse zu bewältigen und die Kundenfinanzierung strikt im Rahmen zu halten.

19. Public spending must be kept within reasonable bounds.

20. Negative. Dimensions within limits of criteria for acceptance.

21. Within limits this seems a not unreasonable request.

22. You can wear what you like, within limits.

23. native peoples shall be accommodated within conservation limits.

24. Now, it remains patchily distributed within historical limits.

25. “I was almost like a comet or fiery meteor, without attraction or gravitation to keep me balanced or guide me within reasonable bounds.”

„Ich war fast wie ein Komet oder ein feuriger Meteor und hatte nichts, was mich festhielt oder mir als Anker diente oder mich im Gleichgewicht hielt oder mir vernünftige Grenzen gesetzt hätte.“