Nghĩa của từ it seems to me bằng Tiếng Đức

it seems to me [itsiːmztoum] es kommt mir vo

Đặt câu có từ "it seems to me"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "it seems to me", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ it seems to me, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ it seems to me trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. It seems to me, I think, commitments abound.

2. It seems to me his favourite occupation is eating.

3. Compartmentalization, it seems to me, is an evolutionary survival mechanism

4. It seems to me that the same reasoning applies here by analogy.

Diese Erwägungen sind meines Erachtens hier entsprechend übertragbar.

5. It seems to me you gonna need more protection with the killer around.

6. It seems to me the police force should be keeping the people safe.

7. The cost of appearing with this Bloviating ignoramus is obvious it seems to me

8. 19 It seems to me that this crime was foreseeable and this death preventable.

9. It seems to me that all of the parties having addressed the issue are correct.

Meines Erachtens ist allen Beteiligten, die sich zu dieser Fragestellung geäußert haben, zuzustimmen.

10. It seems to me, there's only one concept that can reconcile those three time scales.

11. 7 It seems to me that Mr Topolski is putting the cart before the horse.

12. It seems to me there's not a single correlation above 13, which means 1% explained variance.

13. It seems to me that I wore glasses before I wore zinc and castor oil cream.

14. It seems to me a healthy slogan; and it summons up a cheerful and invigorating mood.

15. If the former are general, abstract data, it seems to me that the latter must be also.

Wenn es richtig ist, dass die erstgenannten Angaben generelle und abstrakte Angaben sind, muss dies meiner Meinung nach auch für die letztgenannten Angaben gelten.

16. Generally speaking, it seems to me that water and war are the only loves in your life.

17. It seems to me there is a Laffer curve for government power, just as for tax revenues.

18. It seems to me that a lot of evil deeds are done in the name of religion.

19. It seems to me that relations between Parliament and the Intergovernmental Conference are more conflictual than amicable.

Ich denke, daß die Beziehungen zwischen dem Europäischen Parlament und der Regierungskonferenz weniger einem freundschaftlichen Seminar zu gegenseitiger Befragung gleicht, denn vielmehr einer Art Match.

20. It seems to me that there is a problem at the outset with the concept of "selective diffusion ".

Eine erste Schwierigkeit dürfte in dem Begriff "selektive Diffusion" liegen .

21. 28 It seems to me that a lot of evil deeds are done in the name of religion.

22. It seems to me that the Cabinet has an obsessively self-protective herd instinct which could be its undoing.

23. Healthy, it seems to me, is something that improves your health when you eat it, like broccoli or kale.

24. It seems to me that, ultimately, whilst free movement of persons is indubitably important, it is not an absolute.

Zwar ist der freie Personenverkehr ohne Zweifel wichtig, doch hat er meines Erachtens keinen absoluten Rang(73).

25. It seems to me that there is a sort of dialectic we need to preserve when thinking about autonomy.

26. 20 It seems to me that there is a sort of dialectic we need to preserve when thinking about autonomy.

27. 25 It seems to me that the Cabinet has an obsessively self-protective herd instinct which could be its undoing.

28. 27 It seems to me that there is a sort of dialectic we need to preserve when thinking about autonomy.

29. Well, it seems to me, sir, that God gave me a special gift, made me a fine instrument of warfare.

30. 20 Healthy, it seems to me, is something that improves your health when you eat it, like broccoli or kale.

31. It seems to me that he was waylaid and killed round about a quarter or half of the hour past six.

32. 24 It seems to me to be both useless and presumptuous to attempt to pierce the incognito of the essential Godhead.

33. 21 But it seems to me that quite often supplementary information in blog comments stray away from the writer's key objective.

34. The cost of appearing with this Bloviating ignoramus is obvious it seems to me." His fellow panel members laughed at the remark

35. 1 ‘it seems to me Arguable that both courts had jurisdiction’ SYNONYMS tenable , maintainable, assertable, defendable, defensible, supportable, sustainable, able to hold water

36. Afrocentric Egyptology need not necessarily conflict with traditional Egyptology; it seems to me possible to combine the two, to the benefit, perhaps, of both

37. The politicians must, it seems to me, be guided by just such global, long-term interests in arriving at some or other concrete decisions.

38. He's handling this part just right, it seems to me, by staking out his positions without Belaboring them or taking shots at those who disagree.

39. “It seems to me they find that the dumbest, the Blindest, the most trigger-happy people, intolerant people, to make them police officers,” Nwangaza proclaimed

40. But all these Blessednesses, heaped together, as it seems to me, would become sickeningly the same if prolonged through eternity, unless we had God for our very own

41. The old prospector said, “Son, it seems to me you are so busy looking for large nuggets that you’re missing filling your pouch with these precious flecks of gold.

42. In the name of the production of souls, this announcement of the passage of humanity to beatitude as being very near, suffered, it seems to me, a certain postponement.

43. It seems to me that that is the specific difference; that is the key that allows us to withdraw propositions so that there is no affirmative or negative decision taken

44. 19 It seems to me to be beyond doubt that the angling-licence regime established by the 1996 Law does not fall within the scope of the Treaty provisions on goods.

19 Ohne Zweifel fällt die durch das Gesetz von 1996 eingeführte Regelung nicht in den Geltungsbereich der Bestimmungen des Vertrages über den Warenverkehr.

45. Mr Gorostiaga Atxalandabaso, it seems to me the height of cynicism, and absolutely repugnant, to hear you once again justifying crimes, in this case affecting a pensioner and a Spanish girl.

46. It seems to me that the doctrine of Ascribing all the sin of the fallen angels to one named Azazel as mentioned in the Book of Enoch has a corresponding basis in the Bible

47. It seems to me to follow logically from those requirements that the purchase, as such, should also be deemed to be limited to a purchase made by the buyer himself, not through an agent or middleman.

Übereinstimmend mit diesen Erfordernissen erscheint es mir logisch, daß der Erwerb als solcher ebenfalls so zu verstehen ist, daß er nur persönlich und nicht über einen Agenten oder Vermittler erfolgen kann.

48. I am sure that there is a substantially large majority on that point in Parliament, but it seems to me that, in the words of the Presidency and in our debate, there is a fundamental ambiguity.

Ich bin sicher, dass in Bezug auf diese Frage eine ziemlich breite Mehrheit im Parlament existiert, doch sind meiner Ansicht nach sowohl die Worte des Vorsitzes als auch unserer Aussprache durch eine grundsätzliche Unaufrichtigkeit gekennzeichnet.

49. However, apart from the emergency humanitarian aid distributed by ECHO, it seems to me that, for all the other items of expenditure, what is intolerable is not just the accumulated delays but also, unfortunately, the discrepancies in every budget heading.

Mit Ausnahme der im Rahmen von ECHO verteilten humanitären Soforthilfe sind bei allen anderen Ausgabenkapiteln meines Erachtens nicht nur die entstandenen Verzögerungen, sondern leider auch die bei jeder Haushaltslinie festzustellenden Diskrepanzen unannehmbar.

50. It seems to me extraordinary that this continent, which exported the idea of representative government and parliamentary democracy, which carried the seeds of democracy to far continents where they found fertile soil, should now have taken the axe to the ancestral tree here in Europe.

Es ist mir unbegreiflich, dass dieser Kontinent, der die Idee der repräsentativen Regierung und der parlamentarischen Demokratie exportiert hat, der den Samen der Demokratie zu weit entfernten Kontinenten getragen hat, wo er auf fruchtbaren Boden gefallen ist, nun hier in Europa den Mutterbaum mit der Axt fällt.