Nghĩa của từ invested capital bằng Tiếng Đức

invested capital [investidkæpitəl] Anlagekapital, Anlagevermöge

Đặt câu có từ "invested capital"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "invested capital", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ invested capital, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ invested capital trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. At the end of 1997, invested capital amounted to NLG 6 600 million.

Ende 1997 belief sich sein Anlagevermögen auf 6 600 Millionen NLG.

2. (+) Avoided costs accrued from loss of invested capital if mine was closed or districts or sections abandoned

3. The level of capital protection is determined by the maximum amount of the invested capital you can lose.

Das Kapitalschutzniveau bestimmt, wie viel des eingesetzten Kapitals Sie maximal verlieren können.

4. v) (+) Avoided costs accrued from loss of invested capital if mine was closed or districts or sections abandoned

5. As the main indicators of a company's economic activities and evaluation of its financial position, the invested capital returns, solvency, liquidity and activity have to be mentioned.

Als die wichtigsten Kennziffern zur Analyse der Produktivität und der finanziellen Lage des Unternehmens gelten die Rentabilität des investierten Kapitals, die Bonität, Liquidität und Aktivität des Unternehmens.

6. Etymology: Medieval Latin Aliquotus, from Latin aliquot some, several, from alius other + quot how many -- more at ELSE, QUOTE Date: 1570 1 : contained an exact number of times in something else -- used of a divisor or part <5 is an aliquot part of 15> <an aliquot portion of a solution> 2 : FRACTIONAL <an aliquot part of invested capital>

7. Etymology: Medieval Latin Aliquotus, from Latin aliquot some, several, from alius other + quot how many -- more at ELSE, QUOTE Date: 1570 1 : contained an exact number of times in something else -- used of a divisor or part <5 is an aliquot part of 15> <an aliquot portion of a solution> 2 : FRACTIONAL <an aliquot part of invested capital>

8. By contributing to artificial distortion of the conditions of competition, the aid in question is not such as to ensure a price level allowing the necessary amortization and a normal return on invested capital (Article 3(c) of the Treaty), maintenance of conditions which will encourage undertakings to expand and improve their production potential (Article 3(d)), harmonization of working and living conditions for workers (Article 3(e)), the growth of international trade (Article 3(f)), or orderly expansion and modernization of production and the improvement of quality (Article 3(g)).

Diese Beihilfen trügen zu einer künstlichen Verfälschung der Wettbewerbsbedingungen bei und seien daher nicht geeignet, ein Preisniveau zu sichern, das die erforderlichen Abschreibungen und eine normale Verzinsung der hereingenommenen Kapitalien ermögliche (Artikel 3 Buchstabe c des Vertrages), sowie den Erhalt der Voraussetzungen, die einen Anreiz für die Unternehmen böten, ihr Produktionspotential auszubauen und zu verbessern (Artikel 3 Buchstabe d), die Angleichung der Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen der Arbeiter (Artikel 3 Buchstabe e), die Entwicklung des zwischenstaatlichen Austausches (Artikel 3 Buchstabe f) oder die geordnete Ausweitung und Modernisierung der Erzeugung und die Verbesserung der Qualität (Artikel 3 Buchstabe g).