Nghĩa của từ insufficiently bằng Tiếng Đức

insufficiently [insəfiʃientliː] ungenügende

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "insufficiently", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ insufficiently, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ insufficiently trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. 19 There are other diagnostic tests for hyponymy which are either discriminatory but insufficiently general, or general but insufficiently discriminatory.

2. Apparently a shot across the bow is insufficiently convincing.

Ein Schuss vor den Bug ist wohl nicht überzeugend genug.

3. Derivations and droughts Art Bandyings its zap enarthrosis and insufficiently linguistic

4. The crystalline lens loses its flexibility, bulging insufficiently, and adapts with difficulty.

5. Faults: Withers low insufficiently marked above the line of the back.

6. Cometary glycine detection is due to insufficiently sensitive spectroscopic detection methods

7. But insufficiently strong policies have left dangers lurking beneath the surface.

Doch aufgrund politisch unzureichender Maßnahmen lauern unter der Oberfläche weiter Gefahren.

8. Insufficiently Ballasted boats will tend to tip, or heel, excessively in high winds

9. The macro code validates access control lists insufficiently, which could lead to information disclosure.

Der Makro-Code überprüft Zugriffskontrolllisten unzureichend. Dies kann zu einer Informationsenthüllung führen.

10. One major shortcoming of deliberative democracy is that many models insufficiently ensure critical interaction.

11. Synonyms for Anticlimactically include bathetically, disappointingly, inadequately, unsatisfactorily, insufficiently, inferiorly, lamely, poorly, underwhelmingly and

12. Satellite remote sensing activities are currently insufficiently regulated from the international point of view.

13. Antonyms for Amiably include badly, disagreeably, ill, unpleasantly, dissenting, unwillingly, poorly, insufficiently, bad and inadequately

14. Antonyms for Attractively include badly, ill, unpleasantly, bad, deficiently, disagreeably, discourteously, inadequately, inconsiderately and insufficiently

15. 30 I was reflecting my engineering background and was insufficiently appreciative of the human dimension.

16. Antonyms for Creditably include bad, badly, deficiently, ill, inadequately, insufficiently, intolerably, poorly, unacceptably and unsatisfactorily

17. Access control lists for calendars and includes were insufficiently enforced, which could lead to information disclosure.

18. Barr came back to the Attorney generalship after Trump’s first lickspittle choice, Jeff Session, was insufficiently obedient to the boss

19. This critical, often insufficiently acknowledged part of the public health system has been Bludgeoned by the COVID-19 crisis

20. Its present interventionist role is insufficiently discriminating: it has all too often lapsed readily into a posture of actively balancing Communalisms.

21. The physical strength, with which nature insufficiently endowed humans, is found in animals that help them to discover new territories.

22. If a property is insufficiently furnished for full habitation, it may also have been unoccupied for some length of time.

23. Brockage coins have been insufficiently researched despite their potential for providing a fresh approach in understanding ancient minting techniques and procedures

24. At his office and at his boardinghouse the girls were mere mice, or Cattish, or kittenish, or had insufficiently read the advertisements

25. Antediluvian His diary records how many of the fields in the area were unweeded and insufficiently fertilised, much of the machinery 'Antediluvian'

26. This predisposition is either due to a too voluminous ligamentum teres, capsular hyperlaxity, insufficiently deep acetabulum or blunt acetabular roof acquired by foetal malposition in utero.

27. Following this line of logic, it would appear that it has created a culture that insufficiently condemns lickerish, negligent trolls who pamper the most loopy, raving Cockalorums …

28. This transition itself is marked by a large change of sound intensity, which can be digested not at all or only insufficiently by impaired acoustic systems.

Dieser als Transient bezeichnete Übergang ist seinerseits gekennzeichnet durch eine starke Lautstärkeänderung, welche von pathologischen akustischen Systemen nicht oder nicht ausreichend verarbeitet werden kann.

29. Up to its altitudinal limit, only periodically wet and cold, insufficiently drained gleysols appear to severely limit beech growth although these soils are comparably rich in nutrients.

Nur auf bis in den Oberboden langfristig vernässten und kalten Hang-, Nass- und Anmoorgleyen tritt sie zurück oder fehlt ganz trotz reichlicher Nährstoffvorräte.

30. People seem insufficiently aware that diseases like African sleeping sickness, leishmaniasis and dengue form a major threat to the health of very many people in the poorest countries.

Offensichtlich ist man sich nicht ausreichend bewusst, dass Krankheiten wie die afrikanische Schlafkrankheit, Leishmaniose und Denguefieber eine ernsthafte Gefahr für die Gesundheit vieler Menschen in den allerärmsten Ländern bilden.

31. Bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP) ventilation is a noninvasive technique used to provide ventilatory support to a spontaneously, but insufficiently, breathing patient using a facemask or nasal mask

32. In unequally or insufficiently dried veneers the moisture content could be equalized and one inch thick lumber rapidly dried in the moisture content range below the fiber saturation point.

So ließ sich die Feuchtigkeit in ungleichmäßig oder ungenügend getrockneten Furnieren ausgleichen und 25 mm dickes Schnittholz im Feuchtigkeitsbereich unterhalb des Fasersättigungspunktes sehr schnell trocknen.

33. Keynesians argue that Europe would grow if only policy were focused on generating aggregate demand; they blame precipitous fiscal consolidation and insufficiently aggressive monetary easing for the loss of momentum.

Keynesianer argumentieren, Europa würde wachsen, wenn sich die Politik nur darauf konzentrieren würde, eine gesamtwirtschaftliche Nachfrage zu erzeugen, sie machen eine voreilige Konsolidierung der Staatshaushalte und eine nicht ausreichend aggressive geldpolitische Lockerung für den Verlust der wirtschaftlichen Dynamik verantwortlich.

34. Buttony (comparative more Buttony, superlative most Buttony) Having a large number of buttons. quotations ▼ Resembling a button or buttons. quotations ▼ (of berries) Not fully grown and matured; overly small and insufficiently juicy

35. The Commission concludes that the high and persistent unemployment in Europe has been the result of the interaction of adverse supply and demand shocks with insufficiently flexible labour market institutions and product market regulations.

Die Kommission gelangt zu der Schlußfolgerung, daß die hohe und anhaltende Arbeitslosigkeit in Europa das Ergebnis des Zusammenwirkens negativer Gegebenheiten auf der Angebots- und Nachfrageseite mit unzureichend flexiblen Arbeitsmarktinstitutionen und Warenmarktregelungen ist.

36. Those who are most vulnerable to the aggressive proselytizing of sects—a just cause for concern—and those who are incapable of resisting the onslaught of agnosticism, relativism and secularization are generally the baptized who remain insufficiently evangelized; they are easily influenced because their faith is weak, confused, easily shaken and naive, despite their innate religiosity.

Die Menschen, die für den aggressiven Proselytismus der Sekten, der zu Recht Anlaß zur Sorge gibt, am verwundbarsten sind und die nicht in der Lage sind, dem Ansturm des Agnostizismus, des Relativismus und Laizismus standzuhalten, sind in der Regel Getaufte, die nicht genügend im Evangelium unterwiesen wurden und leicht zu beeinflussen sind, weil sie einen zerbrechlichen Glauben haben, der manchmal verworren, schwankend und naiv ist, auch wenn sie eine angeborene Religiosität bewahren.