Nghĩa của từ infanticide bằng Tiếng Đức

infanticide [infæntisaid] Kindesmord

Đặt câu có từ "infanticide"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "infanticide", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ infanticide, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ infanticide trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Infanticide is a defence to murder, but it is more usual to charge infanticide in the first place.

2. Give or take a touch of infanticide.

3. However, most infanticide is done by close relatives.

4. Homicide cover the crime of murder, manslaughter and infanticide.

5. In some places, it meant maternal mortality and female infanticide.

6. It is obviously a premise that underpins the definition of infanticide.

7. The Committee's solution was to persist with a separate offence of infanticide.

8. This is evidently due to the abortion, infanticide, or sheer neglect of females.

Die Ursachen dafür sind offensichtlich Abtreibung, Kindestötung und Vernachlässigung von Mädchen.

9. In some species , such as lions and langurs, this results in deliberate infanticide.

10. It'shall be forbidden to drown or desert infants or commit any kind of infanticide.

11. On 20 June Jane was indicted on a coroner's warrant on a charge of infanticide.

12. It is true , for example, that some societies approve of infanticide while others do not.

13. It is of no consequence by what theories the races who infanticide now defend the practice.

14. Was this a massive bribe to save Will from a charge of infanticide and possibly the gallows?

15. In severe depression apathy can lead to neglect, irritability to physical harm, and depressive delusions to infanticide.

16. Though statistics are lacking, it seems reasonable to conjecture that these conditions foster child abuse and neglect, even infanticide.

17. Instances of female infanticide, dowry deaths, bride burning, vicious acid attacks and organised trafficking in women are absent.

18. Female promiscuity in monkeys and apes can be explained by the need to share paternity among many males to prevent infanticide.

19. Article # stipulates that the drowning of infants, abandonment and any other acts causing serious harm to infants, and infanticide, shall be prohibited

20. On the whole, Assizes dealt with the more serious offences such as murder, rape, infanticide, felonies, highway robbery, coining, forgery, vagrancy and witchcraft.

21. Sarah Hrdy proposed that silent ovulation helps prevent infanticide because neither the husband nor the lover knows if he has been cuckolded.

22. The Criminal Code stipulates punishment for infanticide by the mother, failure to support children or pay alimony, and abuse of tutorship responsibilities.

23. And then I remembered that there were words to name abominable things all the same: infanticide, disembowelment, incest, different varieties of torture...

24. Article 21 stipulates that the drowning of infants, abandonment and any other acts causing serious harm to infants, and infanticide, shall be prohibited.

25. Teenage pregnancies and the associated problems- miscarriage and abortion, medical complications, low birth weight and infanticide- are all the result of poor preparation for sexual activity

26. Christianity in general affected the status of women by condemning marital infidelity, divorce, incest, polygamy, birth control, infanticide (female infants were more likely to be killed), and abortion.

27. Constitutionalized Infanticide By Jay Sekulow 1308975986000 1308975986000 On Wednesday, the Supreme Court of the United States will hear oral arguments for two cases involving Congress's ban on partial-birth abortion.

28. From ostrich to orangutan, egg sac to live birth, infanticide to matricide, the diversity of behaviors between parent and progeny is as great as the diversity of life on our planet.

29. Seduction, fornication, adultery, pregnancy, Bastardies, illegitimacy, prostitu-tion, lascivious cohabitation, abortion, infanticide, obscene publication, libel and slander of sex, impotence, divorce.' 14 Missing from his parade of horribles were most common law crimes

30. Illumined by the Coffined dead, the scene reveals the grisly content of many a folk tale or song — murder, execution, infanticide, parricide — along with the bloody implements by which these violent acts were accomplished

31. A smell of insectiCide (= a substance that kills insects) used to form words referring to the killing of a particular type of person, or to a person who does this: She was accused of infantiCide (= the killing of …

32. The Coroner must adjourn an inquest and refer the matter to the Secretary for Justice where it appears that a criminal offence of murder, manslaughter, infanticide or death by dangerous driving may have been committed by any person

33. Title # of the Criminal Code, “Crimes and offences against private individuals”, defines and punishes the crimes of intentional homicide (murder), intentional homicide with premeditation and malice aforethought (assassination), infanticide, poisoning and crimes and offences involving intentional assault and battery

34. A report released in June 2013, based on a series of interviews with 60 female defectors who had left the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea between 2010 and 2012, documented the treatment of women in detention, and the practice of forced abortion and infanticide.

35. This section also considers the issues of infanticide and abortion and makes reference to discrimination by public authorities and institutions, steps to eliminate discrimination against women by any person, organisation or enterprise, the repeal of national penal provisions which discriminate against women and the number of women in prisons.

36. Emphasizing that manifestations of son preference that result in prenatal sex selection and female infanticide are an underdocumented form of discrimination against the girl child and have significant repercussions on society as a whole, expressed in high rates of female infant mortality and distorted male-female sex ratios, and noting with concern the adverse social consequences of such practices, including trafficking in persons, and that some of those harmful practices, especially in rural areas, are linked to poverty and underdevelopment