Nghĩa của từ incompletely bằng Tiếng Đức

incompletely [inkəmpliːtəliː] unvollständig, unvollständige

Đặt câu có từ "incompletely"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "incompletely", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ incompletely, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ incompletely trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. The causes of the phenomenon are still incompletely understood.

2. The printer is incompletely defined. Try to reinstall it

3. Some of the creatures are very incompletely formed, especially those which are Acephalous

4. Bementite was first described, incompletely, from the Trotter Shaft by Koenig (1887b).

5. Dietary fibre is a carbohydrate (polysaccharide or oligosaccharide) that is incompletely absorbed in some animals.

6. His incompletely assembled weapon exploded, smothering his head, arms and shoulders in a mass of flames.

7. Barbarisms may be incompletely assimilated by a language (semantically and sometimes even morphologically and syntactically)

8. Antonyms for Comprehensibly include inComprehensibly, inscrutably, incoherently, insensibly, equivocally, obscurely, incompletely, exclusively, ambiguously and

9. Blastema cells morphologically resemble mesenchymal stem-like cells, although their surface antigens and other biomarkers are incompletely characterized

10. Antonyms for Affectingly include incompletely, lightly, little, slightly, unemotionally, unimpressively, unmovingly, apathetically, undemonstratively and impassively

11. The present invention having the above structure prevents a door or drawer from incompletely being closed or opened.

12. Antonyms for Comprehensively include half, halfway, incompletely, part, partially, partly, somewhat, inadequately, in part and moderately

13. Centromeres are often, but not always, located next to nucleoli, with which they have an intricate, but also incompletely understood, relationship

14. Arteriosclerotic cerebral small vessel disease (aCSVD) is highly prevalent among the elderly with its pathological mechanisms yet is incompletely understood

15. 24 I must write down each hour to be supposed to do any, perhaps I incompletely illuminate do, but must subscribe this plan.

16. The hexaploids Solanum albicans (Ochoa) Ochoa and S. acaule ssp. palmirense Kardolus of series Acaulia have an anatomically incompletely differentiated abscission zone.

17. These terminal moraines are often incompletely formed and lower than in the Alpine Foreland, but are nevertheless clearly visible in the low-relief of the North German Plain.

Die Endmoränen sind oft lückenhaft ausgebildet und weniger hoch als im Alpenvorland, treten in der gering reliefierten Landschaft als Höhenzüge jedoch deutlich in Erscheinung.

18. When Astasia is grown in the presence of O2–CO2 (95%: 5%), ethanol is incompletely utilized and an acidic substance accumulates in the medium.

19. The ground state up quark incompletely Annihilates with the ground state anti down quark to form a positron, [u.sub.0] + [ [bar.d].sub.0] [right arrow] [e.sup.+]

20. The Azonal soils—alluvials (soils incompletely evolved and stratified without definite profile) and lithosols (shallow soils consisting of imperfectly weathered rock fragments)—occupy much of the Andean massif

21. Catechu occurs in cubes, which are very friable and may be broken up in transit or, if incompletely dried, may be more or less agglutinated

22. We report about the case of a 13-year-old female patient with an incompletely cured otitis media which was followed by a petrous apicitis presenting abducens nerve palsy.

Die vorliegende Kasuistik beschreibt das klinische Bild sowie die Diagnostik und Therapie eines Gradenigo-Syndroms bei einer 13-jährigen Patientin als Folge einer nicht vollständig ausgeheilten, akuten Mittelohrentzündung.

23. To the Editor: The genus Acetobacter belongs to the group of acetic acid bacteria that oxidize alcohols or sugars incompletely, leading to the accumulation of acetic acid

24. All clymenüds as well as tornoceratids became extinct at or immediately after the Hangenberg Event, and the morphospace left behind by these Devonian groups was reoccupied only incompletely by the surviving prionoceratid ammonoids.

Alle Clymenien und Tornoceraten starben am oder unmittelbar nach dem Hangenberg-Event aus; der von diesen devonischen Gruppen zurückgelassene Morphospace wurde durch die überlebenden Prionoceraten nur unvollständig neu besetzt.

25. Subtypes of primary Aldosteronism — Renin-independent, incompletely suppressible (primary) hypersecretion of aldosterone is an increasingly recognized, but still underdiagnosed, cause of hypertension ; it is estimated to be responsible up to 10 percent of hypertension in humans .

26. Cold blooded Lyrics: I got my head on a swivel / Think it's time I open my mind where I left these niggas incompletely / Make sure that they can't delete me / I'm bout to rewire your whole fucking

27. The testes and ovaries become briefly inactive around the time of birth but resume hormonal activity until several months after birth, when incompletely understood mechanisms in the brain begin to suppress the activity of the arcuate nucleus.

28. For example, in the Apocarpous monocot genus Sagittaria, we found that ‘extra’ pollen tubes grew out of the ovary through a basal opening of the incompletely sealed carpel, and across the surface of the receptacle, to other carpels, thus fertilizing virgin ovules

29. Background Hyperkalemia in association with metabolic Acidosis that are out of proportion to changes in glomerular filtration rate defines type 4 renal tubular Acidosis (RTA), the most common RTA observed, but the molecular mechanisms underlying the associated metabolic Acidosis are incompletely understood

30. [ brang´ke-al] pertaining to, or resembling, gills of a fish or derivatives of homologous parts in higher animals. Branchial cyst a cyst formed deep within the neck from an incompletely closed pharyngeal groove (Branchial cleft), usually between the second and …

31. A satisfactory explanation of this phenomenon may be that the neonastic stage characterising the peripheral growing tip of the colony with its incompletely calcified frontal walls of the zooids dominated the whole colony, induced by a stop of the calcification of the cryptocyst, with the exception of the ancestrula, the result of which being a secondary membranimorph stage, characteristic for the Malacostega.

Das Phänomen wird damit erklärt, daß hier das für den äußeren Wachstumsrand der Kolonie bezeichnende jugendliche Stadium noch nicht voll mineralisierter unreifer Zooecien mit oft unvollständig verkalkten und daher im fossilen Zustand offenen Frontalwänden infolge einer Hemmung der Kalkausscheidung regressiv auf die gesamte Kolonie, mit Ausnahme der Ancestrula, übergegriffen hat, so daß deren Zooecien dann sekundär wieder ein membranimorphes, die Malacostega charakterisierendes Stadium aufweisen.

32. ANCIENT Arctogaea Inspection of the foregoing lists which represent the existing fauna of the various zoo-geographical regions, will show that although they are distinct from one another and mingle only incompletely in the transition regions, certain animals such as the tapirs, may occur in widely separated areas not now connected by a practicable land-bridge.