Nghĩa của từ incision bằng Tiếng Đức

incision [insiʒn] Einschnitt

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "incision", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ incision, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ incision trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. The second sidecut incision forms an acute angle with the annular incision.

2. The new plastic incise drape could reduce incision and inner incision contamination.

3. 7 Method: A skin incision trocar venipuncture cannula was used to replace vein incision.

4. Incision of the adductor aponeurosis.

Spalten der Aponeurose des M. adductor pollicis.

5. Any wrong incision at this point-

6. The surgeon closed the incision neatly.

7. Incision and drainage of pilonidal cyst; Complicated.

8. The surgeon closed the incision with stitches.

9. Make a small incision below the ribs.

10. Open Appendectomy The classic transverse incision can be made with two thirds of the incision lateral to McBurney's point

11. Incision depending on goal of surgery: from horizontal to oblique or vertical: – horizontal incision along the scapular spine to the posterior corner of acromion, – oblique incision along the lateral border of scapula.

Variabler Hautschnitt je nach zu versorgender Struktur: horizontal, über der Spina scapulae zentriert, bis schräg entlang der Margo lateralis scapulae, bis vertikal über dem Gelenk zentriert.

12. Patients were with mid-sternotomy and thoracoabdominal incision.

13. Top left: failed wound: a clean contaminated abdominal incision.

14. Objective To evaluate the application of Murph incision in appendectomy.

15. Cataract, ocular trauma, corneal surgery incision infiltration leak check.

16. Inserts the Arthroscope into your ankle through a small incision

17. Vertical incision through the rectus sheath opens the abdominal cavity.

18. The surgeon made a small incision in the patient's cornea.

19. Buttock implants are placed through a single vertical incision in the intergluteal fold between the upper Buttocks, and the small incision is closed with dissolvable sutures

20. Cancellous screws through a stab incision on the medial side

21. The surgical approach was performed with a lateral para-acromial incision.

22. • A small incision is made and the Arthroscope is inserted

23. The technique involves making a tiny incision in the skin.

24. This video demonstrates the incision and draining of a large pilonidal Abscess

25. Her mouth was a thread-like incision above almost a double chin.

26. These Basalts have been used to determine Colorado River incision rates.

27. Counts should occur as follows: (1) Prior to the skin incision

28. The Arthroscope is inserted through a small cut (incision) in your skin

29. Access to the pelvic organs secured with one incision - ribcage to pubis.

Zugang zu den Unterleibsorganen, hergestellt mit einem Schnitt... vom Brustkorb bis zum Schambein.

30. An incision was made into his hand to take out the splinter.

31. Open Carpal tunnel release surgery requires a longer incision on your palm

32. For example, there may be swelling and some soreness around the incision.

33. Objective To investigate the indications and effect of appendectomy via mini - incision.

34. Surgical Technique Reduction of fracture on fracture table. Stab incision. Unreamed intramedullary nailing.

Operationstechnik Intramedulläre Nagelung, unaufgebohrt über Stichinzisionen nach Reposition der Fragmente auf dem Extensionstisch.

35. 24 An incision was made into his hand to take out the splinter.

36. This time Peter completed the incision without any visible resistance from the patient.

37. Simple reduction of bladder herniation with herniorrhaphy was accomplished through an inguinal incision.

38. Dorsal incision over the metatarsophalangeal joint and transverse tenotomy of the extensor digitorum brevis.

Dorsale Inzision über dem Zehengrundgelenk; quere Tenotomie der Sehne des Musculus extensor digitorum brevis.

39. Central skin incision from the superior pole of the patella to the tibial tubercle.

Zentraler Hautschnitt vom proximalen Patellapol bis auf die Tuberositas tibiae.

40. Your surgeon will make an incision in your Ankle to access the affected joint.

41. 15 The muscle and fascial layers are incised lateral to a rectus incision.

42. Cryptorchid testis being removed Inguinal or pre-scrotal testes are removed using a typical castration incision or by incising directly over the retained testis if it’s location is far from the standard midline incision

43. The abdominothoracic incision (24 patients) allowed a good survey and enabled radical resection.

Das abdominothorakale Vorgehen schafft nicht nur eine gute Übersicht und ermöglicht radikales Operieren, sondern hat auch bessere Überlebenschancen.

44. An incision was made in my abdomen, and the replaceable pacemaker unit was implanted.

45. A lot of neurosurgical procedures actually start with a drill incision through the skull.

Viele neurochirurgische Eingriffe beginnen tatsächlich damit, dass Löcher in den Schädel gebohrt werden.

46. A surgeon inflates the abdomen with gas through a small incision in the navel .

47. Longitudinal incision of the extensor hood close to the radial margin of the extensor tendon.

Dorsale Längseröffnung der Streckerhaube am radialen Rand der Strecksehne.

48. A 15 blade is used to make an incision along the planned Bilobe flap

49. The Rusph pin is inserted from the medial side through a second small incision.

Der Rush-Pin wird durch eine Stichinzision von medial her so weit eingeschlagen, daß auch lateral die infolge der Klavikulakrümmung ebenfalls durchbohrte Kortikalis penetriert wird.

50. Cesarean section, surgical removal of a fetus from the uterus through an abdominal incision