Nghĩa của từ incapacitated bằng Tiếng Đức

incapacitated [inkəpæsiteitid] arbeitsunfähig, unfähig gemacht

Đặt câu có từ "incapacitated"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "incapacitated", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ incapacitated, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ incapacitated trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. She is incapacitated by a sore throat.

2. Last year, severe storms incapacitated the whole town.

3. Remote Hull Repairers are now available to reactivate incapacitated structures.

4. 25 Poor eyesight incapacitated him for the army.

5. Migraines still incapacitated him on a regular basis.

6. Incapacitated 1,600 people and left with every secret we had.

7. Uh, while you were incapacitated, I may have tampered with your weapons.

8. The helmsman was incapacitated and the ship's commander, Captain Höpfner, was wounded.

9. According to the Bolsheviks' own admission, the local militia was incapacitated.

10. Aircraft ground support equipment — Specific requirements — Part 14: Disabled/incapacitated passenger boarding vehicles

Luftfahrt-Bodengeräte — Besondere Anforderungen — Teil 14: Behinderten-Transportgeräte

11. Synonyms for Challenged include disabled, impaired, exceptional, differently abled, incapacitated, paralysed, paralyzed, crippled, infirm and handicapped

12. If they remain chronically incapacitated for work they can now claim invalidity benefit at a higher rate.

13. Synonyms for Bedridden include incapacitated, disabled, housebound, laid up, ailing, bedbound, bedfast, confined, confined to bed and ill

14. This debilitating absence has raised, first, the question of when and how a leader should be declared incapacitated.

15. Even if the prey is not killed outright, there is a greater chance that it will be incapacitated.

16. Adjective disabled, handicapped, paralysed, lame, deformed, incapacitated, bedridden, housebound, enfeebled He looked after his senile, Crippled mother

17. Inequalities in social security provision Case A is an industrial injury claimant, first incapacitated under the age of

18. In April 19 ten months after reelection, Molly suffered a massive stroke that incapacitated her for months.

19. I have in fact only once been incapacitated, on that occasion by a severe attack of malaria.

20. However, Anne often mentioned his health problems in her diary, and he became incapacitated after a diagnosis of abdominal cancer.

21. 8 synonyms for Bedridden: confined to bed, confined, incapacitated, laid up, flat on your back, bedfast, bedrid, sick-abed

22. For the few weeks this good sister was incapacitated, the members of the Rechnoy Ward felt a kinship to that story.

23. Many enter into long-term debt only to find that changes occur: people become ill or incapacitated, companies fail or downsize, jobs are lost, natural disasters befall us.

24. Conservatorship is a legal process in which an adult, or sometimes an organization, is given the legal authority to manage an incapacitated adult's care or finances

25. In the 1800s, after an assassination attempt by Prince Ramon against the king of Mandorra, a Brigand resembling the king surreptitiously impersonates the incapacitated monarch in order to …

26. A Conservator is appointed by a judge to take care of an incompetent adult’s financial needs (in this case, the incapacitated adult is called a ward)

27. (4) Coadjutor bishops are such as are appointed to assist the bishop of the diocese when incapacitated by infirmity or by other causes from fulfilling his functions alone.

28. Under various state laws, a Conservator is a person who the court appoints to care for a minor or individual who is incapacitated by illness or accident

29. The Encyclopædia Britannica acknowledges that “the functions of the whiskers (vibrissae) are only partially understood; however, it is known that, if they are cut off, the cat is temporarily incapacitated.”

30. This includes persons with a medical condition for whom wearing a face Covering could obstruct breathing or who are unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove a face Covering without assistance

31. A Conservator, or guardian of the property, on the other hand, is a court-appointed fiduciary who is responsible for managing the financial affairs of a child or an incapacitated adult

32. Guardianship—called Conservatorship in some states—is a legal proceeding in a state court to appoint someone to exercise some or all of the legal rights of a mentally incapacitated person

33. To condemn plaintiff to remain shackled in a marriage that in truth and in fact does notexist and to remain married to a spouse who is incapacitated to discharge essential maritalcovenants, is verily to condemn him to a perpetual disadvantage which this Court finds Abhorrentand will not countenance.

34. Article 744 of the Civil Code states that persons not legally incapacitated may inherit, while article 996 stipulates that, unless the judgement of incapacity on grounds of physical or mental illness or deficiencies provides otherwise, a person under curatorship may, with the assistance of the curator, accept the inheritance, either absolutely or under benefit of inventory.

35. As a Brattish, soft, flaky, perennially ungrateful member of Generation Y who is spoilt by the comforts of modern life, I simply whine about the likelihood of the cruel government forcing me to remain at the coal face until well into my seventies - by which time I will be totally incapacitated at best - …

36. "The Committee points out that, according to Article 7§7 of the Charter, employees incapacitated for work by illness or accident during all or part of their annual leave must have the right to take the leave lost at some other time - at least to the extent needed to give them the four weeks’ paid annual leave provided for in the Charter.