Nghĩa của từ in the long term bằng Tiếng Đức

in the long term [inðlɔŋtəːm] auf lange Sicht

Đặt câu có từ "in the long term"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "in the long term", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ in the long term, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ in the long term trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. In the long term, violence begets violence.

2. In the long term, our efforts will pay off.

3. Getting some qualifications now will pay dividends in the long term.

4. The agreement should have very positive results in the long term.

5. Barriers remain to the necessary sectoral wage adjustments in the long term.

Es gibt weiterhin Hindernisse für die notwendigen langfristen sektoralen Lohnanpassungen.

6. In the long term, actuarial gains and losses may offset one another

7. Here are some risks associated with using Antiperspirants in the long term

8. Subsequently, additional blocks will be identified for offer in the long term.

9. In the long term, this final measure was the most momentous of all.

10. In the long term, the use of Antacids may even cause kidney stones.

11. In the long term, there is an increased risk of anemia, osteoporosis and malnutrition.

Langfristig besteht ein erhöhtes Risiko für Anämie, Osteoporose und Malnutrition.

12. Scientists are looking at how COVID-19 affects Asymptomatic people in the long-term

13. Will this increase the acceptance by the people of Constance in the long term?

Wie auch immer: es war eine glückliche Wahl – sein Name wird am Bodensee in guter Erinnerung bleiben.

14. Business models therefore need to further adapt to become sustainable in the long term.

Die Geschäftsmodelle müssen daher so angepasst werden, dass sie langfristig tragfähig sind.

15. In the long term, he argues correctly, this is in the shareholders' interest too.

16. The Chinese dairying after having experienced this baptism, is advantageous in the long - term development.

17. In the long term the company hopes to open in Moscow and other major cities.

18. One has to accept an unavoidable rate of additional adrenocorticotropic hypopituitarism in the long term.

Eine unvermeidliche Rate an zusätzlicher adrenocorticotroper Insuffizienz ist im Langzeitverlauf zu akzeptieren.

19. The government was credited with introducing measures which would have impact in the long term.

20. Looking ahead, there are strong grounds for optimism about India's economic prosperity in the long-term.

21. But in the long term increased productivity will boost investment and growth - and create new jobs.

22. In the long term, Mr Heseltine said that privatisation was the only hope for the industry.

23. The line will in the long term be doubled and electrified, largely using the existing alignment.

Die Strecke soll langfristig durchgehend zweigleisig ausgebaut und elektrifiziert werden, wobei weitgehend die vorhandene Trassierung genutzt werden kann.

24. 13 In the long term, it envisaged the compilation of a list of globally protected areas.

25. However limited its immediate effects, the ideology of Enlightened Despotism was important in the long term.

26. Clearly, in the long term, improving dietary habits and food supply is the most desirable approach.

27. Improving your Concentration in the long term, though, requires a great amount of effort and time

28. For large lesions, autologous Chondrocyte implantationresults in better outcomes than microfracture, particularly in the long term

29. Learn what causes the blackout, how Blacking out can affect you in the long term, and more.

30. In the long-term the demand for workers in the "new centre" will actually lead to immigration.

Langfristig wird die Nachfrage nach Arbeitskräften in der "neuen Mitte" sogar zu einer Zuwanderung führen.

31. Nevertheless, trade flows are an important factor in the long-term direction of a currency's exchange rate.

32. 18 However limited its immediate effects, the ideology of Enlightened Despotism was important in the long term.

33. Major financial reforms are underway to make the program efficient, accountable, and sustainable in the long term.

34. 22 In the long term,( it envisaged the compilation of a list of globally protected areas.

35. In the long term, we want to see a united Ireland achieved by consensus and without violence.

36. All these areas must be addressed together if pensions are to be secured in the long term.

Alle diese Bereiche müssen gemeinsam angegangen werden, um die Pensionen langfristig zu sichern.

37. “Simply measuring success in monetary terms is shallow and will leave you empty in the long-term.”

38. We on the Board believe this combination adds up to excellence that is sustainable in the long term.

39. With the lowest life-cycle cost, vinyl Bulkheads are the most cost-effective option in the long term

40. Sumio, quoted above, said: “The bottom line is that they can’t think of things in the long term.

41. Just how effective and successful they would be as managers in the long term, only time would tell.

42. But in the long term the Daim resignation demonstrates again the failure of Mahathir to accept a potential rival.

43. 14 In the long term production of serotonin is reduced, leading to depression most suicides have low serotonin levels.

44. Punitive methods persistently used against a background of rejecting, hostile parental attitudes lead, in the long term, to trouble.

45. Wind power should also be relatively cheaper in the long term, as the pollution costs of fossil fuels rise.

46. Total abstinence from any sweeteners can cure a sweet tooth permanently - which is much better in the long term.

47. The ultimate question, however, was what would happen to the steadily accumulating stockpiles of nuclear waste in the long term.

48. The dams etc may also have been designed to attract industry and so benefit the country in the long term.

49. Many firms understand that giving work experience to students from colleges and schools will benefit everyone in the long term.

50. Massive volatility of income combined with total security of principle is, in the long term, more traumatic than the reverse.