Nghĩa của từ holography bằng Tiếng Đức

holography [həlɔgrəfiː] Holographie

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "holography", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ holography, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ holography trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Holography, particularly, edge illuminated holography

2. Acoustic holography

3. Holography


4. Wide-band acoustic holography

5. It's called holography.

6. Development of real-time holography

Entwickeln von Echtzeit-Holographie

7. 14 A new holography optical scanning holography has been proposed, which is a hybrid optoelectrical processing technology.

8. He's the father of modern holography.

Der Vater der modernen Holographie.

9. Coherent anti-stokes raman holography

10. Extended optical traps by shape-phase holography

11. Method and arrangement for short coherence holography

Verfahren und anordnung zur kurz-kohärenz-holografie

12. 3 Digital holography is an active research topic.

13. Scanning near field thermoelastic acoustic holography (snftah)

14. 5 Theory and Technology of Volume Holography.

15. To see what we can do with holography ...

16. Key words: holography, dichromated poly(acrylic acid), dimethylformamide, chromium.

17. Mobile terminal and system for controlling holography provided therewith

18. Well, for one, they've got some incredible holography.

Sie haben, zum Beispiel, unglaubliche Holografie.

19. This is the key difference between photography and holography.

Das ist der Hauptunterschied zwischen Fotografie und Holographie.

20. 7 Real - time holography requires astronomical amounts of bits.

21. 8 A quite important application of lasers is in holography.

22. 6 It includes topics such as spatial frequency filtering, holography.

23. 2 The principle of the optical scanning holography is introduced.

24. Acoustical holography with multi-level square wave excitation signals

25. I even get the holography de-scattering the light.

26. In a similar manner holography records light waves for later reconstruction.

In ähnlicher Weise werden bei der Holographie Lichtwellen für eine spätere Wiedergabe aufgezeichnet.

27. 16 Using Acoustical Holography, some interesting results are shown about the noise of a vehicle. The results proved Acoustical Holography is an effective method for complex no...

28. Lasers make possible a fascinating form of photography known as holography.

29. 9 Adopting complementary-encoding of light intensity and volume holography, a content-addressable optical holography truth table look-up system based on the NAND operation is structured.

30. 4 And future development of color holography is looked forward.

31. 13 Using Acoustical Holography, some interesting results are shown about the noise of a vehicle. The results proved Acoustical Holography is an effective method for complex no...

32. Holography has also found some important applications in industry and research.

Die Holographie hat auch einige wichtige Anwendungsbereiche in Industrie und Forschung gefunden.

33. 13 A kind of rainbow holography with large viewing angle is presented.

34. Scientists at Chalk River successfully conducted the first neutron holography experiment.

35. 1990s – Multichannel and multi-analysis systems, including acoustical holography array systems.

1990er — Vielkanalsysteme, darunter Geräte für die akustische Holographie.

36. The invention relates to instrumentation engineering used for interferometry, spectroscopy and for holography.

37. Korad K2Q ruby-pulse laser for holography, rod 10 x 3⁄4“.

Korad K2Q Rubin-Pulslaser für die Holographie, Stabgröße 10 x 3⁄4 Zoll.

38. At present, holography is finding application as a display and advertising medium.

39. Applications to real-time single and double exposure holography are also discussed.

40. However, the use of lasers has disadvantages when practical applications of holography are considered.

Bei der praktischen Anwendung der Holographie hat der Einsatz von Lasern jedoch Nachteile.

41. 1 Using the terminology derived from holography, we can reinterpret these waves as follows.

42. Making and viewing holograms is fascinating, but what practical applications does holography have?

Es ist faszinierend, Hologramme herzustellen und zu betrachten. Aber welche praktischen Anwendungen hat die Holographie?

43. The disclosed method applies to interferometry, holography in optics, electron waves and acoustics.

44. 30 Image separation conditions, effects of recording medium resolution . computer-generated holograms, real - time holography.

45. Optical non-contact technologies such as infrared thermography and shearography/holography have been widely employed.

Berührungslose optische Verfahren wie etwa die Infrarot-Thermographie und die Shearographie/Holographie sind weit verbreitet.

46. 25 Unequally spaced sampling is also useful in other forms of imaging system besides acoustical holography.

47. Holography is still a rather expensive and cumbersome operation when compared with ordinary photography.

Verglichen mit der normalen Fotografie, ist die Holographie immer noch ein ziemlich teures und mühseliges Unterfangen.

48. The centre is developing new holographic materials, including holographic nanostructures, and novel applications of holography.

Das Zentrum entwickelt neue holografische Materialien, wozu auch holografische Nanostrukturen und neuartige Anwendungen der Holografie gehören.

49. 10 This paper presents the acoustical holography method for the identification of moving sound source.

50. The word “holography” is used to describe the process, because the prefix “holo” means “entire” or “complete.”

Für den Vorgang wird das Wort „Holographie“ verwendet, weil die Vorsilbe „holo“ soviel wie „ganz“ oder „völlig“ bedeutet.