Nghĩa của từ hindering bằng Tiếng Đức

hindering [hindəriŋ] behindernd, hinderlich

Đặt câu có từ "hindering"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "hindering", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ hindering, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ hindering trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Loans would only incur future debt obligations, thereby hindering growth.

2. Your present demands are hindering the development of your future.

3. An former injury was hindering him from playing his best.

4. Rain and snow have been hindering the rescue and relief effort .

5. A former injury was hindering him from playing his best.

6. Everyone thought:'Who could this be? Who was hindering my progress? '.

7. But higher fuel costs could hurt China's manufacturers, hindering the economy's nascent recovery.

8. Yet the study suggests that women themselves may be hindering their progress.

9. Trees also prevent soil erosion by retaining water in the soil and hindering runoff.

10. The man was a disgrace to the Council, always interfering and hindering the business.

11. Despite the sizeable potential, concerns related to reliability, security, and interoperability are hindering uptake levels.

12. Through hydrodynamic similitude experiments, coefficients hindering flow of the gel in duct is calculated.

13. Sediments choke some stretches of the Yellow, hindering its ability to flush out pollutants.

14. This bizarre situation is actively hindering economic diversification and benefiting overseas processors of our grains

15. Antonyms for Advantaging include hampering, handicapping, impeding, disAdvantaging, hindering, limiting, blocking, crippling, curbing and debilitating

16. However, data transfers occur through a batch process interface, thus hindering real-time data updates

17. Building surface insulation, impervious leaking this problem is the bottleneck hindering the development of efficient paint.

18. Synonyms for Baulking include thwarting, frustrating, hindering, foiling, checking, stopping, impeding, blocking, preventing and obstructing

19. However, data transfers occur through a batch process interface, thus hindering real-time data updates.

20. And so you feel the exhaustion laying a rock on your chest, hindering your breathing.

21. From 1990 to 1992, the two top officials of Hainan clashed fiercely, hindering the province's development.

22. There exists some problems in national industry structure hindering smooth transition and health development of economy.

23. And so you feel the exhaustion laying like a rock on your chests, hindering your breathing.

24. So within the range of the state's responsibility to its subjects failing to help is hindering.

25. If she wants to start afresh. I have only too obvious reasons for not hindering her.

26. It became clear that the relevant government ministers were deliberately hindering the progress of the necessary bill.

27. `all trading rules ... which are capable of hindering, directly or indirectly, actually or potentially, intra-Community trade'.

"Jede Handelsregelung der Mitgliedstaaten, die geeignet ist, den innergemeinschaftlichen Handel unmittelbar oder mittelbar, tatsächlich oder potentiell zu behindern, ..."(

28. targeted actions aimed at tackling remaining unjustified regulatory barriers hindering the potential of the single market for services;

gezielte Maßnahmen zur Beseitigung verbleibender regulatorischer Hindernisse, die die volle Ausschöpfung des Potenzials des Binnenmarkts für Dienstleistungen ungerechtfertigt behindern, sowie

29. Abey (Advanced Blockchain for Enhanced Yields) wants to solve all of the existing bottlenecks hindering mainstream blockchain adoption

30. To avoid hindering any from accepting the good news, Paul did not exercise his right to receive material help

31. And if you want to get tough how about I arrest you right now for hindering a federal investigation?

32. In this context, India and France are committed to finding solutions to current market access issues hindering trade opportunities.

33. To avoid hindering any from accepting the good news, Paul did not even exercise his right to receive material assistance.

34. She was later charged with being an accessory after the fact to murder and hindering a police investigation and refused bail.

35. Just hours after opening the South Australian Border with the ACT, the state’s Health Minister said there is a new “concern” hindering NSW

36. UNISFA aerial and ground patrols were unable to locate the perpetrators or livestock, with poor road conditions hindering the search in some areas.

37. Acrocyanosis is caused when the blood vessels are blocked, hindering proper blood flow and resulting in a shortage of oxygen to these areas.

38. The good news is that the technology for capture and storage already exists and that the obstacles hindering implementation seem to be surmountable .

39. This article mainly analyzes the obstacles hindering the sustainable development of economic integration in Yangtze River delta from the angle of fiscal system innovation.

40. 14 The good news is that the technology for capture and storage already exists and that the obstacles hindering implementation seem to be surmountable .

41. An elder may be jealous of his position of authority, even to the point of hindering a younger man with ability from making progress.

42. Hot steaming rains fell frequently, making the grass where the cows fed yet more rank, and hindering the late haymaking in the other meads.

43. The repealing of five admiralty statutes is in line with the Government’s commitment to do away with archaic laws which are hindering efficient governance.

44. Some of the regions are dry and the sea in the area rarely exceeds 1 metre (3 ft) in depth, thus hindering navigational opportunities.

45. Through capacity of social comparison orientation, passive emotions, general subjective well-being and positive emotions, has the function of predicting the behavior of hindering self-development.

46. Patent pools also have potential anticompetitive effects, such as having the inclination of dominant even monopoly, facilitating cartel, may cover invalid patents and hindering innovation, etc.

47. Blath’s report alleges that an arrest was initiated for “hindering and disorderly” conduct after Anamdi began screaming and cursing and refused again to make his hands visible.

48. Calls on the Commission to promote research and remediation activities aimed at hindering re-suspension of single fibres, and/or at destroying the fibre-like crystal lattice of asbestos;

fordert die Kommission auf, Maßnahmen zur Rückverfolgung und Sanierung zu fördern, die auf die Verhinderung der Aufwirbelung einzelner Fasern und/oder die Zerstörung der faserartigen Kristallgitter von Asbest abzielen;

49. A region is Arid when it is characterized by a severe lack of available water, to the extent of hindering or preventing the growth and development of plant and animal life

50. The policy has been useless as a tool for Cudgeling Castro, and it is hindering opportunities for American industries from travel to banking to agriculture, which is why there's no shortage of U.S