Nghĩa của từ heeding bằng Tiếng Đức

heeding [hiːdiŋ] beachtend

Đặt câu có từ "heeding"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "heeding", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ heeding, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ heeding trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. However, heeding warnings may save your life.

2. By heeding what advice is spiritual-mindedness maintained?

3. What a tragic result from not heeding warning signs!

4. By heeding Jesus’ wise advice, we can spare ourselves physical harm.

5. Heeding his counsel is particularly important in homes that are religiously divided.

6. By heeding Bible principles, we rise above the mood of the moment.

7. Jehovah’s Witnesses warmly invite you to share with them in heeding Jesus’ command.

8. Heeding such counsel can spare us heartaches and help us to avoid tragedy.

9. Perhaps heeding the catchphrase of his manager, Malcom Hardee, he failed to show.

10. All the more reason for me to start heeding Jehovah God’s call for repentance.

11. Heeding what Scriptural counsel will help us to attain the prize as a family?

12. Synonyms for Adverting include noticing, considering, heeding, noting, observing, recognising, recognizing, acknowledging, discerning and perceiving

13. 14 Heeding Biblical teaching, reminders, exhortation and reproof will help us to remain spiritually clean.

14. 9 The Jews’ disbelieving response to Jehovah’s prophecies has prevented them from heeding his warnings.

15. Hard-headed men Blabbed secrets to the inquisitive, who were long past heeding them

16. "That’s good advice that I could Certainly do with heeding." is good usage.

17. (Proverbs 3:5, 6) By heeding that wise advice, we draw closer to our all-wise God.

18. The reason suggested by the Associated Press is that “many people are not heeding warnings about prevention.”

19. How encouraging those words are to all those heeding Jesus’ command: “Go therefore and make disciples”!

Wie ermunternd diese Worte doch für alle sind, die Jesu Gebot befolgen: „Geht daher hin, und macht Jünger“!

20. By heeding the Bible’s advice to ‘prove to yourself the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.’

21. 24 Today the Christian witnesses of Jehovah are heeding those words addressed to Timothy nineteen centuries ago.

24 Die christlichen Zeugen Jehovas beachten heute diese Worte, die vor neunzehnhundert Jahren an Timotheus gerichtet wurden.

22. Heeding that warning called for determination, humility, a denial of materialism, and a spirit of self-sacrificing acceptance of hardship.

23. 18 Heeding the exhortation, “Remember, now, your Grand Creator,” is a key to the wise management of your finances.

24. Synonyms for Concentrating include focusing, focussing, fixating, minding, heeding, fastening, paying attention to, focusing on, devoting oneself to and focusing …

25. Synonyms for Adhering to include respecting, obeying, following, abiding by, observing, complying with, conforming to, heeding, upholding and acquiescing to

26. Synonyms for Complying with include respecting, obeying, following, abiding by, adhering to, observing, conforming to, heeding, upholding and acquiescing to

27. Heeding Mother’s call, the scattered young ones gather under her wings and retire for the night. —Matthew 23:37.

28. It will help us in heeding the counsel to keep “a tight grip on the word of life.” —Philippians 2:16.

29. Synonyms for Acquiescing to include respecting, obeying, following, abiding by, adhering to, observing, complying with, conforming to, heeding and upholding

30. (Titus 2:6) Heeding this counsel means that you will face problems prayerfully and will rely on God-given strength.

31. Synonyms for in Accordance with include commensurate with, in agreement with, in line with, true to, according to, compliant with, consistent with, following, heeding and honoring

32. Heeding divine warning given in a dream, he went into the territory of Galilee and settled in the city of Nazareth. —Matthew 2:15-23.

33. As we endeavor to use these tools adeptly, we will be heeding the inspired counsel: “Pay constant attention to yourself and to your teaching.

Wenn wir uns bemühen, sie geschickt einzusetzen, befolgen wir den Rat: „Gib beständig acht auf dich selbst und auf dein Lehren.

34. Paying attention to these proverbs and heeding their advice can affect our heart, contribute toward our happiness, and lead to success. —Hebrews 4:12.

35. They are keenly aware of heeding the apostle John’s admonition: “Little children, let us love, neither in word nor with the tongue, but in deed and truth.”

36. Heeding this advice the French commander began to transfer battalions from his centre to reinforce the left, drawing more foot from the already weakened right to replace them.

37. On a human level, the Crookedness in the world began in the Garden of Eden, when Adam upset the order of things by heeding the voice of Eve rather than the voice of God

38. There are many synonyms of Acquittances which include Acquittal, Acquittance, Adherence, Awareness, Celebration, Cognizance, Compliance, Discharge, Fidelity, Heed, Heeding, Honoring, Keeping, Mark, Mind, Note, Notice, Obedience, Observation, Performance, Regard, Remark, Satisfaction, Fulfillment, Carrying Out, etc.

39. Areca Capital is committed towards safeguarding the interests of our investors; prevention of any incidence of cash mishandling or mismanagement while heeding Bank Negara Malaysia's desire for electronic payment methods for greater efficiency, transparency and accountability.

40. Nigh night my speech impediment, perhaps, bleeds out from my crooked teeth stained with love((lessness)) “& what do ye ((cherubs in ribcage)) feel,” as the circus tonight Bombinates & pitter patters like cotton candy shakes? sugarhighlover? “naught,” they croon, or, perhaps, i am stuttering the near night heeding ‘gainst the crook of my shoulder her shoulder which i stand up high