Nghĩa của từ havens bằng Tiếng Đức

havens [heivnz] Häfen, Zufluchtsorte

Đặt câu có từ "havens"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "havens", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ havens, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ havens trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Denounce those who sponsor, abet and instigate terrorism and provide terrorists safe havens;

2. They were havens for the poor, hospitals, hospices for the dying, and schools.

3. Nevertheless, Julius chose not to listen to Paul’s warning against setting sail from Fair Havens.

4. The last port of call for the ship carrying Paul was Fair Havens, on Crete.

5. The organizations women formed to bring about equality were just as often havens from intractable, institutionalized misogyny.

6. Countries overwhelmed by the human tide of refugees want safe havens set up at once.

7. Exploring ways to combat the use of tax shelters and tax havens that undermine national tax systems;

die Sondierung von Wegen, die Inanspruchnahme von Möglichkeiten zur Steuerumgehung und von Steueroasen zu bekämpfen, die einzelstaatliche Steuersysteme untergraben;

8. It also mandates a certain level of law - enforcement to prevent laxer jurisdictions from becoming cybercrime havens.

9. The havens said instead that they wanted multilateral negotiations to achieve a mutually acceptable and beneficial set of standards.

10. A prerequisite for this, is to liquidate the terror sanctuaries and safe havens that exist beyond Afghanistan’s borders.

11. c) Exploring ways to combat the use of tax shelters and tax havens that undermine national tax systems

c) die Sondierung von Wegen, die Inanspruchnahme von Möglichkeiten zur Steuerumgehung und von Steueroasen zu bekämpfen, die einzelstaatliche Steuersysteme untergraben

12. Sweating profusely, soaking through his robe, Havens raises his ax in triumph and walks off the makeshift stage.

13. These activities address non-filing, abusive tax shelter and tax avoidance schemes, the underground economy, tax havens, and tax evasion.

14. Tropical Billabongs, deceptively still and quiet, form perfect havens for thousands of native species to nest, feed and breed

15. Our Ashrams are centres for spiritual growth and learning; havens of peace offering year-round programmes of classical yoga, meditation and related topics.

16. Perceptions of such divergences force considerable risk premiums on problem countries, inevitably resulting in accelerating capital flight to safe havens.

Die Wahrnehmung derartiger Divergenzen zwingt Problemländern erhebliche Risikoaufschläge auf, die unweigerlich zu einer sich beschleunigenden Kapitalflucht in sichere Häfen führen.

17. * Collaborate closely on counterterrorism cooperation including blocking financing of terrorist activities, removing safe havens for terrorists and preventing money laundering,

18. Boathouses exist to keep pleasure craft safely out of the elements, but they also can also be beautiful, architecturally arresting structures, havens for …

19. A mass exile of Mozambique's political intelligentsia to neighbouring countries provided havens from which radical Mozambicans could plan actions and foment political unrest in their homeland.

20. When consideration was given to leaving Fair Havens “considerable time had passed,” perhaps in waiting there for the wind to abate or because of the slow and difficult journey.

21. UK: Asylees, Safe Havens, Workers A record 110,700 foreigners applied for asylum in the UK in 2002, compared with 71,100 applicants in Germany and 58,100 in France

22. Christchurch’s numerous nature reserves are wildlife havens and with the New Forest National Park on the doorstep, all the family can easily enjoy time together in the fresh air

23. After a decade of acquiescing in the Pakistan army's double-dealing on terror, the US is now engaged in a relentless bombardment with drones of Pakistan's terror havens.

24. As such, Ale special agents target problem ABC-licensed and illegal establishments that serve as havens for violence, drugs, gang activity, organized crime, money laundering and other criminal activity.

25. The sites -- essentially MySpace for millionaires -- promise safe havens for the affluent where they can flirt, swap advice, plan parties and find new pals without mixing with hoi polloi.

26. (We Almoners are a diverse lot, coming from fields such as law, social work, health care, education and criminal justice.) Our benefactor, Charles Gerard Havens, was born in Greenport, L.I., in 1808

27. In Jakarta, shopping malls such as ITC Roxy Mas and ITC Mangga Dua were havens for vendors of pirated CDs of Taiwanese singers and DVDs of films from China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.

28. Terrorism, extremism, and radicalization are a global scourge that must be fought and terrorist safe havens rooted out in every part of the world ... this is something we can all get behind.

29. This is one of many firms around the world that specialize in setting up accounts in offshore tax havens like the British Virgin Islands, for rich and powerful people who like to keep secrets.

30. 4 hours ago · Elizabeth Warren Clashes with Amazon on Twitter, pledges to fight 'union busting,' break up Big Tech Warren accused Amazon of exploiting loopholes and using offshore havens to …

31. Noting that increased mobility of capital and technology have created new opportunities for avoiding tax and profit shifting, the Prime Minister said he urged every jurisdiction, especially tax havens, to provide information for tax purposes in accordance with treaty obligations.

32. But evidently adverse winds, probably from the NW, forced the mariners to take a southerly course from Cnidus to Crete and then sail under the shelter of the island’s S coast, finally reaching Fair Havens with difficulty. —Ac 27:5-8.

33. India, as an affected party, urges the international community to work towards early adoption of the United Nations Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism which will, inter alia, deny terrorists and their supporters’ access to arms, funds and safe havens.

34. * The Sides reiterated their condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and reaffirmed their commitment to dismantle safe havens for terrorist and criminal networks such as Da’esh/ISIL, Al-Qa'ida, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammad, D Company and its affiliates and the Haqqani Network.

35. Our Almoners "Almoner" is an Old English word meaning "the official distributor of another's charitable gifts." Havens uses this term to describe our volunteer network of social services professionals and community leaders who make our grants.

36. Data and research on tax including income tax, consumption tax, dispute resolution, tax avoidance, BEPS, tax havens, fiscal federalism, tax Administration, tax treaties and transfer pricing., As a result of the mining tax audit capacity building initiatives, the Mongolian Tax Administration issued i

37. Champing is the ultimate ‘slow tourism’ escape, with England’s historic churches offering their own unique havens of tranquility, a peaceful night’s sleep interrupted only by the sounds of the natural world, and time to explore the beauty of the surrounding countryside at your own pace by day.

38. Champing™ is the ultimate ‘slow tourism’ escape, with England’s historic churches offering their own unique havens of tranquility, a peaceful night’s sleep interrupted only by the sounds of the natural world, and time to explore the beauty of the surrounding countryside at your own pace by day.

39. Both presidents also stressed the importance of implementing U.N. Security Council Resolution 2254, and supporting the U.N.-led Geneva Process to peacefully resolve the Syrian civil war, end the humanitarian crisis, allow displaced Syrians to return home, and ensure the stability of a unified Syria free of malign intervention and terrorist safe havens.

40. Therefore they stressed the regional aspects of terrorism and extremism, emphasizing the necessity of joint and coordinated efforts and cooperation between the states of the region, especially taking into account the expected drawdown of international forces in 2014,in order to combat terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, including elimination of terrorist safe havens and cutting off financial support to terrorism. 58.

41. The 4th annual Bootlegger 10K trail race will be held on Sunday, February 21st, on upper Creve Coeur Park's Bootlegger's Run trail, which gets its name from the area's notorious reputation during Prohibition.According to one account, "Prohibition brought gamblers and gangsters back and clubhouses, roadhouses, and the notorious Creve Coeur Hotel provided havens for crime.”

42. As priorities shifted, and given the limited construction capacity available during the dry season, the construction of permanent accommodation units had to be revised to focus instead on the construction of permanent facilities at sector headquarters for common facilities such as warehouse flooring to ensure the proper storage of assets in harsh conditions and during the rainy season and the construction of safe havens, base kitchens, ablution units and proper local drainage systems within the compounds.