Nghĩa của từ harbours bằng Tiếng Đức

harbours [hɑːbəz] Häfe

Đặt câu có từ "harbours"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "harbours", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ harbours, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ harbours trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Small Craft Harbours: Implementation of the Small Craft Harbours Accelerated Infrastructure Program has progressed more quickly than anticipated.

2. Harbours can be man-made or natural.

3. He still harbours ambitions of playing professional soccer.

4. The City of Corinth —“Master of Two Harbours

5. The Iberian Peninsula harbours 24 taxa of native large Branchiopods (LBs)

6. I understand, that that lake harbours thousands of mosquitos all year round.

7. And despite the tour's success, Diana still harbours deep-rooted fears and anxieties.

8. 13 Bill still harbours/nurses a grievance against his employers for not promoting him.

9. China harbours nearly 10% of Angiosperm species worldwide and has long been considered as …

10. — A harbour authority within the meaning of section 57 of the Harbours Act 1964

— Eine Hafenbehörde im Sinne von Abschnitt 57 des Harbours Act 1964.

11. It has three harbours, Adabya, Ain Sukhna and Port Tawfiq, and extensive port facilities.

12. "Safe and functional harbours are absolutely essential to the economies of coastal communities," said Mr. Doyle.

13. The intestine is adapted to bidirectional host flora exchange and harbours a diverse bacterial community.

Die friedliche Koexistenz mit der luminalen Flora wird im humanen Gastrointestinaltrakt über komplexe Mechanismen vermittelt.

14. Heard Island and the McDonald Islands have no ports or harbours; ships must anchor offshore.

15. The Belgians were forced to use the only harbours left to them, at Nieuport and Ostend.

16. Synonyms for Boltholes include dens, hideaways, refuge, sanctuaries, harbours, outlets, immunity, retreats, hide-outs and recourse

17. The main harbours of the island are Limassol and Larnaca, which service cargo, passenger and cruise ships.

18. She operated mainly off Batavia, keeping watch on German merchant ships in the Dutch East Indies harbours.

19. The island also harbours tree species that have long disappeared from the mainland due to deforestation and overharvesting.

20. San Francisco and Rio de Janeiro are similarly situated, both standing at the entrance to great natural harbours.

21. A forum, quays, harbours, villas, baths and theatres were constructed also a system of water conservation and control.

22. From the top of Auckland’s highest volcanic cone (196m), the entire isthmus and both harbours are laid bare

23. Bombardon units were part of the pre-fabricated Mulberry harbours used to land supplies to the D-Day beaches

24. One Anachronism is the inclusion of twin diesel engines, for manoeuvring in harbours and avoiding conflicts in busy shipping lanes

25. The smalleye pygmy shark (Squaliolus Aliae) is a dwarf pelagic shark from the Dalatiidae family that harbours thousands of tiny photophores

26. It may include energy production and distribution systems, access roads, airstrips, terminals, wharfs, harbours and site services for commercial developments.

27. The unit kept watch on German merchant ships in the Dutch East Indies harbours, with Durban's patrol area being off Padang.

28. Barriers to and accidents in navigation, incidents or interruption of service in locks, canals or harbours, or stoppage of navigation;

29. Josephus describes Caligula's improvements to the harbours at Rhegium and Sicily, allowing increased grain imports from Egypt, as his greatest contributions.

30. From 1991 to 2001, its share in terms of fish arrivals in Belgian harbours had fallen from approximately 37 % to 20 % (6).

Von 1991 bis 2001 war ihr Anteil an den Fischanlandungen in den belgischen Häfen von rund 37 % auf 20 % zurückgegangen (6).

31. b) Barriers to and accidents in navigation, incidents or interruption of service in locks, canals or harbours, or stoppage of navigation

32. 10 Here is an exquisite reliquary from the shrine of Saint Oda that harbours a phial of the Virgin Mary's breast milk.

33. Adding this location to Schedule I will permit funding by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, under the Small Craft Harbours program.

34. The Portuguese arrived in the 16th century and wished to obtain rights to anchor ships in Macau's harbours and to carry out trading activities.

35. Photography at airports, railway stations, naval bases, air bases, military installations, public water and energy plants, police stations, harbours, mines, and bridges is prohibited.

36. Lighthouse - Lighthouse - Buoys: Buoys are used to mark safe channels, important reference points, approaches to harbours, isolated dangers and wrecks, and areas of special significance

37. Maó-Mahón has one of the largest natural harbours in the world: 5 km (3.1 mi) long and up to 900 metres (2,953 feet) wide.

38. Without naval defence an enemy could bottle up our exports - and in Breadstuffs alone $40,000,000 a year would go no farther than our coastal harbours.

39. Other articles where Armouring is discussed: harbours and sea works: Breakwater design: …covering of larger boulders, or Armouring, to protect it from removal by the sea

40. To Compensate for the changing tides, adjustable ramps were positioned at the harbours and the gantry structure height was varied by moving it along the slipway

41. Hyperion was transferred to the North America and West Indies Station in late October where he blockaded various German merchant ships in American and Mexican harbours.

42. In conclusion, the committee was somewhat taken aback by the small allocation of moneys this year for the small craft harbours and those used by our fishery people

43. Although further research and experiments are needed, Guenneau remains confident that, over time, the ANAMORPHISM concept can be scaled up and used to protect harbours and cities.

Obgleich weitere Forschung und Experimente erforderlich sind, ist Guenneau dennoch zuversichtlich, dass das ANAMORPHISM-Konzept im Laufe der Zeit nach oben skaliert und zum Schutz von Häfen und Städten genutzt werden kann.

44. We did a Circumnavigation of Iceland on a small cruiseship, the Ocean Diamond, which was small enough to go down the fjords, right to the harbours of the small villages

45. According to Tallet, the harbor could also have been one of the legendary high sea harbours of Ancient Egypt, from where expeditions to the infamous gold land Punt had started.

46. The Broodiness of the Tasmanian landscape is a common trope in Tasmanian Gothic cinema; there is a sense that the landscape harbours and shrouds the secrets of pasts not easily admitted

47. The use of anabolic agents by female athletes, especially young female athletes, damages their femininity, while abuse harbours serious risks to their health, frequently resulting in their being deprived of motherhood.

Wenn weibliche Sportler, vor allem junge Sportlerinnen, Anabolika verwenden, schadet das ihrer Weiblichkeit, aber ein Missbrauch birgt ernste Gefahren für ihre Gesundheit und führt immer wieder dazu, dass sie der Chance auf Mutterschaft beraubt werden.

48. Between the western and southern areas of the National Park lies the Milford Haven waterway, where the tranquil Daugleddau estuary feeds into one of the finest natural deep water harbours in the world.

49. ‘The deep bays that Corrugate St Lucia's coastlines were the cause of 150 years of conflict between the French and the English, who both desired the island for its natural harbours and strategic position in …

50. ‘The deep bays that Corrugate St Lucia's coastlines were the cause of 150 years of conflict between the French and the English, who both desired the island for its natural harbours and strategic position in …