Nghĩa của từ hampering bằng Tiếng Đức

hampering [hæmpəriŋ] hindernd

Đặt câu có từ "hampering"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "hampering", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ hampering, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ hampering trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Obstacles hampering exchange of personal data

Hindernisse für den Austausch personenbezogener Daten

2. Bad weather is hampering the search for survivors.

3. 2 Bad weather is hampering the search for survivors.

4. 5 Bad weather is hampering the search for survivors.

5. Palamau is a Maoist-infested area, with the rebels hampering human and wildlife Acclivities

6. Antonyms for Advantaging include hampering, handicapping, impeding, disAdvantaging, hindering, limiting, blocking, crippling, curbing and debilitating

7. 'Arnab Goswami Is Arrogant, Antics Hampering Investigation, Browbeating Police' : Maharashtra Govt Moves SC Against Interim Protection

8. Soaring mutual debts incurred by companies gave rise to so-called payment bottlenecks hampering economic activities

9. Banks' balance sheets remain under pressure from high levels of non-performing loans, hampering lending activity.

Die Bankbilanzen stehen angesichts der Vielzahl notleidender Kredite nach wie vor unter Druck, was die Kreditvergabe beeinträchtigt.

10. Unexploded ordnance and mines planted along the borders and the military zone are also hampering reintegration activities.

11. The distribution and fragmentation of responsibility within the administration is hampering efforts to align with the acquis.

12. whereas fragmented interpretation and inadequate implementation of the directive are still hampering free movement of services across borders;

in der Erwägung, dass der freie grenzüberschreitende Dienstleistungsverkehr durch die uneinheitliche Auslegung und die unzureichende Umsetzung der Richtlinie immer noch behindert wird;

13. Read in studio Hurricane force winds are hampering efforts to save seals caught in the Shetland oil slick.

14. Moreover, those policies risk hampering negotiations towards the comprehensive, just and lasting peace to which we all aspire.

15. As a result, research and development in genetic engineering is more expensive, discouraging investment and hampering innovation.

16. A low ratio may indicate the firm's credit policy is too rigorous, which may be hampering sales.

17. Removing the structural bottlenecks hampering industry and enterprise and stirring the animal spirits will improve the potential for labour absorption.

18. A thick layer of fuel oil coated the surface, filling men's lungs and stomachs and hampering their efforts to swim.

19. Especially in the EU's sparsely populated areas the amplitude limit is hampering the opportunities to develop wireless data communication.

Besonders in den gering besiedelten Gebieten der EU behindert die Begrenzung der Sendeleistung die Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten für die drahtlose Datenübertragung.

20. Insecurity continued to constrain humanitarian access and activities, hampering the return of internally displaced persons and refugees and causing new displacement in northern Mali.

21. "Breakages" is the focus of a critique of capitalism, shown as exerting undue political influence while hampering beneficial technological progress to protect its own interests.

22. This frail position, together with overcapacity has led to fierce price competition, which results in low earning power, thereby hampering the sector’s ability to reinvest and innovate.

Diese unsichere Position hat zusammen mit den Überkapazitäten zu einem harten Preiswettbewerb geführt, der wiederum eine Schwächung der Ertragskraft und somit der Fähigkeit des Sektors zu neuen Investitionen und Innovation nach sich zog.

23. After a half hour of power walking, I stopped to remove my sweater and to tighten my large fanny pack that had begun to slide down, hampering my stride.

24. 30 – That is to say, the material conditions laid down in Article 15(1) of the Return Directive, such as the risk of absconding, or hampering of the return or the removal process.

30 – Das heißt die materiell-rechtlichen Voraussetzungen nach Art. 15 Abs. 1 der Rückführungsrichtlinie, wie Fluchtgefahr oder die Behinderung der Rückkehr oder des Abschiebungsverfahrens.

25. ‘Bragging might not always be a rational behavior.’ ‘Since the results came out at the end of April, the newspapers have been awash with Bragging.’ ‘Hampering her diligent efforts was the unchecked Bragging of more senior network executives.’

26. It is hard to imagine its actualisation with the existing backward-looking policies hampering economic progress and technological advancement. ... As the Cambodian leadership is anxious that the country is not left behind, present constraints are expected to be removed." - Digital Review of Asia Pacific 2005/6

27. The fact that that person has no documents is quite obviously one of the factors that the referring court will take into account when it determines whether there is a risk of absconding or whether the person concerned is avoiding or hampering the preparation for return or the removal procedure.

Dass diese Person keine Papiere besitzt, ist selbstverständlich einer der Umstände, die das vorlegende Gericht zu berücksichtigen hat, wenn es ermittelt, ob Fluchgefahr besteht oder der Betroffene die Vorbereitung der Rückkehr oder das Abschiebungsverfahren umgeht oder behindert.

28. ‘It was a short, Clipped sound, but at least it was there.’ ‘She folded her arms across her chest and responded in a sharp and Clipped tone, her voice resonating across the mall.’ ‘Coward himself gives a rather humourless performance as the Captain, hampering the characterisation with his Clipped and affected speech delivery.’