Nghĩa của từ gyroscope bằng Tiếng Đức

gyroscope [dʒairəskoup] Kreisel

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "gyroscope", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ gyroscope, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ gyroscope trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. This bomb has a tiny gyroscope inside.

2. The scheme improves stability of gyroscope driving well.

3. Circuit board integrated atomic magnetometer and gyroscope

4. Silicon gyroscope has low precision and serious non - linear errors.

5. I have at this time, turned into a non - stop spinning gyroscope.

6. The compensating method for MEMS gyroscope random drift error is discussed.

7. Loosen all the shock absorbers, use your gyroscope as balance and ball up!

8. The equipment and environment of fiber - optic gyroscope ( FOG ) zero - drift experiment are introduced.

9. Accelerometer- and gyroscope-based signals were analysed using a complex set of pattern recognition algorithms.

Die erzeugten Beschleunigungs- und Drehsignale wurden mittels Verfahren der Mustererkennung analysiert.

10. The gyroscope in tank is used to stabilize the aim system of the gun.

11. Power-free gyroscope using surface acoustic wave, and wired/wireless method for measuring angular velocity

12. The gyroscope comprises a photonic crystal capable of guiding counter-propagating light beams in a closed path.

13. At present, the electrostatic suspended gyroscope ( ESG ) is the most precise inertia instrument in the world.

14. Many of our great inventions first appeared as toys -- fireworks; the steam engine; the gyroscope; laser weapons.

15. Eliminating Dead Band error is an important problem in the designing of the closed loop Fiber Optic Gyroscope.

16. The invention dispenses with expensive systems wherein the rotational angle is detected with the aid of a gyroscope.

Dadurch werden aufwendige Systeme, bei denen die Drehwinkelerfassung mit Hilfe eines Kreisels erfolgt, vermieden.

17. A critical fall in the rate of rotation of the gyroscope is one which lowers accuracy by 10 %.

Kritisch ist eine Änderung der Kreiseldrehzahl, die 10 % Rückgang der Genauigkeit bewirkt.

18. In this paper, the temperature characteristic of super luminescent diode ( SLD ) used in a fiber optic gyroscope system is introduced.

19. The paper presents the dither feedback which exploits magnetoelectric dither pick - up ( MEDP ) technology in ring laser gyroscope.

20. 19 The paper presents the dither feedback which exploits magnetoelectric dither pick - up ( MEDP ) technology in ring laser gyroscope.

21. This concept views human society as being equipped with an internal gyroscope which establishes a natural ordering mechanism in society.

22. To ensure that the three-phase gyroscope motor can work normally, it's necessary to measure the effective value of its AC driving signal.

23. During the mission Endeavour's crew successfully added another truss segment, a new gyroscope and external spare parts platform to the International Space Station.

24. The working reliability of the rate gyroscope is improved by transforming the servo loop amplifier from an integrated circuit into a discrete one.

25. Arietis is an innovative 3-Axis Rad-Hard Gyro unit and the only gyroscope system using a European Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology.

26. The principle and typical application of single chip yaw rate gyroscope are introduced, then the design notes of yaw rate measure instrument are presented.

27. The winding technology of fiber coil used in fiber optic gyroscope was demonstrated. The principle and application of Brillouin Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (BOTDR) were introduced.

28. Meanwhile, Sperry Gyroscope Co., which had been founded by Elmer Sperry in 1909, had begun designing and building Bombsights as a natural outgrowth of its

29. The relationship between input angle and output differential capacitance is presented for the realization of the capacitance signal detection of micro electromagnetic disk levitating gyroscope.

30. The author brings forward the method dispose of error for gyroscope trend item cause of north seeking error, and analyzes latitude error and two pose angle error.

31. The azimuth angles of platform and vehicle will be obtained by an integrator from azimuth rate signals measured by an azimuth gyroscope supported on a horizontal gimbal.

32. The main advantages of the gyroscope are that the mechanically and electrically coupling between actuation mode and detection mode are reduced through independent folded beam and oscillator mass.

33. The data recorded from the cameras, microphones, GPS tracking device, accelerometer, and gyroscope are used to record several feeds and assemble said feeds into a single multimedia clip.

34. This method solves the problem of rapid azimuth alignment on the moving base, dramatically reduces the requirement of carrier's movement and gives a means of measure gyroscope drift.

35. (4) Against the Arduousness and dangerous of the measure work to the road sign, a digital picture measuring system is designed on the basis of CCD camera, distance sensor, gyroscope, etc

36. Against the arduousness and dangerous of the measure work to the road sign, a digital picture measuring system is designed on the basis of CCD camera, distance sensor, gyroscope, etc.

37. [Bluetooth Accelerometer+Inclinometer] BWT901CL MPU9250 High-Precision 9-Axis Gyroscope+Angle(XY 0.05° Accuracy)+Magnetometer with Kalman Filter, 200Hz High-Stability 3-axis IMU Sensor for Arduino 3.8 out of 5 stars 30

38. On May 12, 2009, Gaga performed "Poker Face" on The Ellen DeGeneres Show while wearing a gyroscope on her head, designed by theatrical hat designer Nasir Mazhar and playing the piano while standing on the stool.

39. A retired special education teacher, Vern Fein has published over one hundred fifty poems on over sixty sites, a few being: *82 Review, Bindweed Magazine, Gyroscope Review, Courtship of Winds, Young Raven’s Review, Nine Muses, Monterey Poetry Review, and Corvus Review.

40. Canonicals heaps Deuteronomy Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900), German philosopher lose sleep over popadnout realism round beam time Deum, cole regem spaghetti EY:n tavoitteet frozen fish products from cereals antreffen determination electric carpet gyroscope to wake up to reality, to come to oneself, to realize, to see the truth kaatua

41. “If an Accelerometer sensor is designed to measure the acceleration and tilt, or the gyroscopic sensor to measure angular velocity and orientation, IMU sensor is a special one designed to combine the features of an Accelerometer and gyroscope in order to display complete information about the acceleration, position, orientation, speed, etc

42. Me Auriga’s mainboard is the updated version of Orion and is equipped with multiple onboard sensors for temperature, sound intensity, a gyroscope, a buzzer driver; features a one-key power switch, wireless Bluetooth control and firmware upgrade capability, the original two red ports have been updated to four ports with the same functions; PORT5 is isolated only with serial