Nghĩa của từ guinea pigs bằng Tiếng Đức

guinea pigs [giniːpigz] Versuchskaninche

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "guinea pigs", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ guinea pigs, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ guinea pigs trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Guinea Pigs No More.

2. Experimenting on human guinea pigs.

3. Who better than guinea pigs with no rights?

4. Twenty students volunteered to act as guinea pigs.

5. 'Come, that finished the guinea- pigs!'thought Alice.

6. The Chinchilla is related to guinea pigs and porcupines

7. The camp doctors deliberately infected human guinea pigs with tuberculosis.

8. We feed most of our vegetable parings to the guinea pigs.

9. Anti allergic effect of albumen shock of lab guinea pigs.

10. Of 26 guinea pigs 14 showed a positive influence as measured by amplitudes.

Vierzehn von 26 Meerschweinchen zeigten einen positiven Effekt, — gemessen an den Amplituden.

11. My guests are guinea pigs for all the new dishes I try out.

12. Plasma 11-hydroxycorticosteroid levels were measured fluorometrically during anaphylactic shock of guinea pigs.

Die 11-Hydroxycorticosteroid-Konzentrationen im Plasma anaphylaktischer Meerschweinchen wurden fluorometrisch gemessen.

13. The proceedings of restitution after Streptomycineintoxication were examined on Guinea-pigs cristae ampullares.

An Meerschweinchen-Cristae wurden die Erholungsvorgänge nach Streptomycinapplikation untersucht.

14. Effects of high dose Ascorbate administration on L-10 tumor growth in guinea pigs

15. I dedicate my expertise to an alternative cage building project at UNITED GUINEA PIGS.

Ich engagiere mich daher in unserer großen internationalen Meerschweinchenrechtsbewegung UNITED GUINEA PIGS für Projekte, die die artgerechte Unterbringung von Meerschweinchen unterstützen.

16. Infections with A. benhamiae anamorphs are usually transferred by guinea pigs or other animals.

Infektionen mit A.-benhamiae-Anamorphen werden in der Regel von Meerschweinchen oder anderen Tieren übertragen.

17. [Acute effect of Luchon sulfur water aerosol on histaminic and Acetylcholinic bronchospasm in guinea pigs].

18. Guinea pigs respond to anaphylatoxin (AT) with an initial hypotension followed by a hypertensive phase.

Injektion von Anaphylatoxin (AT) mit initialem Blutdruckabfall und nachfolgender Blutdrucksteigerung.

19. Cryolite is classified as a non-sensitizer based on dermal sensitization tests conducted with Guinea pigs

20. Therefore, absorption of ethanol occurs at a much slower rate in rats than in guinea pigs.

Die Resorption von Äthanol erfolgt somit bei Ratten erheblich langsamer als bei Meerschweinchen.

21. Laboratory animals, such as mice, guinea pigs, hamsters , rabbits among others, commonly used in diagnostic virology.

22. Students in fifty schools are to act as guinea pigs for these new teaching methods.

23. Methods:The mechanism of cryotherapy for dentinal hypersensitivity and the dose of cryosurgery were studied in guinea pigs.

24. The Antiscorbutic effect of dehydro-L-ascorbic acid (DAsA) was investigated in vitamin C-deficient guinea pigs

25. Ampicillin use is contraindicated in pets allergic to penicillins and in rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas, or hamsters.

26. ObjectiveTo explore the relationship between melanin synthesis and the congenital high myopia of albino guinea - pigs.

27. Conclusion The constructed recombinant fowlpox virus showed good biosafety to pregnant guinea pigs and their offspring.

28. For the first time in guinea-pigs sensitization to methyl and propyl esters of parahydroxybenzoic acid was recognized.

In Meerschweinchenversuchen wird erstmals die Sensibilisierung mit p-Hydroxybenzoesäureester (p-HBE) objektiviert.

29. The influence of various drugs on anaphylatoxin-induced bronchoconstriction and respiratory stimulation has been investigated in guinea pigs.

Der Einfluß von verschiedenen Pharmaka auf den durch Anaphylatoxin (AT) ausgelösten Bronchospasmus und die Atemstimulation wurde an wachen und narkotisierten Meerschweinchen untersucht.

30. Perchlorate-extracts of the epidermis of guinea pigs revealed several ultraviolet absorbing bands by column chromatography on Dowex 50.

Perchlorsäure-Extrakte der Meerschweinchen-Epidermis ergaben bei Säulenchromatographie an Dowex 50 mehrere UV-absorbierende Banden.

31. In guinea pigs the acid phosphatase in the parotid gland has been studied (electromicroscopic method Essner and Novikoff, 1961).

Novikoff (1961) nachgewiesen.

32. Methods Cochlea stria was separated by micrergy from guinea pigs and the stria tissue nubbles were cultured in vitro.

33. Isolated perfused hearts of rats and guinea pigs reacted to arachidonic acid (AA) with coronary vasoconstriction followed by vasodilatation.

34. The Beldam hurried hither and thither, and with the help of the guinea pigs and squirrels quickly made the soup

35. The activity of UDP-glucuronic acid pyrophosphatase has been determined in suspensions of liver microsomes from guinea pigs and rats.

Die UDP-Glucuronsäurepyrophosphatase-Aktivität wurde in Lebermikrosomensuspensionen von Meerschweinchen und Ratten bestimmt.

36. Here's a list of the eight Creepiest science experiments, involving both human subjects and unwitting guinea pigs from the animal kingdom.

37. In LD 50 tests for methyl salicylate, Convulsions have been seen in guinea pigs, but not in rats (Opdyke 1978 p

38. Local Tolerance Studies Azelaic acid was not found to be a contact sensitizer in a maximization test conducted in guinea pigs.

39. There also appear to be inter-species differences in sensitivity to H2SO4, with guinea pigs being particularly sensitive to acid exposure.

40. Objective There is no report about mtDNA deletions in guinea pigs, although it is a very ideal animal model in otology research.

41. Most of the sub-types were directly obtainable from biological inoculation experiments with guinea pigs without previous treatment with acid or alkali.

Die meisten Stämme wurden direkt im biologischen Versuch an Meerschweinchen ohne vorherige Säure- und Laugebearbeitung gewonnen.

42. They managed to do an animal study in a few guinea pigs with just 10 grams of the scarce drug, demonstrating survival.

43. Basophils were found to decrease sharply by 1 year of age in female Weiser-Maples guinea pigs using automated hematology analysis ( …

44. Basophils were found to decrease sharply by 1 year of age in female Weiser-Maples guinea pigs using automated hematology analysis ( …

45. The influence of cyclophosphamide, amethopterin, prednisolone and ionizing radiation on the formation of haemagglutination-inhibiting antibodies was studied in guinea pigs and rabbits.

Wir prüften den Einfluß der Medikamente Cyclophosphamid, Amethopterin und Prednisolon sowie ionisierender Strahlen auf die Bildung hämagglutinationshemmender Antikörper gegen Influenza-Virus A PR 8 bei Meerschweinchen und Kaninchen.

46. In guinea-pigs the ability to detoxicate certain drugs, e.g. barbiturates, decreases with a minimal but not yet perilous supply of ascorbic acid.

Bei minimaler Versorgung mit Ascorbinsäure, die aber noch nicht lebensgefährdend ist, haben Meerschweinchen eine verminderte Fähigkeit, bestimmte Pharmaka, z. B. Barbiturate, abzubauen.

47. Cavy, (family Caviidae), any of 14 species of South American rodents comprising guinea pigs, maras, yellow-toothed cavies, mountain cavies, and rock cavies

48. Its close relatives include guinea pigs and rock cavies, and it is more distantly related to the agouti, the chinchilla, and the coypu.

49. In contrast to reports in the mouse Cochleae, initial damage to ribbon synapses in the Cochleae of guinea pigs is largely repairable.

50. In addition, in Benzpyrene and Aroclor-treated guinea pigs, ANF inhibited the (omega-1)-hydroxylation more pronouncedly than that of omega-hydroxylation