Nghĩa của từ gross amount bằng Tiếng Đức

gross amount [grousəmaunt] Gesamtbetrag

Đặt câu có từ "gross amount"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "gross amount", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ gross amount, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ gross amount trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Name: Other items in the technical account, gross amount

2. A15. The gross amount of FAPI should be reported.

3. the gross amount and accumulated impairment losses at the beginning of the period;

den Bruttobetrag und die kumulierten Wertminderungsaufwendungen zu Beginn der Berichtsperiode;

4. the gross amount and accumulated impairment losses at the end of the period.

den Bruttobetrag und die kumulierten Wertminderungsaufwendungen zum Ende der Berichtsperiode.

5. the gross amount and accumulated impairment losses at the beginning of the period

den Bruttobetrag und die kumulierten Wertminderungsaufwendungen zu Beginn der Berichtsperiode

6. (h) the gross amount and accumulated impairment losses at the end of the period.

7. (a) the gross amount and accumulated impairment losses at the beginning of the period;

(a) den Bruttobetrag und die kumulierten Wertminderungsaufwendungen zu Beginn der Berichtsperiode;

8. (viii) the gross amount and accumulated impairment losses at the end of the reporting period.

viii) des Bruttobetrags und der kumulierten Wertminderungsaufwendungen zum Ende der Berichtsperiode.

9. Thus “gross receipts” includes, but is not limited to: (i) the gross amount received as contributions, gifts, grants, and similar Amounts without reduction for the expenses of raising and collecting such Amounts, (ii) the gross amount received as …

10. the gross amount and the accumulated amortisation (aggregated with accumulated impairment losses), at the beginning of the period

des Bruttobetrages und der kumulierten Abschreibungen (zusammengefasst mit den kumulierten Wertminderungsaufwendungen) zu Beginn der Berichtsperiode

11. the gross amount and the accumulated amortisation (aggregated with accumulated impairment losses), at the end of the period

des Bruttobetrages und der kumulierten Abschreibungen (zusammengefasst mit den kumulierten Wertminderungsaufwendungen) zum Ende der Berichtsperiode

12. As the time at which uncollectible loans and advances are written off differs, the gross amount of loans and advances and of the allowance account for impairment losses may vary considerably in similar circumstances.

Da der Zeitpunkt, zu dem die uneinbringlichen Kredite und Darlehen abgeschrieben werden, sich je nach dem Einzelfall richtet, können der Bruttobetrag der Kredite und Darlehen und der Wertberichtigungsposten für Wertminderungsaufwendungen in vergleichbaren Situationen erheblich voneinander abweichen.

13. From a US tax standpoint, the gross amount of the distribution paid to you will be included in your gross income as a dividend, to the extent paid out of the current or accumulated earnings and profits of BCE, as determined under US federal income tax principles.

14. (b) characteristics listed in Article 34, Part I, of Directive 91/674/EEC concerning non-life insurance enterprises and specialist reinsurance enterprises and the non-life business of composite insurance enterprises: items 1 a, 1 b, 1 c, 1 d, 2, 4 a aa, 4 a bb, 4 b aa, 4 b bb, 7 (gross amount), 7 d, 9, 10 (separately for the gross and net amount);

b) die in Artikel 34 Teil I der Richtlinie 91/674/EWG aufgeführten Merkmale von Schadenversicherungs- und Rückversicherungsunternehmen sowie von Kompositversicherungsunternehmen (Schadenversicherungsgeschäft): Posten 1 a, 1 b, 1 c, 1 d, 2, 4 a aa, 4 a bb, 4 b aa, 4 b bb, 7 (Bruttobetrag), 7 d, 9, 10 (Brutto- und Nettobetrag sind getrennt auszuweisen);