Nghĩa của từ grant to bằng Tiếng Đức

grant to [grənttou] angedeihe

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "grant to", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ grant to, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ grant to trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. They'd got a special grant to encourage research.

2. Australia converted a M3A5 Grant to a BARV configuration.

3. 8 They'd got a special grant to encourage research.

4. NMSU English professor receives NSF grant to study bear Ceremonialism, creates website

5. The school has received a large capital grant to improve its buildings.

6. A $ 5 - million federal grant to piggyback city and state subsidies ( New York ).

7. Department of Corrections Receives PCCD Grant to Assist County Jails with Medication- March 03, 2021

8. 29 They have been given a grant to convert the disused church into luxury flats.

9. 1723 Virginia land grant to "Peter Baze" (Peter Bays) Mark Baze 8/01/07

10. In 2005, Engelbart received a National Science Foundation grant to fund the open source HyperScope project.

11. 7 hours ago · YCSD Awarded $70,000 Grant to Attract People of Color as Teachers

12. Transport does not appear as a separate item, but as part of the overall block grant to regional authorities.

13. It also discussed the possibility of a World Bank grant to help industry to adapt to the demands of the protocol.

14. Medicaid would be transformed into a "block grant" to the states, allowing them much more discretion over how the money is spent.

15. The county commissioners even applied for a grant to hire a recycling consultant, the Harrisburg fir" of Gershman, Bridaler and Bratton

16. Overall, she supports the conversion of the Voucher Program to a block grant to the states provided that certain conditions are satisfied.

17. After we had demonstrated that we could find small tumors, we used these images to submit a grant to the Susan G. Komen Foundation.

18. Intercepting Grant's movement, Lee positioned his forces behind the North Anna River in a salient to force Grant to divide his army to attack it.

19. In another case, Huynh Thi Thanh Tra, 29, will have to pay VND3.1 billion ($136,000), twice the value of the original grant, to the city.

20. Accrete Secures Grant to Help with the Treatment of COVID-19 New York based AI firm helps identify COVID-19 survivors to increase local plasma donations.

21. I wrote a one- and- a- quarter- million dollar federal transportation grant to design the plan for a waterfront esplanade with dedicated on- street bike paths.

22. In addition, each year, the institute’s director was allotted a certain amount of discretionary time to grant to special projects that he or she deemed worthwhile.

23. The City of Chico was recently awarded a Federal Aviation Administration grant to assist with the return of commercial air service from the Chico Municipal Airport

24. I wrote a one-and-a-quarter-million dollar federal transportation grant to design the plan for a waterfront esplanade with dedicated on-street bike paths.

25. To grant to be real, valid, or true; acknowledge or concede: Even proponents of the technology Admit that it doesn't always work as well as it should.

26. Antagonistically influence the rights and cures of the moneylender, or (v) make, bring about, expect or grant to exist certain obligation aside from certain indicated sorts of obligation

27. 1 day ago · EDINBORO — The Edinboro Volunteer Fire Department has been awarded a $10,000 grant to increase community protection from wildfires, state Representative Ryan Bizzarro …

28. NATICK, MA — Natick has been awarded a state grant to study ways to mitigate a chemical Contaminant that has only recently been recognized as a potential health hazard in …

29. Brace Protects Vital Dementia Research Brace is proud to announce that we have awarded a £140,000 grant to ensure the future work of the South West Dementia Brain Bank

30. The Barbarians Rugby Charitable Trust have made a £10,000 grant to the Matt Ratana Rugby Foundation to support the Foundation’s coaching initiatives both in the UK and in New Zealand.

31. ‘(c) “credit agreement” means an agreement whereby a creditor grants or promises to grant to a consumer credit in the form of a deferred payment, loan or other similar financial accommodation ...

„c) ‚Kreditvertrag‘ [bezeichnet] einen Vertrag, bei dem ein Kreditgeber einem Verbraucher einen Kredit in Form eines Zahlungsaufschubs, eines Darlehens oder einer sonstigen ähnlichen Finanzierungshilfe gewährt oder zu gewähren verspricht ...

32. Am I eligible for the Back to Bama tuition grant? To be eligible for the Back to Bama grant, you must: Have previously attempted 15 hours at The University of AlaBama



34. The project will add substantially to the resources available to Gram Panchayats through supporting an annual, performance-based block grant to 1,000 Gram Panchayats within 9 districts for expenditure on local infrastructure and service delivery.

35. 1 day ago · Askew began his career in the nonprofit sector, serving as a Program Officer at New Visions for Public Schools helping to administer the first Annenberg Foundation Grant to form corporate

36. Development of the initial public version of Adapts was funded through a generous grant to Native Seeds/SEARCH from the Gila River Indian Community.We are grateful to GRIC for their support of resilient food systems in the Southwest.

37. After a slow year in the fight against the invasive trees, the Committee is seeking a $300,000 state grant to clear large Albizias from Kahakai Boulevard in Pahoa by early next year, said Springer Kaye, manager for BIISC

38. ‘The company Covenanted not to sell, assign or grant to anyone the right to distribute the products within Canada.’ ‘It was, and is, the position of AWS that liquidated damages must be a genuine, Covenanted pre-estimate of loss.’

39. ‘The company Covenanted not to sell, assign or grant to anyone the right to distribute the products within Canada.’ ‘It was, and is, the position of AWS that liquidated damages must be a genuine, Covenanted pre-estimate of loss.’

40. In support of Rotary's obligation to match US$100 million for the Gates Foundation Grant to eradicate polio, the Board agreed to allocate affinity credit card royalties for the next three fiscal years (through 30 June 2011) to the match challenge.

Zur Unterstützung von Rotarys Verpflichtung, die 100-Millionen-Dollar-Spende der Gates Foundation zu verdoppeln, stimmte der Vorstand der Einführung von Gebühren auf Affinity-Kreditkarten in den nächsten drei Rechnungsjahren (bis 30. Juni 2011) zu.

41. * In recognition of the achievements of this centre, my Government is happy to announce an additional million dollar grant to help the Centre initiate a Masters programme, expand its laboratory facilities and introduce additional curriculum that will help students stay abreast with rapidly advancing technology.

42. Income recognition of government grants on a receipts basis is not in accordance with the accrual accounting assumption (see IAS #, presentation of financial statements) and would only be acceptable if no basis existed for allocating a grant to periods other than the one in which it was received

Die erfolgswirksame Erfassung von Zuwendungen auf der Grundlage ihres Zuflusses steht nicht in Übereinstimmung mit der Grundvoraussetzung der Periodenabgrenzung (siehe IAS #, Darstellung des Abschlusses), und eine Erfassung als Ertrag bei Zufluss der Zuwendung ist nur zulässig, wenn für die Periodisierung der Zuwendung keine andere Grundlage als die des Zuflusszeitpunktes verfügbar ist

43. Nature of request: Hesilrygg requests for his service the grant to him the debt of Burneby amounting to £480 which has been Attermined in the Exchequer at 4 marks per annum, and that this attermination be revoked and a writ sent to the sheriff of Northamptonshire for the debt and to Burneby

44. The aid which the Italian Government proposes to grant to an angine and tractor manufacturer at Treviglio and which it notified to the Commission by letter dated 6 September 1983 is incompatible with the common market within the meaning of Article 92 of the EEC Treaty and must consequently not be granted.

Die von der italienischen Regierung für ein Motoren und landwirtschaftliche Zugmaschinen herstellendes Unternehmen in Treviglio geplante Beihilfe, von der die Kommission mit Schreiben vom 6. September 1983 unterrichtet wurde, ist gemäß Artikel 92 EWG-Vertrag mit dem Gemeinsamen Markt unvereinbar und darf nicht vergeben werden.

45. Although Converge does not claim ownership of Content that its users post, by posting Content to the Service, you automatically grant, and you represent and warrant that you have the right to grant, to Converge an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, fully paid, worldwide license to use, copy, perform, display, and distribute said Content and

46. Grant to the Jesuits in 1639 The territory of the Lordship of Batiscan was granted to Jesuits by a deed dated 13 March 1639 by their protector in France, Sir Jacques de la Ferté priest, counsellor, almoner Meeting of Roy, Abbot of St. Magdalene of Châteaudun, cantor and canon of the Sainte Chapelle du Palais Royal in Paris".

47. As Isaiah says, “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the Brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound… to comfort all who mourn; to grant to those who

48. And despite the ugly, lukewarm attitude of this Apostatising church, Christ made the most amazing promises to those who would deny themselves, stand fast in the faith, take up their cross and follow Him: He who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit down with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.

49. Saviour; in memory of the Alleluiahs in the valleys of Bethlehem; in memory of thy message to the shepherds; in memory of the Blazing Star which guided the Mages! May thy Sign be to me the symbol of protection which Thou deigns to grant to this Theurgic Work! I implore thee, O Celestial <Name of Angels> in memory of the Signs

50. It was 2008, and she was one of the final six Contestants on the 12th season of The Bachelor, cheekily subtitled London Calling in honor of British star Matt Grant.Hometown dates were approaching, and Ritchie, the first Black woman to make it to the final six, sat with the other women discussing the possibility of introducing Grant to their parents.