Nghĩa của từ got caught bằng Tiếng Đức

got caught [gɔtkɔːt] hängengebliebe

Đặt câu có từ "got caught"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "got caught", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ got caught, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ got caught trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. I just got caught.

2. She got caught in a thunderstorm.

3. We got caught in the hail.

4. Got caught in a crossfire, went down.

5. I mean, what if she got caught?

6. We got caught in a torrential downpour.

7. My yardstick got caught in the handle.

8. We got caught in a howling gale.

9. If you got caught, you'd die in prison.

10. I got caught in the morning rush hour.

11. Several hapless hikers got caught in the snowstorm.

12. The gang bungled the job and got caught.

13. Her hair got caught in her hair dryer.

14. Well, kind of got caught up in the moment.

15. 8 They got caught up in a street brawl.

16. Innocent passers-by got caught up in the riots.

17. 6 Several hapless hikers got caught in the snowstorm.

18. 1 They got caught up in a street brawl.

19. Some of them got caught midstream by the tide.

20. I cheated on the final exam and got caught.

21. 10 Absolutely Strange Ways Brutal Murderers Got Caught Share

22. One of them got caught up in the water.

23. I got caught up in the middle of something.

24. The fabric got caught in the zip and tore.

25. I got caught in the deluge on the way home.

26. We got caught in a rainstorm on the way here.

27. A rabbit got caught in the blades of the reaper.

28. Sorry I'm late — I got caught up in a traffic jam.

29. Our boat got caught on a sandbank as we returned home.

30. Got caught with your hand in the cookie jar, didn't you?

31. You helped me cheat on my math test, but I got caught.

32. I mean, we got caught up in the moment, shit got crazy.

33. She got caught up in the excitement and drama of the auction.

34. “SJP got caught, their harassment of Jewish students was exposed, and they Backpedaled

35. My left leg got caught up in the wheel well -- spun it around.

36. That way it' il look like they got caught in the shit storm

37. That you got caught in a shitstorm, but you put up a sturdy umbrella.

38. I got caught up in the alma mater thing, having such good friends here.

39. 1 Paul got caught up in the rat race and was never at home.

40. That same year, I got caught up in an investment plan that proved to be fraudulent.

41. 3 A whole regiment of the enemy troop got caught in our ambush was eliminated completely.

42. She disentangled the sleeve of her jacket which had got caught up in a rose bush.

43. She would have gotten fired if she got caught Bottling her friend's clean piss before her drug test

44. I was nna go for three on thursday'cause I liked the alliteration, but I got caught so I didn'T.

45. 22 Nobody but the kids and I knew about it, and I never got caught by the eagle-eyed press.

46. Twice she got caught in the reeds and had to back off and pick out a new angle of approach.

47. One of my kids got caught stealing a frozen burrito and a six pack of Red Bulls at the Osco.

48. Later, he got caught cheating up and nearly allowed another touchdown down the middle of the field, but Luton Airmailed the pass

49. 9 I did the whole obligatory juvenile delinquent shoplifting thing,[] but I never got caught and so never "learned my lesson."

50. 28 Our estimate of the net worth of California real estate developer Donald Bren got caught up in a nasty child support fight.