Nghĩa của từ given way bằng Tiếng Đức

given way [givnwei] gewiche

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "given way", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ given way, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ given way trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Bulky scrolls have given way to convenient books.

2. Hatred and bitterness have gradually given way to trust and friendship.

3. In the Kalahari, brief rains have given way to the dry season.

4. Villages have become towns. Mud huts have given way to concrete structures.

5. It seems the President has given way to pressure from the hardliners.

6. But - the railings had given way at this point, and the parade sloped a little.

7. The ribald revelry of the morning had given way to the affectionate respect of the evening.

8. The fighting of recent days has given way to an uneasy truce between the two sides.

9. The old ethic of hard work has given way to a new ethic of instant gratification.

10. She rebuked herself, feeling deeply ashamed, for having given way earlier to despair and self-pity.

11. Groen, quoted earlier, says: “Few people realize what could have happened had the river dikes given way.”

12. In the sanctuary, the earthy hues of autumn had given way to the soft green of pines.

13. In recent years manned masonry lighthouses have given way to unmanned steel-lattice towers with powerful flashing lights.

14. The dream of the unified global village has given way to the reality of global fragmentation and diversity.

15. The initial Amazement and anger which greeted his decision has given way, in most quarters, to shrugged resignation

16. With Gibbons, he wrote, oak had given way to limewood and earthbound solidity to feats of impossible lightness.

17. The wrinkly , tiny fetus you may have seen on earlier ultrasounds has given way to an almost plump baby .

18. The priesthood of central computing has already given way to a secular world of laypeople playing with multiplying microprocessors.

19. The comparatively innocent age of Pac-Man and Donkey Kong has given way to a new era of gruesomely sadistic games.

20. Some of the absolutism of the early days of social investing seems to have given way to a new pragmatic activism.

21. The following is a list of Batsmen who I have watched and feel that they are given way too much praise than they actually deserve

22. Lumber has since given way to beer and our brewers now craft with barley and hops! Loaded with Simcoe, Mosaic, and Citra, Buzzsaw cuts through with …

23. Contagious The literal meaning—spread by touch or direct contact—has given way to a looser usage and the term is now used simply to mean ‘infectious’

24. There is a growing perception that the Camorra has somehow given way to a new kind of criminal activity carried out by urban groups of bored adolescents

25. 10 Today,( the tightly-controlled knowledge and technologies of the Manhattan Project have given way to the open culture of the internet and the Information Age.

26. * Some years later, when religious persecution had given way to tolerance, the reputation of the Collegiants’ meetings spread throughout the country and attracted “birds of different feathers,” as historian Siegfried Zilverberg put it.

27. “Austral” is an expansive drama set in Antarctica during the year 2098, decades after the melting glaciers have given way to a new frontier of resource-rich land, and a generation of settlers from

28. On 22 March 2000 in a Finnish undertaking a camper van fell from one of AGM’s G 32 vehicle lifts, because the locking system of the lifting arms had given way because of lateral movements, even though the vehicle’s weight was less than the maximum permitted load of the lift.

Am 22. März 2000 stürzte in einem finnischen Unternehmen ein Wohnmobil von einer Fahrzeug-Hebebühne des Typs AGM G 32 herab, weil das System der Sicherheitsarretierung der Tragarme gegen Schwenkbewegungen nachgab, obwohl das Gewicht des Fahrzeugs unterhalb der höchstzulässigen Belastung der Hebebühne lag.