Nghĩa của từ getting worse bằng Tiếng Đức

getting worse [getiŋwəːs] verschärfend

Đặt câu có từ "getting worse"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "getting worse", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ getting worse, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ getting worse trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. And it's getting worse.

2. Max is getting worse.

3. Damon said that she's getting worse.

4. No one said it's getting worse.

5. That quarter crack is getting worse.

6. With the kids like that, he's getting worse.

7. This is a crisis that's getting worse day by day.

8. Is it my imagination, or is this shit getting worse?

9. 19 In some cases indicators of deprivation are getting worse.

10. This is an impossible situation and it's just getting worse, Claire.

11. His symptoms are getting worse, which means the tumors are growing.

12. Why do many people not realize that things are getting worse?

13. Because Bob's grades were getting worse, his parents Clamped down on him

14. The climate getting worse means that many years, their crops won't grow:

15. His fever was getting worse, he was cold to his core and disheartened.

16. And it was all very peculiar, and my headache was just getting worse.

17. Sun was way too far North at sunset today. This wobble is getting worse.

18. Certainly, as the Happy Days generation try to escape sitcom suburbia, their films are getting worse.

19. But, steady state doesn't mean that things are getting better, it's just that they have stopped getting worse.

20. Biorhythms: Get in Step The sleep patterns of Americans are getting worse, increasingly out of phase with the natural rhythm

21. On July 15th, the weather looked bad and was getting worse, but the orders from Potsdam were to go ahead.

22. But our treatment didn't seem to be helping her; her symptoms were getting worse: diarrhea, severe abdominal pain, fever and weakness.

23. The Bites usually don’t hurt but they do itch, starting within a couple of hours and getting worse over the next few days

24. Indeed, the problem is getting worse as the processors are now using blocking agents to produce a negative PCR result for most tests.

Das Problem verschlimmert sich sogar, da die verarbeitenden Unternehmen nun Hemmstoffe einsetzen, um ein negatives PCR-Ergebnis bei den meisten Tests herbeizuführen.

25. Getting worse I’ve been using Carousell for about 5-6 years now because it has been a good platform within singapore to buy/sell things

26. When the crisis was getting worse, the Sadao groups broke away from the main MCP groups and proclaimed themselves as the MCP Revolutionary Faction (RF).

27. At first glance, it seems that compliance trends might be a bit alarming with regards to ineligible contributions, and getting worse with PAs, excess transfers and reporting.

28. A medication taken at the earliest signs of a disease, such as an analgesic taken at the very first symptoms of a migraine headache to prevent it from getting worse, is an Abortive therapy

29. Experts say besides regular sources like vehicles , industrial factories , power plants and dust from gravelled roads , air pollution in some areas in Bangladesh is getting worse because of fast increasing numbers of brick kilns .

30. ‘the problem is Acute and getting worse’ ‘An Acute shortage of experienced staff is undermining growth, says Wong.’ ‘One issue that all the various groups on East Riding of Yorkshire Council agree on is the Acute shortage of affordable housing throughout the region.’

31. ‘the problem is Acute and getting worse’ ‘An Acute shortage of experienced staff is undermining growth, says Wong.’ ‘One issue that all the various groups on East Riding of Yorkshire Council agree on is the Acute shortage of affordable housing throughout the region.’

32. The allergist will ask you many questions about your medical history and your home and work environments: where you live and work, what substances you handle, what floor covering, pets, or plants are in your home, when you notice your symptoms getting worse, etc.

33. The pain in your Buttock, thigh, lower leg, or the sole of your foot doesn’t go away after a few weeks or is getting worse; Your pain started after an injury; Get medical attention right away if: The pain in your Buttock, thigh, or lower leg is combined with numbness; You have trouble controlling your foot