Nghĩa của từ forwarded bằng Tiếng Đức

forwarded [fɔːwədid] expedierte, gefördert

Đặt câu có từ "forwarded"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "forwarded", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ forwarded, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ forwarded trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Be forwarded!

2. Applications should be forwarded through the secretary.

3. We have today forwarded you our new catalogue.

4. She forwarded them a copy of her British passport.

5. But we forwarded all your letters and the allotment cheques.

6. The number you have dialled has been ( forwarded ) to voicemail.

" Die Nummer, die Sie gewählt haben, ist zurzeit nicht erreichbar.

7. But she merely looked at me, coldly, and fast-forwarded.

8. 18 She forwarded them a copy of her British passport.

9. Check that your domain is forwarded to the intended location.

10. Within days she had forwarded their replies to my mailbox.

11. Flight times will be forwarded to you with your travel documentation.

12. Operation Waterpump also forwarded its four T-28s to the RLAF.

13. Learn why you don't see your forwarded email in your inbox.

14. Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice messaging system.

15. After the report had been translated, it was forwarded to Admiral Turner.

16. There are copies here, and I have forwarded a copy in advance.

17. Donations made to your regional convention are forwarded to the worldwide work.

18. The song ends with an audio effect featuring the song being fast-forwarded.

19. The court fees are collected by the billing agencies and forwarded to the State.

Die Gerichtsgebühren werden von den Verrechnungsstellen erhoben und an den Staat weitergeleitet.

20. Forwarded messages are just like replies except they're not addressed to the original sender.

21. In most cases the amounts forwarded to beneficiaries were in fact interest-free advances

Größtenteils handelte es sich dabei de facto um zinslose Vorschüsse an die Begünstigten

22. In most cases the amounts forwarded to beneficiaries were in fact interest-free advances.

Größtenteils handelte es sich dabei de facto an zinslose Vorschüsse an die Begünstigten. In der Vermögensübersicht 2003 wurden daher 24,8 Mio.

23. A copy of this document should be forwarded to the North American Bureau (NAD).

24. In January 2021, The Weeknd fast-forwarded the story to a post-Bandaged look

25. Now known as the London Resolutions, the conference's decisions were forwarded to the Colonial Office.

26. Antonyms for Cumbered include advanced, aided, allowed, assisted, boosted, facilitated, forwarded, furthered, helped and holp

27. • it is essential that there be an openness to changing the questions forwarded to PAG.

28. Calls are then forwarded to a satellite teleport connected to the Public Switched Telephone Network .

29. Application is stamped received in Central Registry, then forwarded to Adjudicative Services to order service docs.

30. For the most part, all forwarded emails are already filtered out when the data is computed.

31. the revenue and expenditure account, the financial analysis and the balance sheet forwarded by the Commission;

die Haushaltsrechnung, die Analyse der Haushaltsführung und die Vermögensübersicht, die von der Kommission übermittelt wurden;

32. Applications must be forwarded to the President of the European Parliament no later than #th October

33. This request will not be admissible until all the elements of the dossier have been forwarded.

Dieser Antrag kann erst dann bearbeitet werden, wenn sämtliche Angaben des Dossiers übermittelt worden sind.

34. According to information forwarded by our air staffs it's headed for the missile complex at Laputa.

Es fliege unverändert auf den Raketenkomplex Laputa zu.

35. Junell forwarded the letters to the district attorney's office, which convened a grand jury to investigate.

36. Decisions and Recommendations of the JMC shall be forwarded to the addresses referred to in Article

Die Beschlüsse und Empfehlungen des Gemischten Verwaltungsausschusses werden an die in Artikel # genannten Empfänger übermittelt

37. The secretary of your new congregation will request that your Congregation’s Publisher Record card(s) be forwarded.

38. The teachers chose more than 1,400 of their students’ letters and forwarded them to the contest panel.

39. (a) the revenue and expenditure account, the financial analysis and the balance sheet forwarded by the Commission;

a) die Haushaltsrechnung, die Analyse der Haushaltsführung und die Übersicht über das Vermögen und die Schulden, die von der Kommission übermittelt wurden;

40. Each viewer state record is forwarded to a first successor and second sucessors in the sheduling sequence.

41. During the initial synchronization, all protocol information from the active processor is forwarded to the standby processor.

42. Lender's name, address and postal code to whom payment should be forwarded (if different from Line 1) 5.

43. The findings, including the video tapes of my heart X rays, were forwarded to the doctor in Melbourne.

44. On 22 June, Sir William forwarded his detailed plan, which covered no less than nine, closely handwritten pages.

45. (a,b&c) The draft text of the Extradition Treaty was forwarded to Bangladesh Government in June 2003.

46. Recommendations of these specialised groups will be forwarded to the Advisory Expert Group on National Accounts for review.

47. The originals of all accounting documents shall be forwarded to the Accounting Officer in accordance with his instructions.

48. A copy of the minutes shall be forwarded to each of the addressees referred to in Article 7 above.

Eine Abschrift des Protokolls wird allen in Artikel 7 genannten Empfängern zugeleitet.

49. 21 On 22 June, Sir William forwarded his detailed plan, which covered no less than nine, closely handwritten pages.

50. New title - how to add multiple contacts "Addressees" to a new or forwarded email using Win 10