Nghĩa của từ forthwith bằng Tiếng Đức

forthwith [fɔːθwiθ] unverzüglich

Đặt câu có từ "forthwith"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "forthwith", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ forthwith, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ forthwith trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Tell him to come forthwith.

2. Sanctions will take effect forthwith.

3. I could have you arrested forthwith!

4. Mr Jones will be dismissed forthwith.

5. A new church was erected forthwith.

6. Forthwith the fears of the past hour were forgotten.

7. We expect these practices to cease forthwith.

8. I said good night and left forthwith.

9. The spur was forthwith transferred to the heap.

10. The above are to report to me forthwith.

11. These violations of the code must cease forthwith.

12. If it isn't, Turkey must hand back uranium forthwith.

13. He held that the tapes should be destroyed forthwith.

14. A lane was forthwith opened through the crowd of spectators.

15. Admiralty forthwith deflected all our warships towards the more southerly route.

16. 11 Whereupon he would be enrolled forthwith in the Tenth Company, of tyro Marines.

17. My writ here says you must stop eating Chen Lee's cornmeal forthwith.

18. The law officers should put a stop to the practice forthwith.

19. Should they digress they would be asked to find other accommodation forthwith.

20. You are banished forthwith from the kingdom of Rohan under pain of death.

21. Whereupon he would be enrolled forthwith in the Tenth Company, of tyro Marines.

22. 10 Should they digress they would be asked to find other accommodation forthwith.

23. Sir, I have the honour to request if you'll accept my resignation, effective forthwith.

Sir, ich bitte Sie ehrerbietigst, meine Kündigung mit sofortiger Wirkung anzunehmen.

24. He was fined £ with 28 days' imprisonment if the money was not produced forthwith.

25. Apophlegm: Choked with the flegma and humour of his sins he shouted: “Apathy forthwith!” to relieve his chill Blaineys

26. As you appear to be without legal assistance the following instructions must be carried out forthwith: -

27. The Commission will adopt forthwith the appropriate provisions to limit expenditure due to the agricultural conversion rates.

Die Kommission verpflichtet sich, unverzueglich die sachdienlichen Vorschriften zu erlassen, damit die aufgrund der landwirtschaftlichen Umrechnungskurse anfallenden Ausgaben begrenzt werden.

28. First of all he picked up my clubs, pronounced them useless and advised me to sell them forthwith.

29. 4. The Agency shall forthwith inform the marketing authorization holder where the opinion of the Committee is that:

(4) Die Agentur unterrichtet den Inhaber der Genehmigung für das Inverkehrbringen sofort, wenn der Ausschuss zu der Auffassung kommt, dass

30. Commitments that are no longer valid shall be cancelled from the accounts forthwith and the resulting credit surrendered.

Verpflichtungen, die nicht mehr gültig sind, werden in den Büchern umgehend annulliert, und die entsprechende Gutschrift wird erstattet.

31. ILX Action and Time Frame 3.3.5 Documents supporting communications with Recipients will be maintained on file forthwith.

32. The last remnant of Birmingham Heath was enclosed in 17 and was built over forthwith with eight new streets.

33. "I pray you," answered the minister, "if thou hast any means of pacifying the child, do it forthwith!

34. He was convicted and fined £40 plus £65 costs, with 28 days imprisonment if the money was not produced forthwith.

35. Accordingly article 12 comes into operation and renders it mandatory for the court to order the return of the child forthwith.

36. Vincente frowned. First of all he picked up my clubs, pronounced them useless and advised me to sell them forthwith.

37. Francois Rabelais But, if the Ballocks be marred, the whole race of human kind would forthwith perish, and be lost for ever.

38. Member States shall adopt the measures necessary to comply with this Directive within six months of its notification and shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof.

Die Mitgliedstaaten treffen die erforderlichen Maßnahmen, um dieser Richtlinie binnen sechs Monaten nach ihrer Bekanntgabe nachzukommen, und setzen die Kommission hiervon unverzüglich in Kenntnis.

39. In the afterworld, Kim finds out just how much bad karma she amassed during her life – for which she is made to pay forthwith, being reborn as an ant.

Im Jenseits erfährt Kim, dass sie in ihrem Leben viel mieses Karma gesammelt hat. Die Rechnung folgt prompt.

40. Bearing in mind the five-year amortization period, the increase in costs could be limited if equipment is designed forthwith to take account of the introduction of the Single Currency.

Da der Abschreibungszeitraum fünf Jahre beträgt, läßt sich der Kostenzuwachs in Grenzen halten, wenn bei der Gestaltung der Geräte schon jetzt die Probleme berücksichtigt werden, die bei der Einführung der einheitlichen Währung bewältigt werden müssen.

41. The purchaser shall notify us forthwith of any execution levied by third parties against the reserved goods or the claims assigned in advance, submitting to us the documents necessary for an intervention.

Über Zwangsvollstreckungsmaßnahmen Dritter in die Vorbehaltsware oder in die im Voraus ab - getretenen Forderungen hat der Käufer uns unverzüglich unter Übergabe der für eine Intervention notwendigen Unterlagen zu unterrichten.

42. 1919, The Cornell Countryman (volumes 17-18, page 264) The big economic shiftings and Adjustings pinch us now and then; and we shall save energy if we adapt ourselves forthwith, without reviling the rest of the family

43. When, in the cases referred to in Article # or # of the Regulation, the competent institution disputes the application of the legislation relating to accidents at work or occupational diseases, it shall forthwith notify that fact to the institution of the place of residence or institution of the place of stay which provided the benefits in kind

Bezweifelt der zuständige Träger, daß im Fall des Artikels # oder des Artikels # Absatz # der Verordnung die Rechtsvorschriften über Arbeitsunfälle oder Berufskrankheiten anzuwenden sind, so teilt er dies sofort dem Träger des Wohnorts oder dem Träger des Aufenthaltsorts mit, der die Sachleistungen gewährt hat

44. Any Superintendent or any member of the Force suspended or dismissed shall forthwith deliver up to the Commissioner or to a Superintendent or to any constable authorized to receive the same, his clothing, arms, accoutrements and all property of the Crown in his possession as a member of the Force, or used for police purposes ; or in case of his refusing or neglecting so to do, shall incur a penalty of fifty dollars.

45. If the owner or his agent, or the occupant of the land, refuses or declines to appoint an arbitrator, or when for any reason no arbitrator is so appointed in the time limited therefor in the notice provided for by this section, the mining recorder for the district in which the land in question is situated shall forthwith, on being satisfied by affidavit that such notice has come to the knowledge of such owner, agent or occupant, or that such owner, agent or occupant, wilfully evades the service of such notice, or cannot be found, and that reasonable efforts have been made to effect such service, and that the notice was left at the last place of abode of such owner, agent or occupant, as above provided, appoint an arbitrator on his behalf.