Nghĩa của từ forearms bằng Tiếng Đức

forearms [fɔːrɑːmz] Unterarme, Vorderarme

Đặt câu có từ "forearms"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "forearms", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ forearms, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ forearms trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. He seemed all forearms and pectorals and husky silence.

2. Abdul Gafer, leaned burly forearms on the rough wood table.

3. 21 I suppose there is some matron with beefy forearms.

4. SPARTAN-IV supersoldier Naiya Ray wore Contoured SHRD forearms and Contoured legs

5. Mented keratoses ,Actinical damaged skin of the dorsal hands and forearms and acne vulgaris

6. Armchair definition, a chair with sidepieces or arms to support a person's forearms or elbows

7. 12 A drop of juniper can also be rubbed into your forearms and solar plexus.

8. 20 to 30 contusions on all sides, including defensive wounds on the hands and the forearms.

9. A : Man, look at that blimp! His forearms are almost twice the size of my thighs.

10. The Contoured forearms and legs were manufactured by Lethbridge Industrial based off native Sangheili equipment

11. The Gyggle forearms were covered all over with a regular pattern of tight ginger curlicues of hair.

12. 6 Minute Arm Accentuator is a 10-week, entire arm workout that works your biceps, forearms, and triceps

13. Forearm training is frequently omitted because of all the work the forearms do while training other body parts.

14. This method is usable in many parts of the body including fingers, forearms, abdomen and ear lobules.

15. I had heard that an anteater can rise up and kill a man with its powerful forearms.

16. Above the darkness of his forearms and below the sunburned line on his neck his skin was very fair.

17. Equipped with a grey-green, flowing helmet, armed with claws and with curved blades on its forearms, the Cycloid

18. But the most Aerodynamically efficient posture was actually hands on hoods, arms bent with forearms parallel to the ground

19. Bone density at their forearms and Calcanei were measured twice over two academic years (mean time between visits was 10.3 months)

20. Actinic keratosis, also called solar keratosis, is a skin growth that develops in sun-exposed skin, especially on the face, hands, forearms, and the neck

21. Actinic keratosis, also called solar keratosis, is a skin growth that develops in sun-exposed skin, especially on the face, hands, forearms, and the neck

22. In adjacent neighborhoods in an Eastern European city, for instance, a number of children have been born without one of their forearms.

23. Now make some Backswings feeling how the cross handed drill forces you to rotate your forearms correctly to get the club on a good swing plane

24. We put the pillow on that and wrapped our forearms with bedsheets and climbed the wall, and we ran away with bare feet.

25. 10 Niacin deficiency can also cause an eczema type of skin eruption with brown pigmentation, largely on the face, forearms and legs.

26. Her mandibles clicked and Clacked loudly as she waved her huge spiked forearms in the air, shredding the cobwebs hanging in her way.

27. Brachiums -0.32 Elbows -0.35 Forearms -0.06 The back of brushes -0.13 Femurs 0.12 Knees -0.21 Shins -0.16 The back of feet -0.02 Note: * – P < 0.05

28. What does Allemande-left mean? (square dance) Move in which two facing dancers take left hands or forearms, turn halfway around to the left, let go, an

29. Bacterian is a very large and fat, yet muscular, man with dark skin, long unkempt black hair, a bushy black beard, and a hairy chest and forearms

30. With razor sharp claws and big, powerful forearms, Giant Anteaters make light work of digging through termite mounds and thick fallen logs to get at their tasty treats.

31. Here we report on a 66-year-old woman with localized indurations of the skin on both forearms that were diagnosed as a rare morphea-like skin involvement of a systemic sarcoidosis.

Wir berichten im Folgenden über eine 66-jährige Patientin, die sich mit umschriebenen Hautverhärtungen an beiden Unterarmen mit V. a. eine Sklerodermie in unserer Klinik vorstellte.

32. The skin of her forearms was treated on one side with imiquimod 5% cream over 4 weeks and on the contralateral side with photodynamic therapy (PDT) using topical 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA).

Die gesamte Fläche des rechten Unterarms wurde in einer Sitzung mit photodynamischer Therapie mit 5-Aminolävulinsäure behandelt, der kontralaterale Arm mit 5%iger Imiquimod-Creme über 4 Wochen.

33. In 1986 Rongioletti introduced the term acral persistent papular mucinosis for persistent papules on the dorsum of the hands and distal forearms. Skin specimens reveal mucin deposits which resemble those in lichen myxedematosus (LM).

Das Krankheitsbild der akralen persistierenden papulösen Muzinose (APPM) wurde erstmals 1986 von Rongioletti beschrieben: An Handrücken und distalen Unterarmen treten Papeln auf, die histologisch Muzinablagerungen im Sinne eines Lichen myxoedematosus (LM) entsprechen.

34. Since 1986 there have been studies reporting beneficial antiemetic effects for Pe 6 stimulation on the right or both forearms in adults using either needling (acupuncture) or pressure (acupressure). The majority of these studies have investigated postoperative nausea and vomiting.

Die Wirksamkeit von Akupunktur, Akupressur und Elektroakupunktur am Punkt Pe 6 des Unterarms gegen postoperative Übelkeit und Erbrechen ist durch verschiedene Untersuchungen [2, 4–14] belegt.

35. In Islam, Ablution, or wudu`, is to wash one’s face, hands, arms, head and feet with water.Allah, the Most High says: O you who have believed! When you rise to [perform] prayer, wash your faces and your forearms to the elbows and wipe over your heads and wash your feet to the ankles…

36. While Bracers can be finely crafted and decorated with intricate tooling, layering, and additions, at the most basic leather Bracers are simply bands of leather cut and formed to wrap around a person's forearms, and can be made at home with very little time, investment, or experience in leather-working.

37. Although outbreaks can occur almost anywhere, the Axillae, web spaces between fingers, and flexor surfaces of the wrists are the most common areas.: Over the same time multiple subcutaneous abscesses developed in the Axillae and on the forearms and legs of both parents and the elder sibling.: The apocrine sweat glands are confined to the Axillae, areolae of the nipples, the anogenital area