Nghĩa của từ finalization bằng Tiếng Đức

finalization [fainəlaizeiʃən] Endgültigkeite

Đặt câu có từ "finalization"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "finalization", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ finalization, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ finalization trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. aSensors under finalization.

2. aSensors under finalization

3. Such a description complicates the finalization of the test.

4. After years of discussion, the items should be sufficiently ripe for finalization.

5. After years of discussion, the items should be sufficiently ripe for finalization

6. It welcomed the finalization of implementation mechanisms for the 150-bed Base Hospital at Dickoya.

7. Finalization and adoption of a draft convention on the use of electronic communications in international contracts (continued)

8. In order to implement the agreement after ratification, an Administrative Arrangement is also under finalization.

9. They reiterated their commitment to the early finalization of agreements for water-sharing of Teesta and Feni rivers.

10. Efforts have also been made to advance crucial legislative reforms, namely the finalization of the draft penal code.

11. It is anticipated that the finalization of these ACE-Inhibitor PMs will be completed by January 31, 2008.

12. Welcomes the finalization of a new draft constitution in February # and its subsequent acceptance by referendum in May

13. We remain actively engaged with other member States of the UN with the objective of its expeditious finalization.

14. The early finalization of a US$ 50 million Buyers Credit Line to promote exports and attract Indian business to Afghanistan;

15. • Explore the finalization of a bilateral agreement on exchange and mutual protection of classified information for cooperation in the defence area.

16. * Explore the finalization of a bilateral agreement on exchange and mutual protection of classified information for cooperation in the defence area.

17. Welcomes the finalization of a new draft constitution in February 2009 and its subsequent acceptance by referendum in May 2009;

begrüßt die Fertigstellung des Entwurfs einer neuen Verfassung im Februar 2009 und ihre spätere Annahme im Wege eines Referendums im Mai 2009;

18. Both sides agreed to actively pursue finalization of the MoU on Defence Cooperation which is currently under consideration by both sides.

19. As a part of our successful care program, we offer Aftercare treatment for one year following reintegration, permanent custodianship or finalization of adoption

20. An amplification of the preferential tariff agreement with Chile, from less than 500 tariff lines to almost 3000, is close to finalization.

21. The Board is concerned that cash balances had accumulated as a result of the delay in the finalization of the project and funding documents

22. He also requested introduction of a system so that the process of finalization of retirement benefits for all employees can begin a year in advance.

23. To this end, both Sides look forward to the finalization of India specific safeguards agreement with the IAEA and the adjustment of international civil nuclear cooperation framework.

24. The DCFS Resource Family Support and Permanency Division created a specialized unit to provide services and support to Adoption triad members (adoptive parent, adoptee, birth parent) after Adoption finalization occurs.

25. We will endeavor to accelerate the preparatory steps for the effective and sustainable implementation of the BBIN MVA, starting with the formulation, negotiation, and finalization of the necessary legal instruments and operating procedures.

26. The leaders welcomed the progress toward establishment of an ISRO-NASA Heliophysics Working Group as well as toward finalization of a Memorandum of Understanding for exchange of earth observation satellite data.

27. o Take further the process of finalization on the project for cooperation on Bio-diversity between the ASEAN Centre for Bio-diversity (ACB) and National Bio-diversity Authority of India (NBA).

28. Jiangxi, China, November 6, 2017, - Faurecia announced the finalization of the transaction whereby Faurecia acquired a majority stake in Jiangxi Coagent Electronics Co., Ltd renamed Faurecia Coagent Electronics S&T Co., Ltd

29. * India and the US called upon all states to abide by their commitments under the UN Global Counter Terrorism Strategy adopted by the UN General Assembly in September 2006 and called for finalization of the draft UN Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism expeditiously.

30. The two Prime Ministers welcomed substantial agreement on a commercial contract for manufacturing and supply of rare earth chlorides from India to Japan and affirmed their strong resolution for the finalization of commercial contract as well as the commencement of commercial production at the earliest.

31. The Meeting hoped that the process of finalization of some key projects including the creation of a sustainable IT infrastructure in CLMV countries; establishment of Tracking and Data Reception Station and Data Processing Facility for ASEAN; cooperation between the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) and the National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) of India would receive priority.

32. * The two sides appreciated recent conclusion of an MoU between Civil Aviation authorities on code shares, intermodal services, routing flexibility, open sky on cargo and on domestic code-sharing; the finalization of the text of the agreement on gainful employment by dependent family members of the diplomatic staff; noted ongoing negotiations on waiver of visas for diplomatic passport holders; and the decision to move forward with a bio-refinery project for production of fuel grade Ethanol, acetic acid, furfural and bio-coal from bamboo in Assam.