Nghĩa của từ federal republic of germany bằng Tiếng Đức

[fedərəlripʌblikɔfdʒəːməniː] Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Đặt câu có từ "federal republic of germany"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "federal republic of germany", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ federal republic of germany, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ federal republic of germany trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. In 1957, Saarland Acceded to the Federal Republic of Germany

2. Konrad Adenauer was the first Premier of the Federal Republic of Germany.

3. Your information will be stored and processed in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Ihre Angaben werden in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland gespeichert.

4. The German Bundestag is the national Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany

5. He received the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in 1952.

6. 4 Hutton Inc. had offered its services through press advertisements in the Federal Republic of Germany.

4 Die Beklagte hatte ihre Leistungen in Zeitungsanzeigen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland angeboten.

7. Bundestag, (German: “Federal Assembly”) one of the two legislative chambers of the Federal Republic of Germany

8. Ever since the DFB was reinaugurated in 1949 the team has represented the Federal Republic of Germany.

9. Ruhr University Bochum, founded in 1962 is the first university established in the Federal Republic of Germany

10. This process was completed in February 1957 after the admission of Saarland into the Federal Republic of Germany.

11. The Federal Republic of Germany, with no speed limit on superhighways, has more than twice this fatality rate.

12. Burgomasters are either elected by the municipal councils (for example, in most of the provinces of the Federal Republic of Germany), directly by the people (in the provinces of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg in the Federal Republic of Germany), or appointed by …

13. From German Buba, shortened from Bundesbank from Bundes-, combining form of Bund federation, also specifically the Federal Republic of Germany + Bank.

14. In the Federal Republic of Germany and Japan this fear of failure largely accounts for the high suicide rates among youths.

15. Bundestag The German Bundestag is the representative body of the Federal Republic of Germany and is elected by the people every four years

16. Dr Johannes Rau, the President of the Federal Republic of Germany accredits you as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of his country to the Holy See.

Herrn Johannes Rau, als außerordentlicher und bevollmächtigter Botschafter Ihres Landes beim Heiligen Stuhl beglaubigt werden.

17. The Federal Republic of Germany signed the Optional Protocol on # anuary # which entered into force on # pril # three months after the deposit of the depository notification

18. Ascon was founded in December 1984 as a company incorporated under the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany and registered at the Municipal Court of Hamburg.

19. Due to post-war partition, Saarland was separate from both the Federal Republic of Germany (aka West Germany until 1990) and the German Democratic Republic (East Germany).

20. In Title I, sub-title I, point II, 'Federal Republic of Germany' is amended as follows (the vine variety is to be inserted in the correct alphabetical order):

In Titel 1 erster Untertitel wird Punkt II »Deutschland" wie folgt geändert (die Einfügung der Rebsorten erfolgt an der angegebenen Stelle in alphabetischer Reihenfolge):

21. With the enactment of the (West) German constitution on 23 May 1949, the black-red-gold tricolour was adopted as the flag for the Federal Republic of Germany.

22. A medical report by specialists at Mainz University in the Federal Republic of Germany states: “Transfusion medicine has to accept the fact that absolutely HIV-free blood no longer exists.”

23. Currently, Scouting is present in all parts of the unified Federal Republic of Germany and consists of about 150 different associations and federations with about 260,000 Scouts and Girl Guides.

24. Karl Heinrich Lübke (German: ; 14 October 1894 – 6 April 1972) was a German politician who was the second President of the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) from 1959 to 1969.

25. In view of the aforesaid and bearing in mind the generally positive nature of the findings in the Committee's Report on Germany, the Federal Republic of Germany makes the following preliminary comments:

26. Definition of Bundestag : an assembly of representatives of a bund (such as the assembly of the German Confederacy of 1815 or the lower house of parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany)

27. Whereas the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Kingdom should therefore be authorized to permit, for a limited period, the marketing of seed of the abovementioned species subject to less stringent requirements;

Es empfiehlt sich daher, die Bundesrepublik Deutschland und das Vereinigte Königreich für einen bestimmten Zeitraum zu ermächtigen, Saatgut der obengenannten Arten, das minderen Anforderungen genügt, zum gewerbsmässigen Verkehr zuzulassen.

28. On 3 October 1990, the five states officially joined the Federal Republic of Germany, while East and West Berlin united as a third city-state (in the same manner as Bremen and Hamburg).

29. The current paper investigates the thesis of a substitution between class effects on voting and class effects on turnout. Under study are the United States of America and the Federal Republic of Germany.

Der vorliegende Aufsatz überprüft die These einer Substitution zwischen Klasseneffekten auf das Wahlverhalten und der Wahlteilnahme anhand von Wahlstudien aus der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und den Vereinigten Staaten.

30. Finally, on 3 October 1990, as the area of the German Democratic Republic was absorbed into the Federal Republic of Germany, the black-red-gold tricolour became the flag of a reunified Germany.

31. (1)Unless agreed upon otherwise in written, our prices are valid for deliveries from stock, excluding costs for packaging, insurance, transport, but plus the value added tax applicable in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Diese Unterlagen dürfen Dritten nicht zugänglich gemacht werden, es sei denn, wir erteilen dazu dem Kunden unsere ausdrückliche schriftliche Zustimmung. Soweit wir das Angebot des Kunden nicht innerhalb der Frist von § 2 annehmen, sind diese Unterlagen uns unverzüglich zurückzusenden.

32. The apparatus described as 'Beckman - Analytical Ultracentrifuge, model E', which is the subject of an application by the Federal Republic of Germany of 7 April 1982, may be imported free of Common Customs Tariff duties.

Das Gerät »Beckman - Analytical Ultracentrifuge, model E", das Gegenstand des Antrags Deutschlands vom 7. April 1982 ist, kann unter Befreiung von den Zöllen des Gemeinsamen Zolltarifs eingeführt werden.

33. In the early 1980s, mean concentrations of gamma-HCH in human adipose tissue in Czechoslovakia, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Netherlands were 0.086, 0.024–0.061 and 0.01–0.02 mg/kg, respectively, on a fat basis.

34. The Governments of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Netherlands have referred to the abstract image of a student returning to his homeland and immersing himself in its society and culture as if he were entirely at home there .

Die Bundesregierung und die Regierung der Niederlande haben sich auf die abstrakte Figur eines Studenten bezogen, der sein Heimatland wiederfindet und in seiner Gesellschaft und seiner Kultur schwimmt wie ein Fisch im Wasser .

35. The Chancellor of Germany, officially the federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany (German: Bundeskanzler() der Bundesrepublik Deutschland), is the head of government and chief executive of Germany, as well as the commander in chief of the German Armed Forces during wartime

36. On 14 June 1985 the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands signed the Schengen Agreement (Schengen is a small town in Luxembourg on the border to France and the Netherlands) on the gradual abolition of checks at their common borders.

Am 14.06.1985 unterzeichneten die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Frankreich, Belgien, Luxemburg und die Niederlande das Abkommen von Schengen (einem Ort in Luxemburg an den Grenzen zu Deutschland und Frankreich) über den schrittweisen Abbau der Personenkontrollen an den Binnengrenzen zwischen den Vertragsparteien.

37. In order to compare the results of the interpretation of the aeromagnetic map of the Federal Republic of Germany with the results from explosion seismology, bodies at 0 to 0.3 km, 0.3 to 3 km, and 3 to 15 km depth are considered here.

Um die Ergebnisse, die aus der Interpretation der aeromagnetischen Karte der Bunderepublik Deutschland einerseits und aus der Tiefenseismik andererseits erhalten wurden, miteinander zu vergleichen, werden drei Tiefenintervalle betrachtet: 0–0,3 km, 0,3–3 km, 3–15 km.

38. 116 In that context the Federal Republic of Germany cited the case-law of the Court ( 18 ) to the effect that the principles of clarity in the law and legal certainty require that rights and obligations deriving from rules which impose burdens must be made known without ambiguity and with clarity .

116 . In diesem Zusammenhang weist die Bundesrepublik Deutschland auf die Rechtsprechung des Gerichtshofes ( 18 hin, nach der die Grundsätze der Rechtsklarheit und Rechtssicherheit verlangten, daß die Rechte und Pflichten aus einer belastenden Regelung eindeutig und klar erkannt werden könnten .

39. 14 – Schengen acquis: Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 between the Governments of the States of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the gradual abolition of checks at their common borders (OJ 2000 L 239, p. 19, ‘the Schengen Agreement’).

14 – Schengen-Besitzstand-Übereinkommen zur Durchführung des Übereinkommens von Schengen vom 14. Juni 1985 zwischen den Regierungen der Staaten der Benelux-Wirtschaftsunion, der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Französischen Republik betreffend den schrittweisen Abbau der Kontrollen an den gemeinsamen Grenzen (ABl. 2000, L 239, S. 19, im Folgenden: Schengen-Übereinkommen).

40. Second, such a restriction cannot be justified by the objective of a balanced allocation of the power to impose taxes between the Member States concerned, as the Federal Republic of Germany will not have had at any time the power to tax the shares held by K‐GmbH and S-GmbH in DMC GmbH.

Zum anderen könne eine solche Beschränkung nicht durch das Ziel einer ausgewogenen Aufteilung der Besteuerungsbefugnis zwischen den betroffenen Mitgliedstaaten gerechtfertigt sein, da die Bundesrepublik Deutschland zu keinem Zeitpunkt eine Besteuerungsbefugnis hinsichtlich der Gesellschaftsanteile der K-GmbH und der S-GmbH an der DMC GmbH gehabt habe.

41. It must be added - the argument is an argument ad hominem but it has a certain weight - that the government which, more than any other, has criticized the decision for not having taken due account of the need for confidentiality is the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany ( supra, end of Section 9 ).

Ausserdem - das Argument ist persönlich, hat aber Gewicht - war es mehr als jede Regierung gerade die Bundesregierung, die der Entscheidung anlastete, auf das Erfordernis der Geheimhaltung nicht gebührend Rücksicht genommen zu haben ( oben unter Nr . 9 am Ende ).

42. conclusions adopted in respect of each of those two Member States, entitled ‘Council conclusions on assessing the actions taken by [the French Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany respectively] in response to recommendations of the Council according to Article 104(7) of the Treaty establishing the European Community and considering further measures for deficit reduction in order to remedy the situation of excessive deficit’, in so far as those conclusions involve holding the excessive deficit procedure in abeyance, recourse to an instrument not envisaged by the Treaty and modification of the recommendations decided on by the Council under Article 104(7) EC,

der in Bezug auf jeden dieser beiden Mitgliedstaaten angenommenen Schlussfolgerungen mit dem Titel „Schlussfolgerungen des Rates zur Bewertung der Maßnahmen, die [die Französische Republik bzw. die Bundesrepublik Deutschland] auf die Empfehlungen des Rates nach Artikel 104 Absatz 7 des Vertrags zur Gründung der Europäischen Gemeinschaft hin getroffen hat, und zur Erwägung weiterer Maßnahmen für den Defizitabbau, um dem übermäßigen Defizit abzuhelfen“, soweit diese Schlussfolgerungen die Aussetzung des Verfahrens bei einem übermäßigen Defizit, den Rückgriff auf ein im Vertrag nicht vorgesehenes Rechtsinstrument und die Änderung der vom Rat nach Artikel 104 Absatz 7 EG beschlossenen Empfehlungen umfassen,

43. 1 By application lodged at the Court Registry on 13 December 1988, the Commission of the European Communities brought an action under Article 169 of the EEC Treaty for a declaration that, by not adopting all the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to ensure the complete transposition into national law of Council Directive 80/779/EEC of 15 July 1980 on air quality limit values and guide values for sulphur dioxide and suspended particulates (Official Journal 1980 No L 229, p. 30), the Federal Republic of Germany has failed to fulfil its obligations under the EEC Treaty.

44. The Kingdom of Denmark and the Federal Republic of Germany provided the following information: (1) the annual probability of the significant wave height's exceeding two metres is less than 10 % on the identified routes; (2) the ships to which the derogation would apply are engaged in regular services; (3) the voyages do not exceed thirty miles from the point of departure; (4) the sea area where the passenger ships are sailing is provided with shore-based navigational guidance and reliable weather forecast services as well as adequate and sufficient search and rescue facilities; (5) the profile of the journey and the schedule of the voyages are not compatible with registering passenger details in a synchronised way with land transport; and (6) the derogation request would not have any adverse effect on competition.

Das Königreich Dänemark und die Bundesrepublik Deutschland machten folgende Angaben: 1) Die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer 2 m überschreitenden signifikanten Wellenhöhe liegt für die fragliche Strecke im Jahresdurchschnitt unter 10 %; 2) die Schiffe, für die die Befreiung von der Registrierungspflicht gelten soll, verkehren im Linienverkehr; 3) die Schiffe sind nicht mehr als 30 Seemeilen vom Ausgangspunkt entfernt; 4) das Seegebiet, das die Fahrgastschiffe befahren, ist mit landseitigen Navigationshilfen, zuverlässigen Wetterdiensten sowie angemessenen und ausreichenden Such- und Rettungseinrichtungen ausgestattet; 5) die Registrierung der Fahrgastdaten ist angesichts des Streckenprofils und der Fahrpläne nicht mit dem Landverkehr kompatibel; 6) der Antrag auf Befreiung von der Registrierungspflicht hat keine wettbewerbsschädigenden Auswirkungen.