Nghĩa của từ fattened bằng Tiếng Đức

fattened [fætnd] gemästet, mästete

Đặt câu có từ "fattened"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "fattened", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ fattened, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ fattened trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Oiled frogs, fattened on possum maggots.

2. Eating the rams of the flock and the fattened calves;*+

3. 27 A famed person and a fattened pig are alike in danger.

4. Pigs kept for market are fattened with corn to improve their value.

5. 21 Even her hired soldiers in her midst are like fattened calves,

6. (plural Beeves /bēvz/) Farming A cow, bull, or ox fattened for its meat

7. The requirements with regard to diet are ‘acorn-fed’ or ‘pastured, fodder-fattened’.

Die Anforderungen an die Fütterung der Schweine sind „Bellota (Eichelmast)“ oder „Cebo de campo (Freiland-Futtermast)“.

8. And the calf and the lion* and the fattened animal will all be together;*+

9. Every time I look at him, I just picture him snoring that night like a fattened aardvark.

10. Sometimes I feel like a sow on a farm that's being fattened up for a Christmas slaughter.

11. The current drift toward Bigness began with a merger boom in the 1980s in corporate America that fattened profits for the dominant companies

12. The feed ration given to pigs when fattened contains less than 1,9 % linoleic acid as a proportion of dry matter.

Der Linolsäureanteil am Mastfutter darf höchstens 1,9 % der Trockensubstanz betragen.

13. The current drift toward Bigness began with a merger boom in the 1980s in corporate America that fattened profits for the dominant companies

14. The current drift toward Bigness began with a merger boom in the 1980s in corporate America that fattened profits for the dominant companies

15. Postoperative Aphagia and sensorimotor impairments were less prolonged than normal in the dieted rats and more prolonged than normal in the fattened rats

16. Angleworms are rarely to be met with in these parts, where the soil was never fattened with manure; the race is nearly extinct.

Regenwürmer sind selten mit in diesen Teilen erfüllt werden, wo der Boden war noch nie gemästet mit Mist, das Rennen ist fast ausgestorben.

17. ‘The Beccafico, however, is not as a rule artificially fattened, and on this account was preferred by some sensitive tastes to the ortolan.’ Origin Italian.

18. (Matthew 4:23; Revelation 22:1, 2) Figuratively, as Malachi said, the healed ones will “go forth and paw the ground like fattened calves” just released from the stall.

19. The requirements with regard to breed are ‘100 % Iberian’ and ‘Iberian’, the latter having at least 75 % Iberian blood. The requirements with regard to diet are ‘acorn-fed’ or ‘pastured, fodder-fattened’.

20. It includes all animals present on the holding, also animals raised or fattened under contract (animals not belonging to the holding, which are raised or fattened there in such a manner that the activity merely constitutes a service rendered by the holder, who does not assume the financial risk normally associated with the rearing or fattening of such animals) and animals taken or given into agistment for the period of the year during which they are present on the holding.

Er umfasst alle im Betrieb vorhandenen Tiere, auch solche, die unter Vertrag aufgezogen oder gemästet werden (Tiere, die nicht zum Betrieb gehören und so aufgezogen oder gemästet werden, dass dies für den Betriebsinhaber lediglich eine Dienstleistung bedeutet und dieser nicht das finanzielle Risiko trägt, das normalerweise mit der Aufzucht und Mast solcher Tiere verbunden ist) und Tiere, die während des betreffenden Jahres in Pension gegeben oder genommen werden.

21. Fattened for the table." In sum, I wouldn't described a room as "Crammed" (though I might say, "Crammed full of people"), but if I did, I would definitely be implying that

22. The EU definition is: "male fowl castrated surgically before reaching sexual maturity and slaughtered at a minimum age of 140 days; after castration the Capons must be fattened for at least 77 days." After cas

23. Barbur: TWOT - 288g: Phonetic Spelling: Parts of Speech: bar-boor' Noun Masculine : Definition (CLBL) fowl, birds (BDB/TWOT) birds fattened for table of Solomon ; NAS Word Usage - Total: 1: fowl 1: NAS Verse Count: 1 Kings: 1: Total: 1: The Hebrew lexicon is Brown, Driver, Briggs, Gesenius Lexicon; this is keyed to the "Theological Word Book of