Nghĩa của từ far and wide bằng Tiếng Đức

far and wide [fərændwaid] weit und breit

Đặt câu có từ "far and wide"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "far and wide", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ far and wide, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ far and wide trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Herald the message far and wide.

2. Its branches spread far and wide.

3. His fame spread far and wide.

4. Volunteers came from far and wide.

5. Far and wide his eye commands.

6. The news has spread far and wide.

7. Her intellect is famed far and wide.

8. His fame had spread far and wide.

9. 16 Its branches spread far and wide.

10. I want to travel far and wide.

11. One's fame has spread far and wide.

12. echos far and wide over the Southern sky.

13. They looked far and wide for the boy.

14. This provides transportation to cities far and wide.

15. A topic like this resonates far and wide.

16. The flowers spread their fragrance far and wide.

17. Her torso shattered, showering live embers far and wide.

18. Christmas has spread far and wide across the globe.

19. They searched far and wide for the missing child.

20. He used to travel far and wide through the world.

21. People came from far and wide to see the house.

22. Go tell far and wide that the paradise is near

23. Go tell far and wide that the Paradise is near

24. Go tell far and wide God’s new order is near,

25. Class embers came from far and wide - a dedicated crew.

26. People came from far and wide to see the concert.

27. This Barbadian food is a favourite of proud Barbadians far and wide.

28. He ranges far and wide in search of inspiration for his paintings.

29. However, over past years and decades Balbrigganers have spread far and wide

30. I've travelled far and wide, but I've never met anyone that uncivilised.

31. One that also produces pollen can generate plants that spread far and wide.

32. The water forms clouds, which are circulated far and wide by atmospheric winds.

33. Now, they were scouts in the rebels' army, they were known both far and wide.

34. Yet, despite the obstacles, witnessing was done, and Jehovah’s name was advertised far and wide.

35. We had flung ourselves to the wind, and it had taken us far and wide.

36. The-billowing smoke of the bonfire swirled those fragments far and wide over the earth.

37. The serious artists travel far and wide, seeking to hang and hopefully sell their work.

38. Boss is known far and wide for making the bread-and-butter pedals musicians count on …

39. They have spread their net far and wide in the search for a new team coach.

40. Armed with the knowledge gleaned from reading matter and known computer buffs I travelled far and wide.

41. This great hall will be filled, and the program will be carried far and wide by satellite.

42. Prosperity came to Knock, as pilgrims came from far and wide; and Father Cavanagh kept his ears.

43. Aspiring to be like God in majesty and power, Satan has propagated his lying doctrines far and wide.

44. Exploding toilets, diseased baths and flooding Cesspits: how civilised were the Romans? While all-conquering empire spread sanitation far and wide, …

45. 19 Its fireworks are famous far and wide for their unique technics, exquisite shape, bright color, clangorous detonation sound and rich culture.

46. Cambridge is an international city attracting visitors from far and wide and boasts a superb choice of accommodation to meet your every need

47. Canton is known far and wide as the home of the world famous First Monday Trade Days, the largest flea market in America

48. Also known as remaindered links or linkblog, Asides were originally implemented by Matt Mullenweg, developer of WordPress, and it soon spread far and wide

49. Antiquates Ltd was established by Tom Lintern-Mole in 2007; we travel far and wide to buy, sell, and advise on rare books and manuscripts

50. (Romans 13:3, 4) Law and order produced an environment that enabled Christians to preach the good news far and wide, as commanded by Jesus.