Nghĩa của từ driven in bằng Tiếng Đức

driven in [drivnin] eingeschlage

Đặt câu có từ "driven in"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "driven in", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ driven in, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ driven in trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. The president was driven in state through the streets.

2. Or guests may be driven in one of the hotel's air-conditioned limousines.

Oder die Fahrt in einer der klimatisierten Hotel-Limousinen durch die lebendigen Dörfer und die faszinierende Berglandschaft der Insel.

3. Both π-πinteractions driven in normal phase phase solvents and inclusion complexation driven in reversed phase modes are the first significant areas to address the potential of an appropriate Chiral stationary phase.

4. The nuki protrudes and is held in place by kusabi driven in on both sides.

5. A plurality of flight bars (66) are individually driven in a path at a variable speed.

6. Each mandrel (300) is driven in a closed mandrel path (320), which can be non-circular.

7. Demand in Canada for pipe nipples and adaptor fittings is driven in large measure by construction activity.

8. Solution for A 0.36-m square prestressed concrete pile is to be driven in a Clayey soil

9. Each of the mandrels is driven in a closed mandrel path about the web winding turret assembly axis.

10. The engine had side valves with tappets easily reached for adjustment, the generator and magneto being driven in tandem.

11. Ray Shepherd looked up at them as coolly as if he had just driven in to work on a routine day.

12. At least for the misalignment correction of the mobile anemometer (see 3.6) the test track has to be driven in both directions

Zumindest für die Versatzkorrektur des mobilen Anemometers (siehe 3.6) muss die Prüfstrecke in beiden Richtungen befahrbar sein.

13. It was nine o'clock and they had been driven in by the mosquitoes before he broached the subject of the night before.

14. It is then Chunked, that is, cleft pieces of wood are driven in between the logs, to fill up the open places

15. An acoustic Bipole consists of two identical monopoles driven in phase (whereas, in a dipole, they are out of phase), separated by a short distance along the axis

16. There were the broad outer and inner Bailies, not paved, but sown with grass to nourish the sheep and cattle which might be driven in on sign of danger

17. The need for the Security Connected approach is being driven in part by the consumerization of IT , said Kevin LeBlanc , senior director of product marketing for endpoint security at McAfee .

18. The Left wing of the Party is the most ideological, hidebound to Maoism, driven in part by nostalgic longings and in part by a deep dissatisfaction with the current state of society.

19. Meghan Markle and Kate 'Bickered so much Queen driven in to stop it' author claims The Queen was driven from Buckingham Palace to Kensington Palace to make peace between Meghan Markle and Kate

20. He stayed there a week, walking the streets where their footsteps had clicked together through the November night and revisiting the out-of-the-way places to which they had driven in her white car.

21. On June 4th, 2008, at 5:33 a.m., an officer from the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service stopped a 1999 Pontiac Grand Am in Cornwall, Ontario after it was observed to being driven in an unsafe manner in Akwesasne, Ontario.

22. 25 “‘In that day,’ declares Jehovah of armies, ‘the peg that is driven in a lasting place will be removed,+ and it will be cut down and fall, and the load that it supported will fall to ruin, for Jehovah himself has spoken.’”

23. The excursions in the outskirtses: “Torre Marrana di Brivadi”, the lighthouse’s look-out, the Ancient watermill of “Lampazzone”, trekking along the “torrent of Ruffa’ valley”, to the discovery of traces of the past following the path between the driven in vegetation; or Minicruise of a day to the Aeolian Islands, or Stromboli by night, or the “naturalistic Park of Sila” or that of the “Aspromonte” mountains. Tropea’s stop is really something exclusive: Madonna’s Sanctuary Island, Cathedral, the alleys of the historical center, the irresistible temptations of the typical stands and homemade products.

Wir denken dabei etwa an Ausflugsziele in der näheren Umgebung: den altem Maurischen Turm im Ortsteil Brivadi, den Aussichtspfad am Leuchtturm, die antike Wassermühle in Lampazzone, den Wanderpfad entlang des Tales des Flüsschens Ruffa mit Spuren aus der Antike und einer überreichen Vegetation – oder auch an einen Tagesausflug mit dem Schiff zu den Äolischen Inseln, zum Stromboli bei Nacht oder mit dem Auto oder Bus in die Nationalparks des Sila- und des Aspromonte-Gebirges.