Nghĩa của từ distillates bằng Tiếng Đức

distillates [distileits] Destillate

Đặt câu có từ "distillates"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "distillates", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ distillates, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ distillates trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. nuts used for making alcoholic distillates ▐.

Schalenfrüchte für die Herstellung von alkoholischen Destillaten ▐.

2. Tar acids, residues, distillates, first-cut;

3. Distillates (petroleum), acid-treated heavy paraffinic

Destillate (Erdöl), säurebehandelte schwere paraffinhaltige

4. Tar acids, residues, distillates, first-cut; Distillate phenols

Teersäuren, Rückstände, Destillate, erster Schnitt; Destillat-Phenole

5. Distillates (petroleum), clay-treated paraffinic; Base oil — unspecified

Destillate (Erdöl), tonbehandelte schwere paraffinhaltige; Grundöl — nicht spezifiziert

6. Distillates (petroleum), intermediate paraffinic, clay-treated; Gas oil — unspecified

Destillate (Erdöl), intermediäre paraffinhaltige, mit Ton behandelt; Gasöl — nicht spezifiziert

7. A process for adsorptive desulfurization of light oil distillates

8. Distillates (petroleum), clay-treated light naphthenic; Base oil — unspecified

Destillate (Erdöl), tonbehandelte leichte naphthenhaltige; Grundöl — nicht spezifiziert

9. Distillates (coal tar), light oils, alkaline extracts; Alkaline extract

Destillate (Kohlenteer), leichte Öle, alkalische Extrakte; Laugenextrakt

10. Hydrocracking process of heavy hydrocarbon distillates using supercritical solvent

11. Bitumen combined with other petroleum distillates forms cutback Bitumen.

12. Distillates (petroleum), clay-treated light paraffinic; Base oil — unspecified

Destillate (Erdöl), tonbehandelte leichte paraffinhaltige; Grundöl — nicht spezifiziert

13. Brent is suitable for production of petrol and middle distillates.

14. Distillates (petroleum), acid-treated light naphthenic (Cas No 64742-19-4)

Destillate (Erdöl), säurebehandelte leichte naphthenhaltige (CAS-Nr. 64742-19-4)

15. Distillates (petroleum), acid-treated light paraffinic (Cas No 64742-21-8)

Destillate (Erdöl), säurebehandelte leichte paraffinhaltige (CAS-Nr. 64742-21-8)

16. Distillates (petroleum), acid-treated light naphthenic; Unrefined or mildly refined base oil

Destillate (Erdöl), Säure-behandelte leichte naphthenhaltige; nicht oder leicht raffiniertes Grundöl

17. Distillates (petroleum), acid-treated heavy naphthenic; Unrefined or mildly refined base oil

Destillate (Erdöl), Säure-behandelte schwere naphthenhaltige; nicht oder leicht raffiniertes Grundöl

18. Distillates (petroleum), acid-treated light paraffinic; Unrefined or mildly refined base oil

Destillate (Erdöl), Säure-behandelte leicht paraffinhaltige; nicht oder leicht raffiniertes Grundöl

19. Distillates (coal tar), light oils, acid extracts; Light oil extract residues, high boiling

Destillate (Kohlenteer), leichte Öle, saure Extrakte; Leichtölextrakt-Rückstand, hochsiedend

20. All of the above - mentioned products fall under the category of Petroleum Distillates.

21. And then you get down to the petroleum distillates, which are the solvents, hundreds of them.

22. Myroxylon balsamum var. pereirae; extracts and distillates; Balsam Peru oil, absolute and anhydrol (Balsam Oil Peru)

23. Worldwide demand for these middle distillates, particularly for diesel fuels, increased rapidly in the 1990s and 2000s.

24. [A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating cracked distillates with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst.

[Komplexe Kombination von Kohlenwasserstoffen, erhalten durch Behandeln gekrackter Destillate mit Wasserstoff in Gegenwart eines Katalysators.

25. Distillates (petroleum), solvent dewaxed light paraffinic, clay-treated, if they contain > 3 % w/w DMSO extract

Destillate (Erdöl), durch Lösungsmittel entwachste leichte paraffinhaltige, tonbehandelt, falls der Gehalt an DMSO-Extrakt > 3 Gew.-% beträgt

26. (A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating cracked distillates with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst.

(Komplexe Kombination von Kohlenwasserstoffen, erhalten durch Behandeln gekrackter Destillate mit Wasserstoff in Gegenwart eines Katalysators.

27. nuts used for making distillates or ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin for spirit drinks and other alcoholic beverages

Schalenfrüchte für die Herstellung von Destillaten oder Ethylalkohol landwirtschaftlichen Ursprungs für Spirituosen und andere alkoholische Getränke

28. A laboratory test run of an accelerated aging process for obtaining distillates, brandies and holandas aged in wine-soaked wood

29. The aquavit must be flavoured with one or more distillates of caraway (Carum carvi) and/or dill seeds (Anethum graveolens).

Der Aquavit muss mit mindestens einem Destillat aus Kümmel (Carum carvi) und/oder Dillsamen (Anethum graveolens) aromatisiert werden.

30. Tics, 40.9% Alicyclics, 3.9% aromatics), petroleum middle distillates (boiling range 163–315°C or up to 370°C), JP-8 jet fuel, and products free of aromatic compounds are used in the assessment if their maximum boiling points or maximum chain lengths are similar to those of petroleum distillates, hydrotreated light.

31. Small-scale flat-rate distilleries can either deliver the alcohol produced to the Monopoly or commercialise themselves the alcohol as distillates or spirits.

Abfindungsbrennereien können den erzeugten Alkohol entweder an das Monopol liefern oder als Destillate oder Spirituosen selbst vermarkten.

32. 13 The petroleum carboxylic acids in two distillates of North Sea crude oil were separated by the extraction with column chromatogram and anion exchange resin.

33. Many Accelerants are hydrocarbon-based fuels, sometimes referred to as petroleum distillates: gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, turpentine, butane, and various other flammable solvents

34. Aliphatic naphtha solvents (also called Aliphatic solvent naphthas) fall into a group of flammable chemicals made primarily from petroleum distillates and natural gas condensates

35. Two gas-liquid chromatographic methods have been developed for the identification and quantitative determination of methanol and other volatile compounds in Anisated fermented grape distillates

36. Condensers are widely used in chemical technology in thermal-power and refrigeration installations to condense the working substance, in evaporation equipment to obtain distillates and …

37. Abietic acid itself is not a chemical at the workplace, but one of the components of tall oil distillates and of rosin (see supplement „Rosin (colophony)” 2013)

38. Abietic acid itself is not achemical at the workplace, but one of the components of tall oil distillates and of rosin (see supplement “Rosin (colophony)” 2013)

39. The δ13C isotopic determinations performed in a single laboratory on all the distillates returned by the participants reveal neither abnormal values nor values significantly distinct from the mean values.

Die δ13C- Isotopenbestimmungen, die in einem einzigen Labor für die Gesamtheit der von den Teilnehmern gelieferten Destillate durchgeführt wurden, zeigen weder abweichende Werte noch Werte, die sich signifikant von den Mittelwerten unterscheiden.

40. (The complex combination of polyalkylated pyridines derived from coal tar distillation or as high-boiling distillates approximately above 150 °C from the reaction of ammonia with acetaldehyde, formaldehyde or paraformaldehyde.)

(komplexe Kombination polyalkylierter Pyridine aus der Kohlenteerdestillation oder als hochsiedende Destillate etwa über 150 °C aus der Reaktion von Ammoniak mit Acetaldehyd, Formaldehyd oder Paraformaldehyd)

41. (c) Other flavouring substances may be used in addition, but the flavour of these drinks is largely attributable to distillates of caraway and/or dill (Anethum graveolens L.) seeds, the use of essential oils being prohibited.

c) Andere Aromastoffe können zusätzlich verwendet werden, jedoch muss ein wesentlicher Teil des Aromas aus der Destillation von Kümmelsamen und/oder Dillsamen (Anethum graveolens L.) stammen; der Zusatz ätherischer Öle ist nicht zulässig.

42. After alkaline oxydative degradation (Wurzschmitt bomb) of these extracts and distillation in the presence of sulphuric acid and SiO2 the distillates were investigated colorimetrically at pH 4.35 after addition of an alizarine-3-methylamino-N,N-diacetic-cerium(III) complex.

Nach alkalisch oxidativem Abbau (Wurzschmittsche Bombe) wurde aus schwefelsauren Ansätzen mit SiO2 destilliert und die Ansätze mit Alizarin-3-methylamin-N,N-diessigsäure-Cer(III)-Komplex bei pH 4,35 colorimetrisch untersucht.

43. Alkylate Polymerization Naphtha Gases Butanes LPG Reformate Naphtha Fuel Oil Bottoms Distillates Distillate Hydro-treating Cat Naphtha Cycle Oils SDA Bottoms Coker Naphtha Heavy Coker Gas Oil Light Coker Gas Oil Sulfur Plant Sulfur Naphtha Fuel Oil Solvent Dewaxing Lube Oil …

44. Analysis of 30 commercial and 19 artisanal samples respectively obtained for a survey of Anisated grape distillates constituents in Lebanon revealed the absence of ethyl acetate, isobutanol, butanol, amyl, and isoamyl alcohols in 10 commercial samples produced by manufacturers of high proof industrial alcohol.

45. Headspace samples, steam distillates and dichloromethane extracts of the most well liked edible mushrooms (Agaricus campestris, Agaricus bisporus, Lepiota procera, Armillaria mellea, Boletus edulis and Cantharellus cibarius) were investigated by means of GC/FID, GC/FTIR/MS and a GC-sniffing technique.

Kopfraum-Proben, Wasserdampfdestillate und Dichlormethanextrakte der beliebtesten Speisepilze Champignon (Agaricus campestris undAgaricus bisporus), Parasol (Riesenschirmpilz,Lepiota procera), Hallimasch (Armillaria mellea), Steinpilz (Herrenpilz,Boletus edulis) und Pfifferling (Eierschwamm,Cantharellus cibarius) wurden mittels GC/FID, GC/FTIR/MS und GC-Sniffing-Technik untersucht.

46. Around the Mediterranean from Lebanon in the east to Spain in the west practically all countries produce a version of anise flavoured distillates under a range of names: the Arabs call it Arak, Turks raki, Greeks ouzo, Italians sambucca, French pastis and Spaniards anisado.

47. (c)Natural flavouring substances or flavouring preparations or both may additionally be used, but the flavour of these drinks shall be largely attributable to distillates of caraway (Carum carvi L.) or dill (Anethum graveolens L.) seeds or both, the use of essential oils being prohibited.

c)Andere natürliche Aromastoffe und/oder Aromaextrakte können zusätzlich verwendet werden, jedoch muss ein wesentlicher Teil des Aromas aus der Destillation von Kümmelsamen (Carum carvi L.) und/oder Dillsamen (Anethum graveolens L.) stammen; der Zusatz ätherischer Öle ist nicht zulässig.

48. Natural flavouring substances or flavouring preparations or both may additionally be used, but the flavour of these drinks shall be largely attributable to distillates of caraway (Carum carvi L.) or dill (Anethum graveolens L.) seeds or both, the use of essential oils being prohibited.

Andere natürliche Aromastoffe oder Aromaextrakte oder beide dürfen zusätzlich verwendet werden, jedoch muss ein wesentlicher Teil des Aromas aus der Destillation von Kümmelsamen (Carum carvi L.) oder Dillsamen (Anethum graveolens L.) oder beidem stammen; der Zusatz ätherischer Öle ist nicht zulässig.

49. Essential oils (terpeneless or not), including concretes and absolutes; resinoids; extracted oleoresins; concentrates of essential oils in fats, in fixed oils, in waxes or the like, obtained by enfleurage or maceration; terpenic by-products of the deterpenation of essential oils; aqueous distillates and aqueous solutions of essential oils:

Etherische Öle (auch terpenfrei gemacht), einschließlich „konkrete“ oder „absolute“ Öle; Resinoide; extrahierte Oleoresine; Konzentrate ätherischer Öle in Fetten, nicht flüchtigen Ölen, Wachsen oder ähnlichen Stoffen, durch Enfleurage oder Mazeration gewonnen; terpenhaltige Nebenerzeugnisse aus ätherischen Ölen; destillierte aromatische Wässer und wässrige Lösungen ätherischer Öle:

50. The present invention includes compositions and methods for preparing a varnish a modified rosin ester, one or more vegetable oils, one or more hydrogenated middle distillates-alkyd, a microcrystalline wax; and one or more light aliphatic, medium aliphatic and light aromatic napthas; coating a paper product with a composition using printing equipment; and drying the coating.