Nghĩa của từ displacing bằng Tiếng Đức

displacing [displeisiŋ] verdrängend, verschiebend

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "displacing", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ displacing, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ displacing trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. None of these unbreakable records succeeded in displacing shellac.

2. Eric Mouilleron founded Bankable with the vision of displacing payment inefficiencies

3. This phenomenon was seemingly related to increasing mechanization displacing child labor.

4. Displacing local people by agribusiness is obviously not a solution.Sentence dictionary

5. Because ice shelves are already afloat, displacing their weight in water.

Weil das Schelfeis bereits auf dem Wasser schwimmt und mit seiner Masse bereits Wasser verdrängt.

6. She was 103ft overall displacing 280 tons and listed as a half-brig .

7. WD-40 is the trademark name of a penetrating oil and water-displacing spray.

8. She was 103 ft overall displacing 280 tons and listed as a half-brig .

9. A Bivalent (Chem) Equivalent in combining or displacing power to two atoms of hydrogen; dyad.

10. This revolution is spreading to the production of goods, where robots and 3D printing are displacing labor."

11. Alginates are medications that work through an alternative mechanism by displacing the postprandial gastric acid pocket

12. Consequently, it would allow the Convention to apply, without displacing rules that would otherwise apply to determine priority

13. Here coal could serve as alternative feedstock thus displacing oil and releasing natural gas for higher use.

14. Consequently, it would allow the Convention to apply, without displacing rules that would otherwise apply to determine priority.

15. Cull() is an extremely powerful offensive Function that launches Targets upwards upon impact, known as "Displacing" them

16. This has been demonstrated by experiments with captive starlings, using the technique of displacing the sun's image with mirrors.

17. 2021 Sewell is a 6-6, 325-pound Bulldozer in the run game, routinely displacing players at the

18. The flooding destroyed 6,000 houses and damaged 20,000 others, displacing over 730,000 and forcing over 100,000 to evacuate.

19. When their control is threatened it is possible for them to obtain relief by displacing a prominently misbehaving pupil.

20. Crowdsourced security has recently moved into the mainstream, displacing traditional penetration-testing companies from what once was a lucrative niche space.

21. A strand-displacing DNA polymerase initiates synthesis and 2 of the primers form loop structures to facilitate subsequent rounds of Amplification.

22. Our Curette is a minimally invasive solution intended for displacing bone in conjunction with procedures utilizing the iVAS Balloon System.

23. Whipped into a panicked frenzy, the neighbors Bickeringly debate breaking into the shelter, then fight amongst themselves for the privilege of displacing the doctor’s family

24. Payments system that is more reliable, faster, and less expensive as Check processing becomes primarily electronic, displacing today's methods of processing paper Checks

25. MDA is an isothermal, strand-displacing Amplification yielding about 20-30 microg product from as few as 1-10 copies of human genomic DNA.

26. It was a landmark year for Stewart, becoming the highest grossing actor of 1954 and the most popular Hollywood star in the world, displacing John Wayne.

27. Albion also suffered when the New York State Thruway was opened to the south, near Batavia, displacing both canal and rail as a freight route.

Albion litt auch unter dem weiter südlich in der Nähe von Batavia eröffneten New York State Thruway, der sowohl Kanal als auch Eisenbahn als Gütertransportweg verdrängte.

28. A toxic gas called carbon monoxide crosses that membrane into the blood, binding to hemoglobin and displacing the oxygen it would usually have transported around the body.

29. You see, there are facilities now that can actually capture that methane and generate power, displacing the need for fossil fuel power, but we need to be smart about this.

Es gibt mittlerweile Anlagen, die das Methan auffangen und Strom produzieren, und damit fossile Brennstoffe ersetzen. Aber wir müssen klug vorgehen.

30. This energy travels up to the surface, displacing water and raising it above the normal sea level, but gravity pulls it back down, which makes the energy ripple outwards horizontally.

31. Preferably the hydrostatic pressure test is performed by displacing coating material from a portion (68) of an accumulator (51) by pumping liquid into a flexible bladder (66) housed in the accumulator.

32. At the same time, the diaphragm will move down, gently displacing the stomach and the intestines, so that you feel the pressure of your belt or other clothing on your abdomen.

33. The Kushan Empire, one of the five tribes of the Yuezhi, settled in Bactria around 125 BC, displacing the Greco-Bactrians and invading the northern parts of Pakistan and India from around AD 1.

34. The Grundocrack pipe Bursting system effectively hammers its way through the host pipe, displacing the fragments into the surrounding soil, while simultaneously pulling the new pipe, usually High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), into place behind it

35. Displacing 49.48 cubic inches (810 cc), the 1911 V-Twin was actually smaller than earlier twins, but gave better performance. After 1913 the majority of bikes produced by Harley-Davidson would be V-Twin models.

Demgegenüber verzeichneten die japanischen Motorradhersteller ein kräftiges Wachstum und erzielten Rekordgewinne - sie hatten die Wandlung des Motorrades vom ehemals kostengünstigen "Transportmittel des kleinen Mannes" hin zum trendigen Lifestyleprodukt kreativ mitgestaltet.

36. Bodiless memorials, which usually memorialize at the site of death, rather than of the body, reflect current society's denial of the corpse, displacing the dead body and temporarily transforming public space into a bereavement space

37. The crisis has underlined the importance of the challenge: it has accelerated the pace of economic restructuring, displacing many workers from declining sectors to unemployment due to a lack of the skills required by expanding sectors.

In der Krise hat sich herauskristallisiert, wie wichtig diese Herausforderung ist: die Geschwindigkeit bei der wirtschaftlichen Umstrukturierung hat angezogen, so dass viele Arbeitskräfte aus Branchen mit rückläufiger Entwicklung arbeitslos wurden, da es ihnen an den Fertigkeiten mangelte, die in den aufsteigenden Branchen benötigt werden.

38. In a twenty-minute bombardment, a single shell struck the magazine of the fort at Sedd el Bahr at the tip of the Gallipoli peninsula, displacing (but not destroying) 10 guns and killing 86 Turkish soldiers.

39. If the Global Anglophone is a term that will indeed continue to hold sway in literary studies, it is worthwhile to consider whether, rather than displacing discussions of postcolonial or World Literature, it names something categorically distinct

40. The metacarpals for the middle and ring finger are the least likely to require surgery because the other intact metacarpals on both sides form a natural splint that keeps the broken metacarpal fragments from displacing, rotating, or Angulating too much.

41. A sliding body (60) is associated with each receiving element (14), the sliding body displacing the fed printed products (18) along the wall (44) of the receiving section (46) in the insertion section (48) by abutting the same.

Jedem Aufnahmeelement (14) ist ein Schiebeorgan (60) zugeordnet, welches die zugeführten Druckereiprodukte (18) entlang der Wand (44) vom Aufnahmeabschnitt (46) in den Einsteckabschnitt (48) durch Stossen verschiebt.

42. Latinism, likely a learned borrowing from Medieval Latin cogitatio, Cogitationis, possibly influenced by or displacing an earlier doublet of cogitacion inherited from Middle English cogitacioun, from an Old French cogitaciun, from Vulgar Latin cōgitātiō, cōgitātiōnem; compare Middle French cogitatiun, French cogitation.

43. In the Book of Genesis, the spirit of God is moving upon the face of the waters, displacing the earlier state of the universe that is likened to a "watery Chaos" upon which there is choshek (which translated from the Hebrew is darkness

44. Parallax mapping is implemented by displacing the texture coordinates at a point on the rendered polygon by a function of the view angle in tangent space (the angle relative to the surface normal) and the value of the height map at that point.

Parallax mapping wird erzeugt durch die Verschiebung von Texturkoordinaten am Punkt des dargestellten Polygons durch eine Funktion des Blickwinkels relativ zur Tangentialebene (definiert durch die Oberflächennormale) und dem Wert des Höhenfelds an diesem Punkt.

45. Alula saudi arabia BACK TO LOCATIONS Over the next few decades, the average water availability in some regions is projected to decrease by 10-30%, meaning 2.4 billion people across the world will be living in areas subject to periods of intense water scarcity, displacing as many as 700 million people.

46. Bottom Line: Using the Cline Center’s Coup D’état Project definitions, the storming of the US Capitol Building on January 6, 2021 was an Attempted coup d’état: an organized, illegal attempt to intervene in the presidential transition by displacing the power of the Congress to certify the election

47. As the in vivo brain is less dense than the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), one hypothesis explaining this observation is that upon skull impact, the denser CSF moves toward the site of skull impact displacing the brain in the opposite direction, such that the initial impact of the brain parenchyma is at the Contrecoup

48. A Brief Review of Farrell’s “Babylon’s Banksters” By “Eliezer” This is not a “Zionist” System, but as described in Babylon’s Banksters: The Alchemy of Deep Physics, High Finance and Ancient Religion, by Joseph Farrell, it is a system of displacing national currencies with the currency of a private banking cartel, which finds its genesis in Babylon and the bloodline of Nimrod.

49. In the first case—“liberation” of adrenaline—the loss was replaced by dopamine only; in the second case — “displacing synthesis” — it was replaced mainly by α-methyladrenaline and also by α-methyldopamine and α-methylnoradrenaline. — On the isolated frog heart the positive inotropic action of α-methylnoradrenaline was equal to that of adrenaline and much stronger than that of noradrenaline.

Im ersten Fall — „Freisetzung“ von Adrenalin — wurde der Verlust nur durch Dopamin, im zweiten Fall — „verdrängende Synthese“ — durch α-Methyldopamin und α-Methylnoradrenalin, überwiegend aber durch α-Methyladrenalin ersetzt. — Am isolierten Froschherz nach Straub war α-Methylnoradrenalin positiv inotrop ebenso wirksam wie Adrenalin und deutlich wirksamer als Noradrenalin.

50. The Bismarck class was a pair of fast battleships built for Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine shortly before the outbreak of World War II.The ships were the largest and most powerful warships built for the Kriegsmarine; displacing more than 41,000 metric tons (40,000 long tons) normally, they were armed with a battery of eight 38 cm (15 in) guns and were capable of a top speed of 30 knots (56 km/h