Nghĩa của từ discontinuing bằng Tiếng Đức

discontinuing [diskəntinjuːiŋ] unterbrechend

Đặt câu có từ "discontinuing"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "discontinuing", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ discontinuing, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ discontinuing trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Ceasing: as in discontinuing, stopping

2. Before discontinuing a Bible study, seek Jehovah’s direction in prayer.

3. Discontinuing the respirator does not necessarily mean ending her life.

4. As of 31 January 2019, Autodesk is discontinuing Buzzsaw® and Buzzsaw® Professional

5. Management must study Avoidable costs when considering downsizing the company, discontinuing

6. Refusing to pay such costs would lead to the work of the agencies discontinuing.

Eine Ablehnung der Vermittlungsgebühren würde dazu führen, dass die Vermittlungsfirmen ihre Tätigkeit einstellen.

7. Synonyms for Adjourning include suspending, postponing, deferring, delaying, interrupting, proroguing, recessing, discontinuing, staying and shelving

8. Antonyms for Biding include nonresident, visiting, ceasing, closing, concluding, desisting, dying, discontinuing, ending and expiring

9. In addition, the carrier must give a minimum of six months' advance notice before discontinuing the services

Die Flüge dürfen vom Luftfahrtunternehmen nur nach mindestens sechsmonatiger Vorankündigung eingestellt werden

10. Synonyms for Ceasing include ending, stopping, concluding, discontinuing, finishing, halting, terminating, quitting, failing and leaving off

11. (11) The dis-indexation draft law aims at discontinuing indexation schemes in administered prices and fees.

(11) Der Entwurf des Gesetzes zum Abbau der Indexierung dient der Abschaffung von Indexierungsregelungen für administrierte Preise und Gebühren.

12. With Microsoft discontinuing Streets and Trips, Badger Maps is the best alternative - created specifically to help field salespeople sell more

13. - product range: adaptation of the existing range by discontinuing unprofitable lines and concentration on new products and promising market segments;

- Produktsortiment: Anpassung des vorhandenen Sortiments durch den Verzicht auf unrentable Produkte und die Konzentration auf neue Produkte und zukunftsträchtige Marktsegmente;

14. (c) if the enterprise abandons the discontinuing operation, the recoverable amount is determined for individual assets as set out in IAS 36.

15. The traditional workup for primary Aldosteronism is cumbersome and requires discontinuing antihypertensive medications, which is inconvenient and potentially dangerous

16. Harold Dutton, D-Houston, said the options to prevent Ashworth from discontinuing the program include getting a court injunction.

17. Some users may experience amenorrhoea or oligomenorrhoea after discontinuing hormonal contraception, especially when such a condition was pre-existent

Bei einigen Anwenderinnen kann es nach dem Absetzen eines hormonellen Kontrazeptivums zu Amenorrhoe oder Oligomenorrhoe kommen, besonders wenn ein solcher Zustand früher schon vorlag

18. if the enterprise abandons the discontinuing operation, the recoverable amount is determined for individual assets as set out in IAS

wenn das Unternehmen den aufzugebenden Geschäftsbereich einstellt, wird der erzielbare Betrag für die einzelnen Vermögenswerte gemäß IAS # ermittelt

19. With that, he announced Ning would be abandoning its longstanding business model and discontinuing non-paying sites on its network.

20. If you have an issue with a Battery pack swelling, Dell recommends discontinuing using the Battery and replacing it with a …

21. Management of the complications of Antiemetic drugs can range from simple observation after discontinuing the drug to treatment with specific agents

22. - product range: adapting the existing range by discontinuing unprofitable vehicles and replacing them with new, modern products and promising market segments,

- Produktpalette: Anpassung der bestehenden Produktpalette durch die Einstellung der Produktion unrentabler Fahrzeuge und die Ersetzung durch neue moderne Produkte sowie die Besetzung vielversprechender Marktsegmente;

23. Up to 9% cash back  · As of January 31, 2019, Autodesk is discontinuing Buzzsaw® and Buzzsaw® Professional

24. Recognizing that risk-based audit planning practices are accepted across government, we appreciate the argument for discontinuing general policy requirements for internal audits of compliance within policies.

25. As a continuance of our efforts to transition customers from Buzzsaw to more modern Autodesk cloud-based offerings, Autodesk is discontinuing Buzzsaw and Buzzsaw Professional by January 31, 2019.

26. In addition to discontinuing the use of handbills for circuit assembly public talks, we will use standard circuit assembly programs for the series beginning in February 1984.

27. Instead of discontinuing your campaigns (and missing out on clicks) or stretching your budget (potentially spending more than you can afford), make sure your daily budget is appropriate in advance.

28. Amalgamation is the process whereby two or more companies are combined so that the property, rights, privileges, liabilities and obligations of the amalgamating (discontinuing) companies are transferred to, and vest in, one amalgamated company.

29. Discontinuing Bisphosphonate therapy for low turnover state of bone may help prevent this condition (one way to measure turnover state in bone is the urinary N-Telopeptide, and some physicians suggest stopping Bisphosphonate therapy if this result is less than 10).

30. To lay down a standard approach to this issue in all Member States, while not obliging Member States to take an official decision in such cases, the Article proposes that, at least, a notice discontinuing the examination should be posted in the file of the determining authority in order to end the procedure from an administrative and legal angle.

Um ein einheitliches Vorgehen in allen Mitgliedstaaten sicherzustellen, sollten die Mitgliedstaaten in diesen Fällen zwar nicht verpflichtet sein, eine amtliche Entscheidung zu erlassen, aber sie sollten die Asylbehörden zumindest darüber informieren, damit die Prüfung eingestellt und das Verfahren in administrativer und rechtlicher Hinsicht beendet werden kann.