Nghĩa của từ discharged into bằng Tiếng Đức

discharged into [distʃɑːdʒdintə] eingemündet

Đặt câu có từ "discharged into"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "discharged into", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ discharged into, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ discharged into trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Approximately 12% of the lime-kiln gas is discharged into the air.

Etwa 12 % des Kalkofengases werden in die Luft abgelassen.

2. When this substance was discharged into a tank filled with hydrochloric acid, reactions occurred

3. When this substance was discharged into a tank filled with hydrochloric acid, reactions occurred.

4. When this substance was discharged into a tank filled with hydrochloric acid, a reaction occurred.

5. When this substance was discharged into a tank filled with hydrochloric acid, a reaction occurred

6. Industrial activities generate a wide variety of waste products which are generally discharged into water courses .

7. Acids : Both organic and inorganic acids are discharged into rivers in the form of industrial effluents .

8. 8 The oil which discharged into the sea seriously harmed a lot of birds and animals.

9. Effluents discharged into Cauvery from these industries is estimated to be about 110 million litres per day .

10. 15 The mercury is often discharged into streams,( where it accumulates in the form of methyl mercury.

11. 13 Approximately 12% of the lime-kiln gas produced in the lime kiln is discharged into the air.

13 Etwa 12 % des im Kalkofen erzeugten Kalkofengases werden in die Luft abgelassen.

12. At the end of 2000, Ireland had 28 agglomerations above 15 000 p.e., which discharged into "normal areas".

Ende 2000 gab es in Irland 28 Gemeinden mit einem Einwohnerwert von mehr als 15 000, die in "nicht ausgewiesene Gebiete" einleiten.

13. Bile is discharged into the small intestine when needed to aid in the digestion of fats (see digestive system).

14. + 17 Are you not aware that whatever enters into the mouth passes through the stomach and is discharged into the sewer?

15. Waste water is purified in that an aerated mixture of waste water with activated sludge is degassed before being discharged into the secondary settling basin.

Die Reinigungsweise der Abwässer besteht darin, dass die belüftete Mischung der Abwässer mit dem belebten Schlamm, vor der Abführung in das Sekundärklärbecken, entgast wird.

16. A recent survey indicates that about 150 million tonnes of sulphur dioxide are discharged into the atmosphere every year , which in turn is converted into sulphuric acid .

17. Eggs, without adhesive ability, are discharged into the sediment; however, after about 10 to 15 min the egg membrane swells and becomes a thick and sticky covering.

Die Eier werden grundsätzlich nackt und zunachst ohne Haftvermögen in das Sediment abgelegt. Nach 10 bis 15 min hebt sich eine primäre Eihülle ab, die peripher weiter zu einer dicken, klebrigen Gallerthülle aufquillt.

18. Xanthic ester is a kind of catcher in the floatation of minerals. Though only a very little amount of xanthic ester is discharged into water, it smells wondrously bad.

19. Xanthic ester is a kind of catcher in the floatation of minerals. Though only a very little amount of xanthic ester is discharged into water,[Sentence dictionary] it smells wondrously bad.

20. Bleached pulp mill effluent constituents most resistant to microbial degradation (5-day aerated lagoon) and, therefore, most likely to be discharged into receiving waters are dichlorodehydroabietic acid and tetrachloroguaiacol (degradation rates of 18 and 8.4 μg/mg biomass/d, respectively)(25).

21. Their nutrient-rich effluents (industrial shrimp feeds disintegrate quickly, as little as 30% are actually eaten by the shrimp with a corresponding economic loss to the farmer, the rest is wasted) are typically discharged into the environment, seriously upsetting the ecological balance.

22. It stated that all water discharged into the Baltic Sea, including the Bothnian Bay and Sea, by treatment plants of urban waste water from agglomerations of more than 10 000 p.e. had to undergo removal treatment both of phosphorus and of nitrogen.

Das gesamte Wasser, das in die Ostsee, einschließlich Bottenwiek und Bottnische See, durch die kommunalen Abwasserbehandlungsanlagen von Gemeinden mit mehr als 10 000 EW eingeleitet werde, müsse einer Behandlung zur Entfernung sowohl des Phosphors als auch des Stickstoffs, die in ihm enthalten seien, unterzogen werden.

23. Bile (or gall) is a bitter, greenish-yellow alkali ne fluid secreted by hepatocyte s from the liver of most vertebrate s. In many species, it is stored in the gallbladder between meals and upon eating is discharged into the duodenum where it aids the process of digestion .

24. (b) Category B: noxious liquid substances which if discharged into the sea from tank cleaning or deballasting operations would present a hazard to either marine resources or human health or cause harm to amenities or other legitimate uses of the sea and therefore justify the application of special anti-pollution measures;

b) Gruppe B: Schädliche flüssige Stoffe, die, wenn sie beim Reinigen der Tanks oder beim Lenzen von Ballast ins Meer eingeleitet würden, eine Gefahr für die Schätze des Meeres oder die menschliche Gesundheit darstellen oder die Annehmlichkeiten der Umwelt oder die sonstige rechtmäßige Nutzung des Meeres schädigen würden und die daher die Anwendung besonderer Maßnahmen gegen die Verschmutzung rechtfertigen.