Nghĩa của từ directive bằng Tiếng Đức

directive [direktiv] Anweisung

Đặt câu có từ "directive"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "directive", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ directive, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ directive trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Alignment of the Active Implantable Medical Devices Directive with the Medical Devices Directive.

Angleichung der Richtlinie über aktive implantierbare medizinische Geräte an die Medizinprodukte-Richtlinie

2. Google LLC hereby declares that G019B is in compliance with Directive 2014/35/EU (Low Voltage Directive) and 2014/30/EU (EMC Directive).

3. Hereby, Google LLC declares that G019A is in compliance with Directive 2014/35/ EU (Low Voltage Directive) and 2014/30/EU (EMC Directive).

4. Justification In order to align the text of the Directive with Directive 95/46/CE.

5. Subject: Major-Accident Hazards Directive

Betrifft: Richtlinie zur Beherrschung der Gefahren bei schweren Unfällen

6. Directive 91/338 therefore constitutes an essential adjunct to the application of Directive 88/378.

Die Richtlinie 91/338 stellt daher eine notwendige Ergänzung zu der Anwendung der Richtlinie 88/378 dar.

7. In May 2015 a new EU Directive against anti-money laundering (‘AML Directive’) (1) was adopted.

Im Mai 2015 wurde eine neue EU-Richtlinie zur Bekämpfung der Geldwäsche („Geldwäsche-Richtlinie“) (1) angenommen.


9. Absorbere the provisions of Directive

10. The Prime Directive doesn't apply.

11. E – Can Directive 2014/24 be taken into account in the interpretation of Directive 2004/18?

E – Kann die Richtlinie 2014/24 für die Auslegung der Richtlinie 2004/18 berücksichtigt werden?

12. Normal development was the prime directive.

13. For the purposes of this Directive, the tractor categories defined in Annex # to Directive #/#/EC shall apply

Im Sinne dieser Richtlinie sind Zugmaschinenklassen die in Anhang # der Richtlinie #/#/EG definierten Klassen

14. Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 2006/112/EC as regards rates of value added tax

Vorschlag für eine Richtlinie des Rates zur Änderung der Richtlinie 2006/112/EG in Bezug auf die Mehrwertsteuersätze

15. directive controls the order of access directive processing only within each phase of the server's configuration processing.

16. Commission Directive #/EC of # March # implementing Council Directive #/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household air-conditioners

Richtlinie #/EG der Kommission vom #. März # zur Durchführung der Richtlinie #/EWG des Rates betreffend die Energieetikettierung für Raumklimageräte

17. b) Council Directive # on driving licences

18. The Asp.NET page framework supports the following directives: For more information about directive syntax, visit Text Template Directive Syntax.

19. He didn't sign an advance directive.

20. For the purposes of this Directive, tractor means a tractor as defined in Article #(j) of Directive #/#/EC

Im Sinne dieser Richtlinie ist Zugmaschine eine Zugmaschine gemäß der Definition in Artikel # Buchstabe j der Richtlinie #/#/EG

21. Subject: Scope of the RoHS Directive (Directive 2011/65/EU) — Organ pipes made of tin and lead alloys

Betrifft: Anwendungsbereich der RoHS-Richtlinie (Richtlinie 2011/65/EU) — Orgelpfeifen aus Zinn- und Bleilegierungen

22. Excavated earth is waste for the purposes of the Waste Framework Directive (Directive 75/442/EEC), Article 1a).

23. Directive #/#/EEC and its successive amending acts

Richtlinie #/#/EWG und nachfolgende Rechtsakte zu ihrer Änderung

24. Considerings of machinery directive 1998/37/CE

25. The proposed Directive will provide this protection.

26. Directive Effects in the Bromination of Vanillin

27. An advance directive will do the following:

28. The Directive addressed a range of issues, including:

29. Have you filled out your own medical directive?

30. In some instances, our recommendations are highly directive.

31. This opinion shall take full account of the exceptions provided for by Article # of Directive #/#/EC and Article # of Directive #/#/EC

Die in Artikel # der Richtlinie #/#/EG und Artikel # der Richtlinie #/#/EG vorgesehenen Ausnahmen werden in dieser Stellungnahme uneingeschränkt berücksichtigt

32. Britain is Adamantly opposed to the new directive

33. Britain is adamantly opposed to the new directive.

34. All companies must comply with the new directive.

35. One, Police Plaza's latest directive, Biyearly psychological evaluations

36. Subpart E—Unsealed Byproduct Material—Written Directive Required

37. This Directive is addressed to the Member States

Diese Richtlinie ist an die Mitgliedstaaten gerichtet

38. An Economic Analysis of a New EU Directive.

39. The Supreme Warlord promulgated his infamous'scorched earth " directive.

40. Because she wants to take a directive study.

41. According to the United Kingdom Government, the directive on misleading advertising should be the ‘model’ for the definition of advertising of medicinal products in Directive 2001/83; it bases its argument on a historical commentary of the latter Directive and on the travaux préparatoires for its precedent, Directive 92/28.

Nach Ansicht der britischen Regierung muss die Richtlinie über irreführende Werbung das „Modell“ für jede Definition der Werbung für Arzneimittel in der Richtlinie 2001/83 sein; sie stützt diese Auffassung auf eine historische Auslegung dieser Richtlinie und die Vorarbeiten für ihre Vorgängerin, die Richtlinie 92/28.

42. Directive as amended by the 1994 Act of Accession.

Richtlinie geändert durch die Beitrittsakte von 1994.

43. The Directive specifies significant capital requirements for larger floats.

Für höhere Floats (E-Geld-Tranchen) sind in der Richtlinie erhebliche Kapitalanforderungen vorgesehen.

44. Do you know what an advanced healthcare directive is?

45. The directive did not yet call for guerrilla warfare.

46. And that's why your wife signed the advanced directive.

47. Private health services will be allowed under the directive.

48. This builds on the foundation of the above Directive.

49. Britain is Adamantly opposed to the new directive: 3

50. Investigate server configuration files for an error page directive.

Untersuchen Sie die Serverkonfigurationsdateien auf einen Fehlerseiten-Befehl.