Nghĩa của từ dictatorships bằng Tiếng Đức

dictatorships [dikteitəʃips] Diktature

Đặt câu có từ "dictatorships"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "dictatorships", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ dictatorships, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ dictatorships trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Some are democracies, some dictatorships.

2. Coups in Greece, Poland and Portugal install new dictatorships.

3. There are also many films depicting Latin American military dictatorships.

4. Most military dictatorships are formed after a coup d'état has overthrown the previous government.

5. Bad economic times can result in political dictatorships. Witness Germany in the 1930s.

6. There a handful of loyal Witnesses endured the cruelest of dictatorships through some 50 years.

7. Officers in dictatorships are often selected for political loyalty rather than military ability.

8. Today, Jehovah’s Witnesses are flourishing in Europe where the two great dictatorships once held sway.

9. Republican Egypt became a model for other Arab dictatorships and forced wrenching changes at home.

10. Grim dictatorships, motivated by the fear of certain ideas, still find ways of blocking access to information.

Finstere Diktaturen, die bestimmte Ideen fürchten, finden noch immer einen Weg, um den Zugang zu Informationen zu blockieren.

11. Both were under military dictatorships at the time, with the work of Jehovah’s Witnesses under strict ban.

12. ECONOMIST: Latin American dictatorships—and after It is conducting similar raids in Jenin, occasionally even against Amnestied men.

13. 5 Dictatorships emerged in the 1930’s, and Germany, Italy, and Japan united to form the Axis powers.

14. The conference had the theme “Repression and Self-Assertion: Jehovah’s Witnesses Under the National Socialist and Communist Dictatorships.”

15. There is a new insistence on the illegitimacy of debts incurred by military dictatorships and other repressive regimes.

16. With this small Mod you can build with divine Autocraties oversized Ships like as with military dictatorships

17. In the 20th century, this has led to oppressive dictatorships within countries and to horrendous wars between countries.

18. Supporters of democracy point to the complex bureaucracy and regulations that has occurred in dictatorships, like many of the former communist states.

19. During the following period of two military dictatorships, interrupted by two civilian governments, the Peronist party was outlawed and Perón was exiled.

20. We tend to think that somehow this is going to harm these dictatorships, but in many cases it only strengthens them.

21. Some democratically elected governments of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, and Paraguay were overthrown or displaced by military dictatorships in the 1960s and 1970s.

22. Officially non-democratic forms of government, such as single-party states and dictatorships, are more common in East Asia, the Middle East and North Africa.

23. Several de facto dictatorships also have compulsory, but not "free and fair" voting in order to try to increase the legitimacy of the regime, such as North Korea.

24. The United States and all nations of Europe – especially those who once lived under the weight of communist dictatorships – value our freedoms as nations who can act on our own authority.

25. Heightening the security concerns is the fact that both dictatorships can operate in the dark as neither has a free press, civil society or public opinion to hold them to account.

26. And this he has done, referring to the most controversial pages of Catholic history—the Crusades, wars, support of dictatorships, division in the churches, anti-Semitism, the Inquisitions, the Mafia, and racism.

27. Autos in Greek means "same" or "self", so in an Autocratic government all the power is held by the leader him- or herself. Autocratic governments are often called dictatorships, or sometimes autocracies

28. “By 1975 civil disorder, anarchy, military dictatorships, runaway inflation, transportation breakdowns and chaotic unrest will be the order of the day in many of the hungry nations—all because hunger will turn inexorably into starvation and starvation will become widespread famine.”

„Bis 1975 werden in vielen Hungerländern Rechtlosigkeit, Anarchie, Militärdiktaturen, galoppierende Inflation, Zusammenbruch des Verkehrswesens, Chaos und Unruhen an der Tagesordnung sein, weil der Unterernährung unweigerlich der Hunger folgen und dieser Hunger sich immer weiter ausbreiten wird.“