Nghĩa của từ diagnoses bằng Tiếng Đức

diagnoses [daiəgnousiːz] diagnostiziert

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "diagnoses", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ diagnoses, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ diagnoses trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. 7 We report trends in prenatal diagnoses over these years and the indications leading to these diagnoses.

2. Allergies, medication, previous diagnoses, treatment-

3. We report trends in prenatal diagnoses over these years and the indications leading to these diagnoses.

4. The other diagnoses are essentially political.

5. The book diagnoses the present financial crisis.

6. These diagnoses can lead to inadequate treatment.

7. Nonparetic strabismus and orbital diseases are important differential diagnoses.

Wichtige Differenzialdiagnosen sind nichtparetische Schielformen und Erkrankungen der Orbita.

8. Main outcome measures - Concordance between team and research diagnoses.

9. Applicability of diagnoses from telehealth services for risk adjustment

10. I have 15 documented cancer diagnoses that say you're wrong.

11. Given the other possible diagnoses, botulism was our best - case scenario.

12. Albian evaluates, diagnoses and treats patients with communication and swallowing troubles

13. Other main diagnoses were tapetoretinal dystrophies, optic atrophy, and diabetic retinopathy.

Weitere Hauptdiagnosen waren tapetoretinale Dystrophien, Optikusatrophie und diabetische Retinopathie.

14. Many practitioners of orthodox medicine boggle over the accuracy of reflexology's diagnoses.

15. He thus diagnoses a crisis of legal ideology and democratic theory.

16. What had been a Victorian catch-all splintered into many different diagnoses.

17. These diagnoses have been included for completeness and for consistency with previous reports.

18. Conversely, "preservationists" must address the problem of faulty diagnoses and improper "treatment".

19. Allare diagnoses and treats infections, injuries, diseases and other disorders in children.

20. Once again, there is no elaboration of the reasoning behind these diagnoses.

21. 6 Once again,[] there is no elaboration of the reasoning behind these diagnoses.

22. Perioral dermatitis, labial herpes, acrodermatitis enteropathica and Olmsted syndrome are possible differential diagnoses.

Periorale Dermatitis, Herpes labialis, Acrodermatitis enteropathica und Olmsted-Syndrom sind mögliche Differentialdiagnosen.

23. People have confidence in doctors, they have confidence in diagnoses, confidence in medicine.

24. She is not allowed to make diagnoses, initiate drug treatment, or certify death.

25. Five different doctors come up with five different diagnoses based on the same evidence.

26. The three main diagnoses are those of government overload, adversary politics, and pluralist stagnation.

27. The primary reason for admission to ICU is chosen from a number of diagnoses.

28. National Conferences on the Classification of Nursing Diagnoses have accepted several nursing diagnoses associated with individual and family Coping with the challenge of a client's changing or changed health status, including Ineffective

29. The proportion of false positive diagnoses with physical examination is generally accepted to be low.

30. 17 The three main diagnoses are those of government overload, adversary politics, and pluralist stagnation.

31. For younger women working full time, the most common diagnoses are allergies and migraines.

32. Again, the winning algorithms were able to match the diagnoses given by human ophthalmologists.

33. This article presents the core symptomatology, differential diagnoses and treatment options of acute agitation emergencies.

Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die wichtigsten epidemiologischen und diagnostischen Aspekte von Erregungszuständen darzustellen, auch hinsichtlich ihrer differenzialdiagnostischen Bedeutung, und rasche, effektive Behandlungs- und Bewältigungsstrategien aufzuzeigen.

34. Additional recordings with electroencephalogram, video, or other respiratory measures were used to confirm diagnoses.

35. The Cardiologist - Non-Invasive diagnoses patients with the aid of diagnostic images and electrocardiograph recordings

36. The research results are of value for diagnoses of thermal failure of the cable terminal.

37. Our Audiology team diagnoses and treats hearing loss in children from birth through young adulthood

38. The main differential diagnoses include uterine sarcomas, adenosarcoma and benign metaplastic change within the endometrium.

Differenzialdiagnostisch sind Sarkome des Uterus, Adenosarkome und benigne Metaplasien des Endometriums sowie undifferenzierte Karzinome abzugrenzen.

39. The problem is one of competing diagnoses and prescriptions as well as diverging national interests.

40. We present a psychodynamic hypothesis regarding the reported psychopathology and discuss alternative diagnoses and pharmacological treatment.

Ein psychodynamisches Verständnis der Psychopathologie und pharmakologische Behandlungsansätze der als Paranoia mit spätem Beginn diagnostizierten Störung werden vorgestellt und differenzialdiagnostische Überlegungen dargelegt.

41. This article summarizes the most important differential diagnoses and gives advice to find the correct diagnosis.

Der vorliegende Beitrag gibt eine Übersicht über die wichtigsten differenzialdiagnostischen Krankheitsbilder und Anleitungen zur richtigen und zielgerichteten Diagnosestellung.

42. Infections with hepatitis A (HAV) and E viruses (HEV) represent important differential diagnoses of acute viral hepatitis.

Infektionen mit dem Hepatitis-A- und -E-Virus (HAV/HEV) stellen wichtige Differenzialdiagnosen der akuten Virushepatitis dar.

43. These hospitalizations accounted for 206,095 days, almost twice the total when only primary diagnoses are considered (115,580).

44. 26 Malfunction diagnoses for the diesel engine fuel system are introduced and given some typical obviating methods.

45. Bob Brown uses his Bedside manner to charm his patients while his partner makes the actual diagnoses.

46. This state monitor system diagnoses abnormalities of apparatuses that are provided in a wind power generation apparatus.

47. Furthermore, one of the following diagnoses must be established: acute tonsillitis, acute tonsillopharyngitis or acute pharyngitis.

Außerdem ist die Festlegung auf eine der folgenden Diagnosen zentral: „akute Tonsillitis“, „akute Tonsillopharyngitis“ oder „akute Pharyngitis“.

48. The network would be trained to associate symptoms and diagnoses from a database of case histories.

49. An ophthalmologist is an doctor who diagnoses and treats eye disorders by medical or surgical means.

50. After the exclusion of relevant differential diagnoses, therapy should be adapted to the clinical outcome and potential comorbidities.

Nach Ausschluss relevanter Differenzialdiagnosen richtet sich die Therapie nach dem klinischen Bild, nach Verlauf, Vor- und Begleiterkrankungen.