Nghĩa của từ deviations bằng Tiếng Đức

deviations [diːvieiʃənz] Abweichunge

Đặt câu có từ "deviations"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "deviations", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ deviations, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ deviations trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. DEVIATIONS’ designates the deviations which accumulated over the past years.

DEVIATIONS“ enthalte die kumulierten Abweichungen der vergangenen Jahre.

2. Deviations, however, did occur.

3. In detail, the standard deviations of the logarithmic and absolute deviations are used with the same weight.

Mit den Modellen von HTFS und von Rouhani sind die genauesten Wiedergaben der Gas/Dampfgehalte als auch der mittleren Dichten der Gemische möglich.

4. This is gonna amplify large deviations.

5. The deviations from the actual figures are small.

Die sich ergebenden Abweichungen von den tatsächlichen Größen sind gering.

6. Angle deviations are critical to the test results.

Durch Winkelabweichungen wird das Prüfergebnis entscheidend beeinflusst.

7. The marijuana caused “increased prevalence of major errors, minor errors, altitude deviations, heading deviations, and radio navigation errors,” the study showed.

Die Untersuchung ergab, daß Marihuana zu „einem Überhandnehmen schwerwiegender und kleinerer Fehler, zu Höhen- und Richtungsabweichungen sowie zu Fehlern in der Funknavigation“ führte.

8. (b) longitudinal level — standard deviations (alert limit only),

b) Längshöhe — Standardabweichungen (nur Auslösewert)

9. Morpheme absorption is a form of semantic deviations.

10. Duly justified deviations from the planned route shall be accepted.

Angemessen gerechtfertigte Abweichungen von der geplanten Strecke sind zulässig.

11. Follow the plans closely and write down all deviations.

12. So they're all well documented deviations from rational behavior.

13. There are midline deviations in population with normal occlusion.

14. Aberrations are deviations from normal vision, such as blurring in an image

15. Tolerable time range for the total cumulative value of (absolute) deviations

16. The standard deviations of angular measurements ranged from 3° to 13°.

17. (3) Sum of squares of deviations of data points from their mean.

(3) Summe der Quadrate der Abweichungen der Datenpunkte von ihrem Mittelwert.

18. However we did not subtract Z standard deviations from the population mean.

19. The “disorderly” ones in Thessalonica were guilty of significant deviations from Christianity.

20. Over time the provisions of CEVNI have accumulated seventy eight footnotes, most of which allowed deviations from its provisions, with no mechanism to monitor those deviations in national and regional rules of navigation.

21. And the result we got was 3 standard deviations below the mean.

22. Arclike (black) and chicanelike (red) compressors showing their respective deviations from linearity (dashed)

23. Assortive mating Violations of the Hardy–Weinberg assumptions can cause deviations from expectation

24. Over time the provisions of CEVNI have accumulated seventy-eight footnotes, most of which allowed deviations from its provisions, without any mechanism to monitor these deviations in national and regional rules of navigation.

25. But, under Lenin's brilliant leadership, the Bolshevik party was able to resist all such deviations.

26. In a median regression b is chosen to minimise the sum of absolute deviations.

27. The experimental trials had provided estimates of the process variance, expressed as standard deviations.

28. Deviations from the ideal form regarding nasal symmetry, nasal width, and alar base line were determined.

Dabei wurden Abweichungen der Nasensymmetrie, der Nasenbreite und der Nasenflügelansatzlinie von der Idealform bestimmt.

29. · To establish an inventory of implementation plans in different countries and current deviations from international classifications.

30. The robot’s cognitive capabilities allow it to monitor a process for deviations and error conditions.

Die kognitiven Fähigkeiten des Roboters ermöglichen diesem, einen Prozess auf Abweichungen und Fehlerbedingungen hin zu überwachen.

31. A constant VMI with a range for acceptable deviations would be the price-stability target.

32. To verify the model, deviations from 311 needle placements of real prostate implants were analyzed.

Zur Verifikation des Modells wurde die Genauigkeit der interstitiellen Template-gestützten Nadelpositionierung von 311 Nadeln, die im Rahmen einer HDR-Brachytherapie positioniert wurden, anhand von Ultraschallbildern ermittelt.

33. Absolute deviations for the accelerometer were 0.8–3.1% for children and 0.6–3.2% for adults.

Die absoluten Abweichungen für den Akzelerometer lagen zwischen 0,8 und 3,1% für die Schulkinder sowie zwischen 0,6 und 3,2% für die Erwachsenen.

34. The formation of Azeotropes due to deviations from Raoult's law was discussed in Section 1.3

35. Deviations of actual escapements from the target are correlated with errors in the preseason forecast.

36. Mean deviations between actual and forecast high and low waters are less than ±25 cm.

So sind die mittleren Abweichungen zwischen dem Eintritt und der Vorhersage bei Hoch- und Niedrigwasser kleiner als ±25 cm.

37. Individuals with Cluttering typically manifest rapid or erratic speech rates, reduced intelligibility, and language deviations

38. Synonyms for Aberrants include strayings, deviations, aberrances, aberrancies, aberrations, divagations, divergence, mavericks, stragglers and waifs

39. Provide information of discrepancies such as incorrect locations, quantities, damaged goods and deviations from procedure.

40. The absolute dose deviations recorded with the ionization chamber were 1.74% ± 1.62% across both indications.

Die mittlere Abweichung der Absolutdosimetrie betrug 1,74% ± 1,62%.

41. Accordingly, temperature deviations in the hot water discharged from a water heater can be reduced.

42. A different aim of these measurements is to search for deviations from the Standard Model predictions.

Ein weiteres Ziel dieser Messungen ist die Suche nach Abweichungen von den Vorhersagen des Standardmodells.

43. Normal and slightly pathologic acetabular angles have been examined together for mean values and standard-deviations.

44. Complex measurement reports on components and templates show actual dimensions and indicate deviations from planned values.

Messprotokolle komplexer Formen an Werkstücken und Lehren geben Auskunft über Istwerte und zeigen allfällige Abweichungen auf.

45. As the Earth is slightly flatter, there are consequently slight deviations in the direction of gravity.

46. Wide deviations or sudden changes in direction may be caused by actual errors and need to be investigated

47. Abnormalities are deviations from normal development and can involve any part of the pig, internal or external

48. Deviations between the predicted times and the actual times can be shown, as can a trend display.

Die Abweichungen zwischen den prognostizierten Zeiten und den Istzeiten sowie eine Trendanzeige können bereitgestellt werden.

49. The absolute values of potential deviations between the two sections shall be determined by the following equations:

Für die Ermittlung der absoluten Werte für die potenziellen Abweichungen zwischen den beiden Abschnitten gelten folgende Gleichungen: