Nghĩa của từ depleting bằng Tiếng Đức

depleting [dipliːtiŋ] dezimierend, leerend

Đặt câu có từ "depleting"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "depleting", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ depleting, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ depleting trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức


2. Intensive farming is depleting soils.

3. We haven't understood that we're depleting what nature provides.

4. Simply a gas-guzzling, ozone-depleting means of transportation?

5. Data are weighted according to ozone-depleting potential (ODP

6. These gases succeeded in producing acid rain and in depleting the ozone layer.

7. We will strive to accelerate the eradication of ozone depleting substances.

8. · 24 parties reported destruction of almost 19,000 metric tonnes of ozone-depleting substances in 2014.

9. They accumulate in the stratosphere, slowly depleting the ozone layer (Environment Canada, 1996, p.

10. Besides polluting the earth, humans are depleting its natural resources at an alarming rate.

11. In existing Abattoirs, a strategy needs to be adopted to replace ozone depleting gases

12. In addition, increased operational activity in 2014 created an excess of expenditure, depleting accumulated reserves.

13. In 2002 and the past years, the incidence of syphilis and gonorrhea has been depleting.

14. America's meat addiction is poisoning and depleting our potable water, arable land, and clean air.

15. As you age, this system performs with diminished capacity, depleting the skin’s ability to retain moisture.

16. Biodiesel is gaining more and attention attractive fuel due to the depleting of fossil fuel resources.

17. 'Therefore, plants have evolved a great variety of morphological adaptations to impede bees from depleting all their pollen.

"Aus diesem Grund haben Pflanzen eine Reihe morphologischer Anpassungen entwickelt, um Bienen daran zu hindern, all ihre Pollen zu erbeuten.

18. 25 At higher temperatures, development is faster and the larvae are hyperactive, thus depleting their lipid reserves.

19. At higher temperatures, development is faster and the larvae are hyperactive, thus depleting their lipid reserves.

20. Summary matrix on reported policy measures to promote a transition from ozone-depleting substances to climate-friendly alternatives

21. Ongoing research, however, indicates the need for more aggressive reductions in emissions of CFCs and other ozone-depleting substances.

22. On water consumption, the report warned that many countries were rapidly depleting non-renewable sources such as sealed aquifers.

23. 12 On water consumption, the report warned that many countries were rapidly depleting non-renewable sources such as sealed aquifers.

24. So while it’s true that our planet isn’t actually losing water, we are depleting the water sources we rely on at an unsustainable pace.

25. 22 This speeds up the onset of rigor mortis by depleting muscle energy (ATP) and rapidly increasing the anaerobic glycolysis that produces lactic acid.

26. 8 This speeds up the onset of rigor mortis by depleting muscle energy (ATP) and rapidly increasing the anaerobic glycolysis that produces lactic acid.

27. Whether it be non-ozone depleting refrigerant, simple or modular installation, superior efficiency and powerful controls, these Chillers are ideal for both replacement and new construction projects.

28. Parliament's Standing Committee on Defence, in a report tabled last month, had commented adversely on the depleting squadron strength of the IAF, calling for immediate acquisitions and upgrades.

29. The changing lifestyles of the vast majority of our middle classes, rapid urbanization and construction activities are eating up the land as well as depleting water resources.

30. These services included training, advice and operational support related to such areas as contaminated sites, storage tanks, hazardous materials, ozone-depleting substances, air emissions, and waste water.

31. HFCs are not ozone depleting but global warming substance and if controlled, can contribute substantially to limiting the global temperature and advance actions for addressing climate change.

32. Equally we are unable to support Amendment No 15 as this reintroduces a use for ozone depleting substances where there are now well established and better alternatives.

Gleichfalls können wir Abänderungsantrag 15 nicht unterstützen, da dieser die Verwendung ozonschädigender Substanzen wieder einführt, obwohl es für diese inzwischen bewährte und bessere Alternativen gibt.

33. Capsaicin achieves its pain-relieving effect by reversibly depleting sensory nerve endings of substance P and by reducing the density of epidermal nerve fibers, again in a reversible fashion

34. Non ozone depleting refrigerant compositions which replace CFC12 in centrifugal chillers and are compatible with traditional lubricants (eg mineral and alkylbenzene oils) and also synthetic oxygen containing lubricants.

35. Nowadays refrigeration must comply with strict regulations aimed at countering the effects of global warming. Many countries have banned ozone-depleting manmade refrigerants in new installations in favor of natural refrigerants like ammonia and carbon dioxide.

Heute müssen die Kühlsysteme strikte Vorschriften erfüllen und gleichzeitig die globale Erwärmung auf ein Minimum reduzieren.

36. Over 1000 Body bags Being Produced Daily Across the Country AKA: bodybags disaster bags disaster pouches cadaver bags human remains pouches Emergency response organizations, Medical Examiner offices, hospitals, and morgues across the country are quickly depleting stocks of standard and heavy duty Body bags

37. Recognising, however, that climate change and energy security related issues are very closely interlinked, we expect the Summit to convey a significant commitment to accelerating a shift away from a pattern of economic activity based on depleting and finite reserves of fossil fuels through the promotion of renewable and clean sources of energy.

38. Introducing the item, the Co-Chair drew attention to document UNEP/OzL.Pro.WG.1/35/2, which contained information on emissions and atmospheric abundances of HFCs from the 2014 Assessment by the Scientific Assessment Panel, and on HFC production and consumption from the report of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel on alternatives to ozone-depleting substances, issued in October 2014.