Nghĩa của từ decimal point bằng Tiếng Đức

decimal point [desimlpɔint] Dezimalkomma

Đặt câu có từ "decimal point"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "decimal point", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ decimal point, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ decimal point trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Decimal point


2. Decimal Point Number

3. The decimal point is right over here.

4. So we're going to move the decimal point.

5. We have two numbers behind the decimal point.

6. Decimals in numeric fields are indicated with a decimal point (“.”).

7. Total sterol composition must be expressed without any decimal point.

Die Sterinzusammensetzung ist ohne Dezimalstelle anzugeben.

8. And we just drop down that decimal point, and we're done.

Jetzt übernehmen wir noch den Dezimalpunkt von oben, und wir sind fertig.

9. So we need one, two, three digits behind the decimal point.

10. The volume must be determined in litres to one decimal point.

Die Menge ist in Liter bis auf die erste Dezimalstelle festzulegen.

11. So I added a leading zero and then put the decimal point.

12. It shall be rounded up to one figure after the decimal point.

Juli des jeweiligen Kalenderjahres bis zum 30.

13. And let's add some trailing 0's for the decimal point here.

14. Well how many decimal, places behind the decimal point do I have?

15. Now, we just have to count the numbers behind the decimal point.

16. We have two numbers behind the decimal point, so you count one, two.

17. Decimal Precision sets the number of digits after the decimal point for metric values.

18. (3) LT, LG: must be specified as decimal figure, 3 figures after the decimal point.

(3) LT, LG: als Dezimalzahl mit 3 Stellen hinter dem Komma anzugeben.

19. The result shall be rounded to three places to the right of the decimal point.

Das Ergebnis ist auf drei Dezimalstellen zu runden.

20. (1) LT, LG: must be specified as decimal figure, 3 figures after the decimal point.

(1) LT, LG: als Dezimalzahl mit 3 Stellen hinter dem Komma anzugeben.

21. You just have a 1 there, and you have one number behind the decimal point.

22. Site length is entered in kilometres, accurate to three places past the decimal point (metres).

23. (7) LT, LG: must be specified as decimal figure, 3 figures after the decimal point.

(7) LT, LG: als Dezimalzahl mit 3 Stellen hinter dem Komma anzugeben.

24. The precision specifier stands for the number of digits after the decimal point since PHP 5.2.1.

Die Genauigkeitsangabe steht seit PHP 5.2.1 für die Anzahl der Dezimalstellen.

25. The Lord said in effect, “Take out the decimal point and move it over one place.”

26. Today's barometers read the station pressure accurately to the second decimal point; for example, 101.25 kPa.

27. Where the dimension is a whole number, neither the decimal point nor a zero is shown.

28. Show the total amount of all GST in dollars and cents separated by a decimal point.

29. It's not a decimal point -- actually, let me erase it so it doesn't confuse you even more.

30. We've done the addition, and now we just have to figure out where to put the decimal point.

Die Addition ist beendet, wir müssen nur noch den Dezimalpunkt an die richtige Stelle setzen.

31. And you know whenever you multiply decimals, you add up the number of spots behind the decimal point.

32. (a) if the figure following the decimal point is between 0 and 4, the total is rounded down;

a) Liegt der Wert der ersten Dezimalstelle zwischen 0 und 4, wird abgerundet;

33. And then we have 1, 2, 3 numbers behind the decimal point, and that'd be the right answer.

34. For this person to be less ambiguous they would want to put a decimal point right over there.

Die Person, die weniger zweideutig sein will, würde einen Dezimalpunkt( wie gesagt bei uns wäre es wahrscheinlich ein Komma ) dahin machen.

35. English English; in a collective manner; Communally, as a group: collectively: $100 note, being 100 in number, county subdivision, group of 100, large number, number 100, number third from decimal point, numbers 100 to 999, position third from decimal point, years of a century

36. Since metric is a decimal system, on paper you can make quick calculations merely by moving the decimal point.

37. And so I decided to write my own rap song called the " Itty- Bitty Dot " about the decimal point.

38. But what we did here is we moved the decimal point three places to the left in this situation.

39. In mathematics, the decimal point (.) is used to separate the whole part of a number from the fractional part.

40. Calculate the dry matter of the sample (solid percentage) and note P, expressed as a percentage accurate to # decimal point

Den Trockenextrakt der Stichprobe (Festanteil) berechnen und als Wert P auf ein Zehntelprozent genau registrieren

41. Bias ply to Radial Tire Conversion Chart (NOTE: On the 83 Bias ply, there is sometimes a decimal point, i.e

42. Calculate the dry matter of the sample (solid percentage) and note P, expressed as a percentage accurate to 1 decimal point.

Den Trockenextrakt der Stichprobe (Festanteil) berechnen und als Wert P auf ein Zehntelprozent genau registrieren.

43. In here, 10 to the minus 3, you only have two 0's, but you have three places behind the decimal point.

44. A comma can be used instead of a decimal point when entering numeric values for coordinates, dimensions, angles and scaling factors through dialogs.

Bei der Eingabe von Koordinaten, Dimensionen, Winkeln und Skalierungsfaktoren in Dialogboxen kann nun wahlweise auch ein Komma anstatt eines Punktes zur Separierung der Nachkommastellen eingegeben werden. Dadurch ist es möglich Koordinaten usw. vollständig über den Ziffernblock der Tastatur einzugeben.

45. Since 100 Centimeters equals 1 meter, the conversion is completed by moving the decimal point in the number of Centimeters two places to the left

46. If the site has a zonation the relative area in each zone is also entered in hectares, accurate to two places past the decimal point.

47. It is not reflective of our reality — and the reality is seven figures, the kind that come with two Commas, and all that before the decimal point

48. Make sure that your values for latitude and longitude each include at least 6 digits after the decimal point, so your business is placed accurately on the map.

Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Werte für Breiten- und Längengrad mindestens sechs Nachkommastellen haben, damit Ihr Unternehmen genau auf der Karte positioniert werden kann.

49. Similar HDI values in the current list do not lead to ranking ties, since the HDI rank is actually determined using HDI values to the sixth decimal point.